4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1297: Then three

"Hey! Hurry up and put those waters on!"

Under a hot sky, the anomaly is still spreading in this world...

This is also doomed, the busyness of these green creatures.

The Jade Dragons set up a team called the 'Crystal Exclusion Team', which works continuously around the city, and the job content is to get rid of the crystals that grow on the ground.

Break them and sprinkle liquids with a lot of fungi on the crystal fragments to prevent them from growing again.

Although this stopped the growth of crystals around the city, it did not prevent other areas from growing more crystallized...

A small pompom is flying slowly in the air.

It can be seen that the plains below are full of jade dragons, they are moving quickly, crushing any shiny things around.

However, if you fly a little further, you will soon see these jade dragons... but you can still see a lot of crystals standing on the ground.

They are extremely numerous and quite dense...just like the rows of rows of spikes coming out of the ground, the growth of these creatures is really very fast.

Although they are still a little worse than the fungus, they are really difficult to stop. There are many... small creatures, such as the jade, which are trapped in the crystallized spikes.

The bacteria that infect the organisms don’t know why it’s rare. They seem to be infected only around the city of Emerald Dragon, so most of the creatures are not going crazy... but the crystallization of this ground has hindered their actions. .

Lynn decided to find a better way to remove these crystals. This method is... use the same method as the original, for this... Lin puts his eyes on that world.

That is... the 'world of the world' of the beginning.

The beginning of the world created a very interesting system in the world of the table, you can put all kinds of things, such as the wreckage and corpse, in the world, so that the world is always clean, and the world is ruined.

So it is difficult for the creatures in the world to store nutrients outside the body, which makes them difficult to live... and Lynn decided to use the system.

Although the transmission technology of the origin is only a fixed point transmission, they have a lot of ... in this kind of work. The more powerful one is the resolving power.

The beginning of the situation can be clearly divided when transferring things, what should be abandoned in the world, what should be left behind, and finally the same when the mirror world escaped.

When they escaped, they almost ruled out anything that was not related to them or the enemy, such as the Inca group, and no one was sent together.

This powerful elimination technique... is worth learning.

Therefore, Lynn also put some in the world of the table...blazers, they are now in the world of the table, and found something under the ground.

These things are the conveyors of the origin, and the Inca swarms were found here, but they were not found.

Everything is placed in the world around the world for transmission, in order to ensure that everything in the world of the watch is kept...clean.

The world of the watch is also a crystalline world, which means that it has also been infected by the 'creative ten bacteria', but it has only crystallized it here, and there is no other special transformation.

Lin quickly transported the conveyors found in the watch world back to the pompoms and then studied them a little.

These devices look like giant discs, and the beginnings seem to like this shape, and more importantly, they recognize quite subtle things.

And send those subtle things...

Lin can let it identify the crystal bacteria on the pompons and throw them all in one place, but where should they be thrown?

Generally speaking, they can't live in the void, but there may be some that will survive, so Lynn decided to make something that can hold them, or it can be said to be a prison, and then throw those crystals into it.

Or throw them into the stars, but Lynn feels they can study them, so put them in a place where they can be observed.

Think of it, just start doing it.

Although Lin believes that crystal bacteria are only the beginning, the plans of the tranfers should continue... but in the end, no matter what happens, it is all right to stop them.

......... In this way, it has been a while...

"Those crystals... disappeared?"

Emerald Dragon's crystallization clearing team has been working hard all the time, and at some point... when they came from the town to the wild, they found the crystals outside... all gone.

Only some of the crystal fragments left on the ground can prove that those crystals were still...

"What happened in the end..." An emerald dragon smashed a piece of crystal on the ground: "There were so many before."

"The incredible things have been happening all the time." Another Jade Dragon said: "But... the Master of Blood Mist knows what they are, it will guide us!"


"Yes, I will guide you."

