"So, do you know all about this?"


"But you didn't think why you knew it all so easily?"

"I got it."

"So, you should also think that all this is impossible to stop, you must join us, join the ... transpiration team."

"Do not."


The conversation between Lynn and this creature is always ongoing and always revolves around what has happened recently.

As usual, this is the most... the devout group of creatures is always praising their vagrants. Lynn believes that it is very clear. It thinks that other things of great things don’t necessarily feel great, and they may feel very strange.

But it has been praising the vagrants and trying to get Lynn to join its great team.

Lynn decided to understand everything about them... like knowing anything in the void.

For now, let's end the situation at hand.

The crystal world that shines with light continues to release the barrage, and numerous bullets flickering to the star bus, each time more and more dazzling than before.

Therefore, the stellar bus disappeared.

After the huge figure disappeared, the world of pompoms behind the bus appeared in front of countless barrage. These barrages hit a streamer like a meteor. The creatures on the ground fled, but one creature did not escape. .

This creature... is also Lin.

Huge objects appeared in the northern continent and the surrounding seas. They rushed out of the sea, smashed the surface, flew toward the void, and slammed into the curtain of the mirror world.

A beautiful meteor blasted all over the sky, and no one fell on the ground.

At the same time, the star bus figure flashed again, this time it is no longer in front of the pompoms, but in the rear of the mirror world...

Although a ball usually does not distinguish between front and rear, but this time is divided ... feel better.

The distance between the two is only a thousand kilometers, and the stellar bus's creatures can almost clearly see the land on the opposite side, as well as the scene of the land collapse on the land.

Generally speaking, the proximity of two such huge objects will definitely lead to a real catastrophe, but since this is a stellar bus, there is no such problem.

Moreover, you can do something else.

The stellar bus began moving forward, and although it seemed that nothing was pushing it, it was indeed moving forward.

The same is true in the mirror world behind the stellar bus. It follows the bus, like an attracted magnet, following the trajectory of the bus, moving slowly together.

Slowness is only the beginning. As time passes, the speed of movement becomes faster and faster, and the mirror world does not have any way to escape this attraction.

The only thing it can do is to throw countless barricades at the same time on the stellar bus and the pompoms, and intend to end it all with destruction.

However, these barrages were stopped because they were farther away from the pompoms, so Lin also had more time to defend. As for the barrage that hit the stellar bus, most of them hit exactly.

But this is no use, the surface of the stellar bus is not once smashed into scorched earth.

And it was a lot stronger than when it was bombed last time... and the firepower of the mirror world was not so fierce.

This is not the effect of it as a 'weapon', but some other role.

Probably... As a tool, the purpose of the mirror world itself has been modified to use it as a 'building tool', perhaps because the transpire will pay attention to it.

The use of the weapon as a party is mainly initiated by those twisting devices, but because the current twisting devices are not patched together and incomplete, there is no way to launch them.

In addition to their misplaced positions, there are some parts...not sent from the muddy world, they were scheduled to arrive recently.

But it didn't arrive. Lin felt that maybe the tranpers didn't want to wait any longer, or they didn't want to get the complete parts at the beginning, so let them attack the pompoms.

But because of this, they are not able to fight the pompom, just use it as a tool, it can not hurt the star bus.

Speaking of it, even as a weapon, Lin is not sure that it will hurt the stellar bus, because Lynn feels that it may not be a devastating weapon, but something like a twisting device that affects thoughts.

Of course, the specific effect is how, Lin does not know...

The transpirations want to transform the world of pompoms into mirrors, finish these on the pompons, then transpire the pompons... and finally create exactly the same one in the 'great project'.

Their plans are probably like this, and Lin’s plan is...

It is already far away.

The stellar bus continues to move forward, and you can see that the pompom is getting farther and farther away from here. Although the mirror world is still throwing a barrage to it, it has no meaning. This distance can throw more curtains to stop it. Unless it is using a light attack.

But... it does not have such a weapon.

It only has the kind of crystallized cannons, and the things used for construction are now used as weapons, and the effect is not destined to be good.

Then, dragging to this position is almost the same.

The stellar bus stopped and the figure disappeared instantly. When it reappeared, it was next to the mirror world.

Because this is a fairly close distance transfer, the bus can be transported multiple times, only twice in extreme distance.

The movement of the mirror world did not stop. It flew by the stellar bus and slowly flew away.

As long as it is farther away, its power to the pompom is smaller, and it is impossible to move autonomously unless it is transmitted again.

But it can't be sent back to the position of the pompon.

The tranfer should be what was done before the transfer to the origin, so the origin will arrive in the trap on the second transmission, but there is obviously no way to move the trap here.

So the mirror world can only be drifting farther and farther, and it might hit something, such as... the gravel pile behind it, or the more... the star.

Lin wants to see what happens when a tumbling person falls into the star. Although Lynn has simulated a similar scene and has calculated many such cases, it has not actually been seen.

Of course, there are still a lot of things to study, so I won't actually destroy it, so now...

Just watch it slowly float here, it should be nothing, the pioneers can drill inside and drill slowly.

However, it is also possible to do something... counterattack. (To be continued.)

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