4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 153: After sunny days

Now is the day when the sun shines, the bright sun shines on the twisted jungle, the dark clouds and the storm have already dispersed, and the huge islands floating in the air are spreading the screams of crickets. It seems that nothing has happened before.

But the traces of the earth prove that all this is indelible. On the ground, a trace extends from the desert to the twisted jungle, and then spreads to the peak. It is like a huge canyon filled with Sea water and various objects floating.

The entire 'gorge' is more than ten kilometers wide, and a tree that has not fallen down in the collapse stands on the water surface of the canyon. A lot of flying creatures fly around these giant trees. The rainbow after the storm is also between the branches. It seems to prove the 'rebirth after destruction' in general.

It really formed a new environment.

In the end, the sea did not flood the jungle, and the collapsed underground world formed a new environment.

There was no destruction from the beginning, only a new beginning.

Nowadays, many creatures have begun to adapt to this new environment. Some creatures with more dangerous thoughts have jumped into the sea of ​​the canyon to get a lot of food floating on the water, and some creatures that survived the collapse are also warm in the sun. Jump into the water and try to climb up to the edge of the cliff to climb up.

Although the water surface is quite high from the top of the canyon, they have found hope.

Behemoth slowly flew in this huge canyon, watching the various creatures in the water, and Lynn felt a wonderful feeling in his thoughts.

Life is really interesting.

At the same time, the squid airboat of the brain worm is also behind the Behemoth, because the brain worm can't wait to roll in the water.

The brain worm added a lot of stones as heavy weight to the airship. These stones are all collected by the infantry to the other floating islands. Then use the soft rubber to pull the airship. Later, Lin also collected some of it. Under the precise calculation, this large number of stones can make the airship slowly sink from the air, but it will float on the water because the brainworms put the entrance and exit of the airboat at the bottom. They are all blocked and will not enter the water.

It is so hard to get so many things, for only one purpose - diving.

The worms rolled over the airship, and when it rolled over the edge of the airship, it suddenly called: "Tumble. Water."

Then a bang slammed into the water from the airship.

The back of the airship is several tens of meters from the surface of the water. If the posture of entering the water is not correct, it may cause the whole body to smash. If the posture is correct, it can be very high. The brainworm itself is very light, and it understands this.

"Hey tumbling, smashing bubbles." The brain worm sang a cheerful song while rolling in the water. Although it was not cheerful from the song, its emotions were indeed very cheerful.

After the rain has passed. Rolling in the sea is indeed a very happy thing, and Lynn feels that it is interesting to see it roll. Also need to pay attention to the hunting creatures next to it. It seems that there are no large predators nearby. After all, the Rift Valley has just appeared, and there are not many creatures to prey, but it is hard to say in the water.

But the brain worm didn't seem to feel any danger at all. After rolling for a while, it dive down. At this time, Lin also found some small creatures in the water approaching it.

That is... ancient 鱿? It seems that they are still a lot.

All of these ancient scorpions grabbed a sharp piece of wood, and they rushed toward the front of the thorns and rushed to the head of the brain tumbling in the water! Although the brain worm has noticed it, its tumbling action is far from ancient.

Lin did not move.

However, before the ancient cockroaches had to be tied to the brain worms, they all suddenly stopped, and painfully used the tentacles to hug the body and escape to the depths.

This is recently discovered, and the brain worm actually has a certain defense ability.

Its brain signal can be used not only to command troops, but also to attack. Brain worms can concentrate these signals on the brains of other creatures, causing problems such as conduction errors, but the most common It is felt that the head is extremely painful and sometimes even causes madness.

This method is not the same as reading the memory. This is not the only time that Lin found that the brain worm can be like this. The brain worm seems to be the first to find that he has this ability.

Brain worms usually have no effect on large creatures, so Lynn only needs to pay attention to large creatures, and it has no effect on creatures without brains. It usually only has a short-term interference effect on divisional creatures.

In short, such a brain worm can play with peace of mind.

"Oh, don't run away."

The brain worms roll in the water, chasing the ancient cockroaches, because they are disturbed by the speed of the tour is very slow, the brain worm easily catch up with the slowest one.

"Oh, catch up."

The sac of the brain worm does not enter the water, but it deliberately imitates the sound of the creature's water. It seems very interesting. The brain worm leans on the slowest scorpion of the tour. Lin finds it seems I intend to release the brain signal with all my strength.

This is also playing, and discovering new abilities makes it very exciting.

'Snapped! ’

Lin felt a small voice, and the old man suddenly fell into the deep water if he died...

The brain worm seems to want to chase down, but in the face of the dark deep water, it still gives up and swims back to the surface of the water, continuing to roll and play on the water.

Through sound detection, Lin continued to track down the ancient shackles. Lin found that the ancient scorpions had been surrounded by the ancient cockroaches who had been killed by the brainworms. They were constantly waving their tentacles as if they wanted to express something.

Finally, they seized each of the tentacles of the dead ancient scorpion and slid them in different directions to pull them apart.

What is this strange action? The whole body of the pulled ancient cockroach burst open. Next, I saw that they took a saclike organ that exploded in the body of the ancient cockroach and then swam far away.

They only blasted it in order to get the organ? The organ seems to be used to pretend eggs. After the spawning, the ancient cockroaches will temporarily put the eggs in which position, what do they do with that?

Lin intends to follow them, and Lin lets the detectives quickly chase in the direction of these ancient ancestors.

On the water, the brain worm stunned a lot of small creatures close to it with this new attack. Although it seems to be very playful, it seems to be very physically exhausted, and it quickly becomes tired and then makes its own infantry. Use elastic glue to pull it back onto the airship.

But just as it was halfway through, Lin suddenly felt a strong sense of vibration. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Nanhao Tianlong ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ Tong Yungui~'s monthly ticket~

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