4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1307: Once recorded

"Ah, ah, ah, ah"

Screams, roars, explosions, and they are constantly emerging in a city. On the streets, many residents are running away.

Their faces are full of fear, because they can die anywhere, anytime.

The broken pieces of the building are flattened, the waves that are exploding shatter the internal organs, or are hit by stray bullets, and are burnt by high temperatures. In the face of various situations, the only thing they can rely on is the troops nearby.

Large and small chariots parked in the streets, and the artillery that they stretched out was constantly shooting against the sky, and their bodies acted as bunkers to help the escaping residents resist the enemy's artillery.

The enemy's artillery fires are constantly falling from the sky. Some are only small metal bombs, unable to penetrate the armor of the chariot, and some are powerful and difficult to react. It is invisible and can instantly destroy the chariots and the residents in the surrounding area. Smash, and still... I don’t see what it is, it’s like the chariot and the residents themselves are broken.

This war has continued... no end.

Because it is not finished.

"... Is this the record here?"

Here is a space like a basement. The ground is full of pipes made of metal. When the scholars explored the city, they accidentally entered a building and found the basement.

Then it came to the basement and found the image. The image was played on the wall. The scholar felt that he might have encountered some automatic sensing position, so when it came to the basement, the wall released the image.

The content of the image... is just the war. The explosions of large and small in the image continue, and a large number of chariots continue to face the enemy in the sky on the street.

However, the angle of view in the image does not see what the enemy of the sky is. It can only see that the ground is constantly bombarded, and the image stops after it has not been played.

But scholars have figured out that the residents in this city are indeed... dust crocodile.

It is exactly the same as the mirror world, but the body color is different, and there are two kinds, one is the ordinary dust crocodile, and the other is the mechanical dust crocodile.

Whether they are ordinary or mechanical, they seem to be like ordinary residents, because they are all mixed together in horror.

The image clearly shows what kind of war the chariots on the ground have experienced, but the scholars still have a question as to whether this war has happened here.

Or did the transcripts make the appearance of the battlefield here?

Scholars hold these questions and continue to explore here...

The most special place in this basement is the wall that is actually the screen, then the pipes on the ground... The pipe doesn't know what to do, but it's useless now...so the scholar decided to try to investigate from the wall. Have a look.


Just as the scholar was preparing for action, it suddenly heard a... sound.

This sound comes from the scholar's detection device, which detects that something is nearby, and that this thing is at the entrance to the basement.

The scholar felt that it should hide in the subconscious, so it quickly activated the hidden function of the body and hid it in the corner of the basement.

Then, the scholar saw that there was something familiar with it from the entrance.

The whole body is golden, and it floats in the air, which is obvious... it is a beginning.

Why is the beginning here?

Scholars know that there are brain-building and cultivation creatures that have been placed here for exploration, but have not heard that the beginnings are also being explored here.

So, this beginning should be... What should it be?

Why is it here, you have to look at it to reach a conclusion.

This beginning is a variant creature with no deformation, just like a group of amoeba, it has not become any creature. Scholars watched it float to the center of the basement. It did not find scholars.

At the moment it flew to the center, the wall on the side of the basement also lit up, playing the war that the scholars had seen before.

The beginning of the scene immediately floated under the wall, as if the scene of the war was watched very carefully there, and the scholars also noticed that the body was slowly changing its shape when the beginning was watching.

Its deformed body shape has various parts such as limbs, head, tail, etc. When the play is finished, the beginning has completely changed into the appearance of the dust crocodile.

Then, the starter stayed in place for about a hundred seconds, then floated out to the outside.

The scholar was very curious about this situation... so it quickly followed.

Followed the beginnings and walked out of the basement, left the building, and returned to the streets where the chariots were everywhere. The scenery here was exactly the same as before, but there was a little difference...

That is, here is the beginning of the world.

The golden figure floated on the streets full of war scars, and the scholars counted a few times. There are hundreds of starting places here.

They seem to be observing the scenes here, some gathered around the ruins of the building, some around the bombed bombs, and some drifted to the sky.

There is no cloud or the like in the sky here, let alone starlight or sunlight. If you look into the sky, you can only see the pure darkness.

But now, besides the darkness, you can still see a big shiny thing. This is an aircraft that starts from the beginning.

The aircraft is more than sixty meters long, and the crystal-covered body is gleaming. The area is bright and the large number of origins are in and out of the aircraft. This clearly shows that... the origin is flying from the outside. here.

"Attention please."

When I looked at the sky, the scholar suddenly heard a sound from the beginning, and the beginnings of the scattered surroundings all gathered in the beginning of the sound.

The scholars also came to the back of a chariot near the distance, while hiding and trying to observe the situation carefully.

The communication method usually used in the beginning is sound, so this is a good thing for scholars, so that it is easy to know what they are doing.

"Just a few moments I found the video of the war below." The beginning of this speech was the one that turned into a dust crocodile after watching the image in the basement.

It said to the surrounding origin: "This means that it is true. This is the reason we have always been. We must continue to act and find the place."

Nothing else was said at the beginning. After the beginning of the dust crocodile, they all spread out and returned to the state that was found everywhere.

Scholars are more concerned about their actions.

What does the original saying mean?

Because I want to figure it out, the scholar decided to continue to observe.

... at the same time, on the other side...

“It seems that this is a place to scroll.”

"It will be rolling here."

"No, I mean there are a lot of things in the world that can be rolled over."

"But there are also many that won't roll."

"No, they will roll."

"No, they won't."

"Do not……"

A mechanically constructed spider is crawling on the ground.

The spider's foot show is more than ten meters in diameter, so the cockpit inside can accommodate two... creatures.

After the two creatures came here, they began to argue about whether there was anything rolling here. At the same time, they also focused on a building in front of them.

In front of them, there are many small metal spiders one meter in size. These spiders are assembling many metal parts and other things and assembling them into a building.

But it hasn't been put together yet, so these two creatures are temporarily in the cockpit.

But this does not prevent them from discussing whether things here will roll over because they are standing on a cliff.

The cliff is as high as a few hundred meters. Looking down, you can see a misty fog. The area covered by this mist is quite wide and extends to the farthest point of their vision.

You can see that there are many things moving in this fog, they are all creatures here.

should be.

So every time you see one, the Maya and the instructor in the cockpit have to discuss it.

But what they care most about is a creature in the distance, one kilometer away.

This creature is very large and has a volume of more than two hundred meters. It floats on a large fog and is more like a floating black island than a creature.

But it is here...the native species, and there is the term 'storm carrier'.

Because this kind of creature is a native species, its food source is not local. When it wants to eat, it will fly into the sky, to another tumbling person nearby... the storm of the gaseous superstar absorbs the nutrient '.

Then return to this place for digestion.

During the digestion process, the storm carrier releases a large amount of fine particles, which are concentrated in this place, thus forming a scene of large fog.

This world is a satellite around the gaseous world. The ecology and the gaseous world on this satellite are closely related. It is like a storm carrier. It often flies to the gaseous world to collect nutrients and then puts the satellite. When the rest of the place flies back.

After learning about the satellite, Maya and the instructor decided to come here and plan to see fresh creatures and explore here.

Lynn feels that they will definitely see a lot of interesting things there.

In addition to Maya and the Master, the Inca worms are the same as some of the other velvet players. This galaxies have many, many creatures, and most of them...not cell biology.

But Lin is still concerned about things about transpiration. Although the impact of the transformation has disappeared, there are still many places to continue...excavation. (To be continued.)

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