4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1300: Bus night

"Night, it’s black."

"The wind is also high."

"You are here too."

"Are you talking about me? Do you want to know how terrible I am? Come on."

The brilliance of the stars is constantly shining, but they cannot illuminate the rustling woods blown by the cold wind.

In the woods, a creature with a big sword is looking at a creature with many legs, a fat body and a huge mouth.

"I have been in this world for a long time." The multi-legged creature said: "But there is no treasure here, you know? There is no treasure! So you all have to die!"

With a roar, the multi-legged creature rushed toward the big sword, and the big sword flashed a stern color in the eyes of the sword. He looked up and saw a **** mouth rushing to his eyes.

Then the head of the big sword was bitten off.

This is mainly because its eyes are shining, so the other side is provided with illumination, so that the other person aims at its head bite, and the multi-legged creature that eats the head leaves with satisfaction. It does not notice that there is another possibility among the trees that is also worthwhile. The target of biting.

"I really can't get along with them."

A golden creature, looking at the scenery in the bush: "They are all too belligerent, and they are always attacking."

"No, it's not a good way to get along with you." Behind the golden creature, there is a scholar who is covered in metal. It says: "And are you not very good at the beginning?"

"We don't fight well." The golden beginnings said: "We just rule out any threatening targets but the residents here, they all fight for the war, and what is the multi-legged creature just now? You don't have them in the information. Do we still have to bear the unknown danger?"

"The residents here are like this. They have to work hard to become stronger." The scholar said: "So they often try to challenge some powerful goals to train themselves. As for the multi-legged creature, it is really dangerous. See Go ahead and get away."

"We still discuss the topic just now. How much do you know about the transformation of your world?" the scholar asked.

"We don't know a lot." The beginning of the world said: "Our commander is managing these things. It also controls a lot of transformations, but it also starts these parts and destroys our world."

"Yes, have you recorded it?" The scholar continued to ask "a civilization of a creature called the helm, this creature is like this."

The scholar raised his hand and showed a stereoscopic image in his palm. The image showed a slender, asymmetrical limb creature, much like a worm called a stick insect.

"The record seems to be, the search is being carried out" After more than ten seconds, the beginning of the situation said: "There is no reservation, only some past history, they are a relatively low-level creature, living under the Jingshan Mountain"

The beginning tells the scholars the history of some helmsmen.

According to the beginning, the helm is a group of burrowing creatures. They live in dark caves and make simple tools. The organization has a small amount of records on them, but they have not cared about this creature. I don't know how this creature disappears.

"It seems that you don't know what useful information" the scholar said after listening: "The question is here."

“Why do you want to know this?” The beginning asked with a puzzled mood: “What are you studying for?”

"Of course, in order to solve some problems," the scholar said: "When I say this, I also want to know what is the purpose of the organization you set up for the beginning? For what information is collected for all civilizations?"

The scholar said: "If it is for development, there is a better and simpler way."

“There is no easy way.” The beginning of the situation said: “There will be no one, we must work hard.”

"What does it mean?"


The chat between the beginning and the scholars ended, and although the beginning of the story to the scholars made the scholars feel a little strange, but it did not continue to ask.

And the work of scholars is over. The beginnings are now able to get along with the local creatures fairly peacefully. Although these creatures like exercise madness occasionally attack the origins at the beginning, at least the beginning of the world can be done casually. Attack them.

After doing the task of getting along the two sides, the scholars began to do a new round of tasks, this task is

"Now, I have a plan to announce."

The scholar's voice and figure attracted a lot of attention in a flash, because the location where it stood was a place called Wangcheng.

The most inhabitants gathered here, and they had a doubtful expression at the moment they saw the scholar, but none of them felt strange.

Because scholars look like them now, they have only four limbs, and their appearance is similar, because scholars have another special mechanical body.

Although it is a little uncomfortable for scholars to control this body, it is only necessary to complete this speech.

"The boundary of the alien space is about to open!" The scholar shouted in the square of Wangcheng: "Soon, we will see the change of the heavens and the earth again. At that time, we can go to the other end of the boundary line to explore. There may be countless treasures there, but there may be countless dangers!"

"What? The boundary line? Is this true? I am looking forward to these exciting things!"

There are more and more creatures gathered in the words, but they do not doubt the words of scholars, but they all have some expectation.

This is mainly because the appearance of scholars is the same as that of a big prophet here.

"Yes, at that time, the door of the realm will open here! You can start from here and start a new exploration! Then, I wish you good luck here, this is everyone who is getting stronger and more open." The chance of a bottleneck!"

After that, the scholars walked away, leaving behind a group of boiling creatures.

"I always feel that the words are too shameful. Why did it create such a group of creatures that came out of entertainment?"

In a hidden place, the scholar changed back to the original body and stretched the body slightly: "And let them explore the abandoned project site. Do these creatures really find something?"

"Do you want to go too?" Suddenly, the scholar’s ​​head rang a voice: "You can also go there and see what you might find."

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