4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1313: Awakened elite

These creatures... are given a heavy responsibility.

Save the whole family and destroy the heavy responsibility of the aggressor.

There are many things they need to do, it needs to accomplish a considerable mission, and finally become a hero of the whole family... or... look at the demise of the population.

They are ideals for saving the population, entering a long sleep, and constantly thinking in countless dreams... Is it destruction or salvation?

And when they woke up, they found that neither of them could be achieved.

The empty and dark cities are in front of their eyes, there are no enemy, no friendly, only wreckage and ruins.

They are wandering among the ruins, no matter how elite the characters are, they can only slowly starve and die...

Some dust crocodiles are not willing to fall into this kind of death. They want to live in various ways and think about how to find out what is going on.

Most of them have ... photography equipment, in fact, these devices are ready before they are 'paused', mainly to let them record the situation after they wake up, record the status of the suspended enemy, record How to save the population as an elite.

But now these photographic devices have become ... tools to record their chronic death.

The dust crocodile's endurance is very strong, and even if there is no food, they can support for a long time, which makes them extremely uncomfortable during this period.

And these portable photographic equipment also recorded how they spent their uncomfortable life, and scholars are now watching their diaries here.

In the room of the mechanical dust crocodile, the mechanical dust crocodile continued to play the recorded images one after another to the scholars. In these images, the scholars saw the scenes where the dust crocodiles lived hard in the ruins.

No, it’s not life, it’s just wandering around because they don’t find any food at all, but if you say... water, there are still some.

Scholars have found that it seems that the dust crocodile does not consume any physical strength when it is suspended and solidified. Therefore, when the dust crocodile wakes up, the fat stored in the body is very full.

This allows them to last for a long time, plus some buildings have water to be found, they can have a considerable amount of time to wander in this ruin.

However, scholars do not know how long the actual time is. After all, there is no accurate time statistics. Among the various images, these waking dust crocodile are wandering around the city.

They usually go to identify more important places, such as military bases, parliament buildings and the like, they first confirm the situation in those places.

But these places... nothing.

Scholars also find this very strange. These places have nothing at all... flesh and blood crocodile or complete mechanical dust crocodile, as if the whole place has been looted.

Then, these elite dust crocodile went to the depths of the ground to confirm the 'solidified bloom' situation.

However, the road leading to the underground was blocked. It seems that because of the war, a large number of gravel were sealed on the underground road.

Later, many dust crocodilees stayed in the city for the last time, and died one after another, but their videos were usually kept and found by other dust crocodiles.

Among the many images, scholars have noticed that there is a ... special dust crocodile.

This dust crocodile has a special idea, it tries to ... resurrect the mechanical dust crocodile.

Although there is no physical dust crocodile here, there are wreckage of mechanical dust crocodile everywhere. Although it is wreckage, there are still many remains of the wreckage.

The dust crocodile tried to fix them and wrote some repairs in the diary.

It found that each mechanical dust crocodile was in a complete 'down' state, even if the control core remained intact, and there was no way to 'wake up' them using the usual methods.

Therefore, the dust crocodile thought of a way, that is to use a special thing, that thing is what the scholar discovered... the golden square.

The golden square is a thing with a story. Simply put, this kind of thing was originally used to control mechanical dust crocodile. Mechanical dust crocodile and **** dust crocodile were not ‘equal’ at first.

They can be said to be a group of slaves... controlled by **** dust crocodile, and repeatedly do all kinds of work, until some time, this group of mechanical dust crocodile suddenly left the slave life, and made a flesh and blood The position of the crocodile is equal.

What happened specifically, the scholar is not clear, because the mechanical dust crocodile gave it a previous video, and the scholars learned a part.

After getting rid of it, the **** dust crocodile gave the mechanical dust crocodile a promise to destroy all the golden squares used to control them.

This box has the ability to allow the **** dust crocodile to completely command the mechanical dust crocodile. After all the destruction, the mechanical dust crocodile is free.

But... not all of them were destroyed.

