
Along with the bursts of motion, a huge machine is moving.

Its shape is like a snake, which can make it move quickly in the underground passage.

And it was not long ago, the excavator assembled by scholars and mechanical dust crocodile in the assembly plant.

Although they found an elite escape route, they did not pursue it. Instead, they decided to complete the excavator quickly and then dig the tunnel.

Because... it's not easy to chase elites. It's located near a factory called 'sewage', where the environment is complex and there are many three-legged columns protecting it.

Therefore, scholars and mechanical dust crocodile decided to leave it alone, and it is the most important thing to open the passage. The mechanical dust crocodile also believes that it must reach the 'solidified bloom' one step earlier than the three-legged column and the traitor. The position of the switch is OK.

Now they have reached the blocked path.

The huge snake-shaped mechanical excavation method is very simple. It first opens the mouth, sticks out the tongue with the gripping function... and then pulls a stone out of the gravel pile and puts it in the mouth. Squeeze the smash of a bite, then swallow the pieces and discharge them from the back.

"...I feel a little..."

There is no cockpit, so scholars and mechanical dust crocodile are standing next to this big snake, which is more than 20 meters long, looking at the excavation process. This process is very similar... the snake eats the stones one by one.

It looks strange, and the efficiency of this mining seems to be... not ideal.

The mechanical dust crocodile has nothing special, as if it seems that this method of mining is very normal, so the scholar did not say anything.

They are waiting here... The excavator eats and smashes the stone pieces. This process is relatively long, so the scholars took a little time to check out the elite room.

The cans in the elite room are the objects that scholars care about. It finds that there are several... the three-legged meat.

However, most of the meat in the cans is not a three-legged column, but another kind of meat that is completely unrelated to the three-legged column. It is even placed inside...the seasoning.

What creatures are these flesh creatures? Is it also a living creature here?

... In addition to cans, there are **** and weapons that can play images, but there are no images recorded in the ball, and there is no way to use them. It is not damaged without ammunition.

It seems that this room is nothing special... What is this?

When the scholar was about to leave, it suddenly heard the sound of a very small ‘咔...’, and the scholar turned his head and saw that a weapon on the ground appeared strange.

The outer shell of the weapon... cracked.

The scholar walked over in confusion and smashed the weapon...

At the moment of picking up the weapon, the weapon was all over the place...

It was cast into the ground in the hands of scholars, and in the piles... Scholars saw a small ball.

This ball is only a few centimeters in size, but scholars have found that its style is exactly the same as those of the image that plays the image, which means it should be a small... playback device.

But why is it in the weapon, why is this weapon broken?

The scholars have checked this weapon before, but it was still good at the time, but now it is suddenly broken...

Maybe it just happened to happen? The scholars examined it and found that the weapon was indeed very fragile. The inside of the metal casing seemed to be smashed by the general, with many small holes in it.

It is these holes that cause the weapon itself to become very fragile. After the scholar touched it twice, it broke down...

Anyway, check this ball first.

The scholar climbed out of the elite room with the ball and found a mechanical dust crocodile in the process of monitoring and excavation. The mechanical dust crocodile said that the sphere is indeed a small...playing video device, and some images are recorded inside.

Therefore, scholars and mechanical dust crocodile took advantage of the time of excavation and looked at this image.

This is also an image of the diary, which records some of the elite things.

However, unlike other elite diaries that scholars have seen before, other elite images usually record their exploration throughout the city.

The image displayed in this image is only the scene where it stays in its own room. In the picture, the traitor is sharply curled up in the corner and keeps talking about some words.

These words... are about the three-legged column.


Just like the one that I said before the elite, the three-legged column encountered an elite at some time, and then used the canned meat as a reward, and always let the elite work for them.

Elitely recorded these tasks in the diary... and described the whole process in detail.

The first task was to make it a weird thing... tear off a few pieces of advertising paper from one building and take it to another building.

This task...is very weird, but the elite has done it for canning. After it finished, it did receive cans of three-legged columns.

Then from here, it keeps on doing the task... Each time the three legs of the task will give it some cans, the number and the difficulty are related, but in fact there is no difficulty, just the weight of the things carried are different.

From weapons to vehicles, there are some wrecks, and it has been carried. It has always wanted to figure out why the three-legged column is doing these tasks, but it has never been investigated.

I can only repeat the work in accordance with the order of the three-legged column until... sometime.

The three-legged column gave it a special task, that is... killing other elites, initially it was unwilling to do this kind of task, but without the task, there was no can, and finally, it was driven by hunger. This task.

In fact, the elite that it killed did not wake up. It was an elite that was scheduled to wake up in the near future, so it was quite easy to kill.

After completing the task, the three-legged column is not only canned, but also tells it some...things...about why you want to invade them.

The reason for this group of invaders has always been a mystery. According to scholars, they suddenly emerged to start attacking dust crocodile and nearby creatures.

The three-legged column is mentioned here, and the reason for their aggression is to end the role of the dust crocodile and the creatures here.

The development of dust crocodile, the history of dust crocodile, they are all clear, but the dust crocodile is no longer useful, so it is necessary to discard the dust crocodile like... garbage.

However, this place still has to be preserved, so they did not choose weapons of mass destruction. Instead, they killed the dust crocodile one by one with a single or small range of weapons to maximize the appearance of the place.

The three-legged column is so telling the elite.

Elite was extremely puzzled at these words. It was not clear what the three-legged column meant. It wanted to ask more of the three-legged column, but the three-legged column did not continue to explain, but gave it the next task.

The next task is to carry some historical information in a place like the 'library' and move it to another place.

In the course of this task, I remembered what I said before the three-legged column, so it paid attention to the history of the dust crocodile.

In fact, it hasn't learned much before, and he doesn't know much about the history of his own population.

Now... it understands.

The history of the dust crocodile... quite interesting.

Scholars think so when they see the description in the diary.

Unlike other creatures living on ordinary tumbling people, dust crocodile lives in this huge engineering pipeline when they have historical thoughts.

Their sky, there is no starlight, no sunshine, no day and night, but with stable temperature and air, the original dust crocodile lives in the huge, grotesque architectural ruins, they are shuttled through these ruins, capturing The small creature that also shuttles here.

Many living things like plants and fungi should have been radiant in the dark, illuminating the road in front of the dust crocodile.

This kind of life lasted for a long time. At that time, the dust crocodile used various methods to convey the history and knowledge of its own population. The more common one was... verbally conveyed.

That era can be said to be the 'primitive era'. Like many individual creatures, dust crocodile shows faith or fear to unknown things.

But they have also grown slowly. There have been wars and various things during the period, and finally the development has grown stronger...

From the initial dependence on wild bioluminescence, to their own light source, from hunting everywhere to feeding food, but the most important thing is...

They began to explore the surrounding places.

During the exploration period, they also encountered many other species, some of which were very good, and some of which were able to communicate peacefully.

Parts of these species have also grown up with dust crocodile and have become neighbors of dust crocodile.

Some species continue to plunder other creatures by force during the development process, and are finally defeated by the creatures.

Finally, a group of relatively powerful species lived in this world and formed a number of countries. It has been developed to the present. The time spent on this whole process is similar to the situation in the mirror world from the whole history. There are many The civilized creatures developed together, but there was no abnormality during the period, such as the emergence of an organization such as an initial organization.

There were quite a few initial wars, but they slowly balanced, leaving behind several powerful races, including dust crocodile, and each country established a state of non-aggression and maintained a long period of peace.

It seems that from this history it does not seem to be related to the invaders of the three-legged column.

However, when Jingrui received the next assassination mission, the three-legged column told it more things... (to be continued.)

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