4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1323: Cave survey


The huge...dust crocodile armor is moving.

After the mechanical dust crocodile started the porous stone-like remote control, the two armor on both sides of the road moved.

However, they did not... attacking scholars or mechanical dust crocodile, but walking down the gate with a heavy step, and then... the two mechs reached out and grabbed the bottom of the gate and forced it up.

"............" Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile were surprised to see this scene, the door slowly rose under the strength of the mech.

Scholars suddenly came up with this idea. Could it be said that this door cannot be raised directly, but that the armor should be lifted? The switch of the porous stone is to start the armor to lift.

It should be like this, although I don't know why it should be set this way, because the viewer did not see the opening of the door in the image before, so the scholar felt quite... amazed.

Now, the gate has been raised to a sufficient height by the mech, and the scholars and mechanical dust crocodile have also seen the contents of the door. Inside, it is a big... cave.

The ground is made of rock, and the wall is also like it has returned to the wild environment, but it is indeed the location where the solidification blooms. It was seen in the previous image, and its location is originally a cave-like environment.

After confirming that there was no problem here, scholars and mechanical dust crocodile climbed into the gate by an excavator.

After the excavator was completely passed, the mech dropped the door, and the door slammed shut, and the scholar and the mechanical dust crocodile were locked in the dark cave...

However, what they care about is not the door, but the scenery in front of them.

In front of them, there is a huge rock wall, and there are many prominent things on the rock wall. These things look like soft, white... mushrooms.

"what is this?

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile puzzledly looked at the rock wall and the mushroom-shaped object above it, which is different from what was shown in the previous image.

At the end of the war, a group of dust crocodile came to this underground cave to start a solid bloom, and in that image, solidification bloom is a very big thing, to be precise... looks like a soft... curtain .

And the size is equal to this rock wall.

Now scholars and mechanical dust crocodile do not see solidified blooms, just see the rock wall, and there are many things like mushrooms on the rock wall. Is that a creature?

"Move away, be stolen..." The mechanical dust crocodile suddenly said: "The three-legged column steals, sure, they are faster..."

The meaning of mechanical dust crocodile seems to be stealing the solid bloom in the expression of the three-legged column. It suddenly becomes excited and shouts: "Must...recover!"

Saying, the mechanical dust crocodile began to run wild, but after a few steps, it stopped again. It looked at the surrounding environment, as if the thoughts were full of hesitation.

Obviously, it... doesn't know where to go to find the solid bloom.

"Let's investigate here first." Scholars also looked around. Here is a sealed cave, unless there is a large hidden passage, otherwise the three-legged column must be transported away to solidify the big thing, only from The main entrance is in and out.

Or... use a method like transfer.

However, according to the previous war record, the three-legged invaders did not use the transmission when dealing with the dust crocodile.

Although this does not guarantee that they will not be used.

In short, look here to get the answer... The scholar continues to look around and see no crocodile creation here, as if it is a natural cave, but if you look carefully, you can see it at the top of the cave. There are weapons such as cannons in the rock.

Scholars are wondering if there is any surveillance camera here, because everything outside can be activated, so if there is a monitor, it may be possible to record the situation here.

At the same time, scholars are also very concerned about these things like mushrooms on the rock wall. They may be the second kind of wildlife found here except for rock shrimp.

The scholar came to a ‘mushroom’ that grew on the rock wall. It reached out and poked it, and at the moment the scholar’s ​​finger touched it, the scholar felt...

"How is this going?"

It seems that there is a huge force. The scholar's finger sticks to the 'mushroom', and no matter how hard the scholar pulls back, there is no way to pull the finger up.

Moreover, in the process of scholars' struggles, this 'mushroom' does not move as if it is a very hard thing.

I didn't expect that this thing with a length of only about ten centimeters would have such a weird effect. The scholar slammed it a few times, but found that this 'mushroom' still couldn't move. Its fingers were still stuck on it, so the scholar decided not to use it. Force, but...

"Strange?" The scholar just planned to do something else. The finger stuck to the mushroom suddenly loosened, as if the huge force sticking to the finger suddenly fell off.

With doubts, the scholar picked up a small stone from the ground and gently threw it at the mushroom. The small stone did not stick to the mushroom, but was directly bombed out.