A small amount of gold squares are also stored in a hidden place, strictly guarded, and there is no mechanical dust crocodile to know, in fact, the purpose of retaining these squares is very simple, that is, **** dust crocodile is still against mechanical dust crocodile.

This may be the reason why I woke up to the elite and only pick the flesh and blood but not the machinery. After all, everything is suspended... It is quite possible to find the golden squares that are still stored.

If it is a mechanical discovery, it may be very angry, and then pause to kill other **** crocodile.

In order to avoid this, they only choose flesh-and-blood crocodile as an awakening elite... but this is also the scholar's idea, after all, the reasons for the selection are not clearly stated.

Perhaps, knowing that this will happen after the suspension, they will definitely choose a mechanical dust crocodile at that time. After all, they do not need to eat.

As for the energy used in machinery, there seems to be a lot of things here.

Next, the dust crocodile in the recorded image went to the storage place of the square. This place is a large building, and the box is stored in a large place like a vault.

There are a total of ten golden squares placed there. This fine dust crocodile has the right to open directly. It takes a square from inside and then closes the place.

The dust crocodile walked to the outside street and used the golden squares to make the mechanical dust crocodile move.

And this action...but it didn't succeed. I don't know why, the square seems to have no effect.

Scholars have found that the way to operate the block seems to be to continually sharpen the surface of the block with your fingers. There is no special way to operate it, and there is no open box.

After no effect, the dust crocodile continued to try to start another machine. It was constantly experimenting on the street, but those seemingly complete mechanical dust crocodile could not move.

This dust crocodile does not seem to be an engineering expert. Although it knows to dismantle the dust crocodile to see the internal situation, it also does not understand how it looks. It only knows the general situation, that is, the dust crocodile... shut down.

As for the gold square, it didn't go apart.

However, on the way to find a bootable mechanical dust crocodile, it finally found... a mechanical dust crocodile that can be activated.

This mechanical dust crocodile is a mechanical dust crocodile that is now with scholars.

I don't know why it can only be started, and after starting it, this elite dust crocodile...

about to die.

In the end, it can only hand over its own photography equipment to the activated mechanical dust crocodile, let it complete the task instead of itself, and then it can not afford to fall.

The mechanical dust crocodile found it to start with a gold square, but it didn't have any idea, just took the box on the body, took the photographic equipment, and started the journey.

Its idea is the same as the elite dust crocodile, which is to save the entire population and find out the situation here.

Since it is mechanical and does not require eating, it should be able to do so.

For a long time, it was wandering on the streets and looking for solutions.

This mechanical dust crocodile is not an elite, it is just a 'civilian'.

So compared to other elites of quick action, it didn't know what to do, only to know how to wander around, and finally found nothing.

It just won't die because it can be used to find something that can be used from abandoned vehicles, or other mechanical dust crocodile wrecks... something like 'battery' that can be used as an energy source.

Later, it found its own home.

That is, the scholar is now and where it is.

This is like... The underground dormitory is originally home to a lot of mechanical dust crocodile, including it is also here, so use this as a base of action, it will get back when you find something useful outside.

Useful things generally refer to the video of other elite dust crocodile, which collected a lot during this period and brought all the videos back here.

At the same time, it also entered a number of more important buildings, found a lot of information in it, and then it made a ... record image.

That is what the scholars have seen before, there is a video about the collective decision of the dust crocodile to use the solidified bloom at the beginning of the war.

However, during this period, mechanical dust crocodile also encountered some problems. One of the problems was ‘shab’.

Sand bones are indeed made by dust crocodile, they were originally produced in a factory.

Of course, mechanical dust crocodile itself does not know the manufacturing principle of sand bone, just know that they are a product, it seems to be a kind of product for cleaning.

But at some point, the factory of the sand bone suddenly happened... the change, the sand bones there suddenly all moved and... ran out.

Then the sand bones are scattered in every building, and there is a habit of seeing that any moving things are close to them.

The original mechanical dust crocodile was also somewhat afraid of this kind of thing, but it has become accustomed to it now.

The bigger problem than the sand bone is that... the enemy who is waking up. (~^~)

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