In a building in the city of Emerald Dragon, the Master of Blood Mist is sitting next to a table, while surrounding this table, there are a large number of emerald dragons, as well as the contemporary king.

"Oh... what the **** is going on?" Wang and the dragons in the room looked forward to the blood fog: "War in the end... What happened? Have we won? Why are those crystals coming out so suddenly?" More, suddenly disappeared?"

"Yes, we won." The blood fog looked at the look of expectation and said: "But the explanation is too much trouble, so I will not explain it."

When he finished, it turned and ran out to the door, and slammed the door.

"Ah! Wait! Master of Blood Mist!"

Without paying attention to the sound behind him, the blood fog ran quickly in the corridor.

Indeed, it is quite troublesome to explain this kind of thing... But the blood fog knows that the technology of the beginning is brought here, so the problem of crystal bacteria is solved.

But it is said that as long as the crystal bacteria are solved, the transpiration will proceed to the next step, so the blood fog is very worried...

‘Hey! The blood fog pushed open the door of the exit and went outside the street. The blood fog looked up at the sky.

"So there is an abnormality again soon..."

The original blue sky, now showing a pink color, this wonderful scene has also caused a lot of jade dragons to watch, this is very new for many jade dragons... but familiar with the blood fog.

Because, at the beginning of the time, both the world of the world and the sky seen in the mirror world are all pink, and it is not clear from where the luster comes from.

Originally, it was thought that it might be because of the crystallization of the ground, but it also appeared here, that is, it is not off the ground.

"Master of Blood Fog... This is!"

The king and a group of emerald dragons that followed in the back also saw the scene of the sky, and they also screamed together.

"Maybe there will be new changes!" The blood fog said: "Quickly let the troops get ready, we must strictly guard!"

"Oh... I know!"

... The army of Jade Dragon has acted.

The king assigned them to the towns and towns, and distributed them to the places where they felt the pinkest, where they built various defensive items such as defensive towers.

This kind of behavior made the Jade Dragon into a rather tense state, but nothing happened.

Although the sky has changed in color, the sun is still so hot, the light on the ground has not changed, and plants and animals have grown as usual.

After a few days and nights, the army slowly became slack, and they felt that the sky did not have much problem.

But just when they think so...

"Hey, it’s really boring to stare at the sky all the time. Let’s tell a story." On a tower, a guard said to his companions.

"Yeah, what good story do you have... Oh!"

The second guard screamed, and he touched the back of his head: "There is something to swear at me!"

"Hey?" The first guard looked up into the sky and saw a lot of bright spots appearing in a pink sky, and was approaching quickly.

"This... This is... Crystallization!" The guard suddenly yelled: "The crystal rain is coming! Hurry up... No, hurry to avoid, hurry to avoid!"

When its voice rang on the tower, the residents on the street had already fled in horror, countless shiny crystal blocks slammed toward the ground, and the ground screamed in a row, and they were smashed. The scream of the dragon...

The jade dragons quickly ran back to the closed window in the house. Fortunately, their houses were almost all stone, and the crystal rain would not break through them, only causing continuous sounds.

"The enemy is coming!"

Most residents thought it was a rainy weather, but the soldiers in the tower were extremely nervous. They hurriedly ran downstairs and contacted the local commander.

"Oh! I know, hurry up all the weapon systems and bombard the sky!"

The local commander immediately issued the order, and a large number of rifles were raised under the ground in the towns. They aimed at the sky, facing the pink clouds with crystal rain...

'boom! ’

The radiance of the explosion is matched with pink clouds, which makes the sky a gorgeous color.

After these explosions, the crystallized raindrops did become less and they seemed to be blown up.

But at this time, there is another phenomenon.

That is, the cloud that was originally raining suddenly fell along with the crystal rain.

These clouds... all crystallized.

They are much larger than the small crystals like raindrops... many times and many times, the resulting noise is even bigger.

Moreover, it is not the phenomenon of Jade Dragon here. (To be continued.)

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