Moreover, the scholar found that... when the stone hit the mushroom, the outer skin of the mushroom got stuck, which means that the mushroom is soft, but why did it just lick it and couldn't move the mushroom?

"This! This!" When the scholar studied the mushroom, the mechanical dust crocodile suddenly screamed. The scholar turned his head and saw that the mechanical dust crocodile was swinging the porous ball for remote control, only under its operation. The ground next to it slowly...opened.

Is there really a hidden channel here? The scholar quickly walked over and found that it was not a passage, but a thing that could be said to be a storage box.

At least scholars feel like a storage box. The hole is only one meter in size. It has a mechanical dust crocodile... and it is a miniature mechanical dust crocodile.

Scholars feel that this thing seems to be a match with a mini-study, because this mechanical dust crocodile is only a few centimeters in size, and under the watchful eyes of scholars and mechanical dust crocodile, it climbs out along the rock.

The mini dust crocodile looked at the two of them and said something like this: "Please reply to the code: ninety-nine."

Scholars questioned: "Codename?"

"The code name is wrong." The mini dust crocodile said: "There are two remaining opportunities."

"..." Although the scholar found that he suddenly understood more words, but he did not dare to speak, because this mini dust crocodile seems to use the code to trigger what it looks like.

"..." And the mechanical dust crocodile is also silent. Obviously it doesn't know what to say, but after a little hesitation, the mechanical dust crocodile said: "Nine and nine."

Nine thousand and ninety-nine scholars do not understand what it means, but the pronunciation is like this.

"The code name is wrong, it is forbidden to repeat the questioning code." The mini dust crocodile said: "There is only one error left."

At the moment when its voice fell, the sound of the top of the hole also sounded. The scholar looked up and found that the cannons at the top of the cave were all aligned here.

It seems to be wrong again... they will open fire.

"..." Therefore, they have been silent, whether it is a mechanical dust crocodile or a scholar, they dare not make a sound until the mini dust crocodile says: "Continuous non-response will be identified as an intruder, which will lead to aggressive behavior."

It seems that it will not work without answering.

Then just gamble and see...

Thinking, the scholar said aloud: "The sky is top."

“The code is judged... the answer is correct.” The mini dust crocodile said: “The data is in the state of being available for inquiry.”

“Why?” The mechanical dust crocodile was surprised to ask the scholar: “How do you know...”

"That is because of this..."

The scholar pointed to the mouth of the mini dust crocodile, where a small line of words was written. According to the pronunciation, the name "Slagoda" is the name of a dust crocodile. It means that the sky is topped. Dust crocodile.

This dust crocodile is a very... great character. It is very famous in the history of dust crocodile. The sentence it originally said is also regarded as a famous saying.

Later, there were also dust crocodiles in the name of it, created a ... company, also known as the name of Slagoda.

Therefore, scholars want to try to see if this sentence can be successful. In fact, scholars did not think that it would be successful. It originally wanted to be quickly defended after it was said.

But I didn't expect the dust crocodile to really take this famous saying... the code name.

Many of the behaviors of dust crocodile are very strange to scholars, such as the remote control that makes porous stone. In any case, it seems that I can ask some questions about this mini dust crocodile.

“What information can I find here?” The scholar asked the mini dust crocodile.

"Data retrieval: one thousand and two." The mini dust crocodile said: "In the order of inclusion, the first one: there is a construction site for the toilet, the second: the disaster area detection report of the ground-to-ground vibration, the third: Mysterious ingredients, the fourth: rock shrimp for the investigation of the range of biogas adaptation, the fifth: cracks, is this really possible? Sixth..."


Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile listened to the mini dust crocodile one by one, and the scholars found that the information seems to be all about... the information about the underground environment, but it is very mixed and not classified, like biological surveys. The ingredients of the ingredients are all mixed together.

However, when it was said that it was almost five hundred, scholars heard something about it.

It mentions the construction of underground bases, as well as information on the deployment of troops, weapons, etc. here, as well as a list of participants here.

Near the last few, the mini dust crocodile finally mentioned the information that scholars and mechanical dust crocodile most want to find...

"The ninth ninety-nine: there is a report on the growth and research of 'solidified bloom', the first thousand: solidified bloom, can be controlled or not control? One thousand and one: we have understood and controlled it. "(To be continued.)

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