"This world belongs to us!"

"This is not a world, it is a pipe. [Net [("

"What? This is not a pipe, it is a world like a pipe!"

“I felt something special there!”

"Then must go and see!"

The two creatures, which jumped high before a piece of boulder, were extremely fast because the gravitational force here was very small... small.

The reason why they run is because they have something, and that thing has a wonderful 'power', so it attracts them.

But for Lynn, it seems that that thing has been obstructing.

Lin... I am still observing the situation there. I have successfully delivered the complete linguistic materials to the scholars. Now I can hear all the dust crocodile languages.

Although...the linguistic materials have completely transmitted the past, there have been some new obstacles that are interfering with other things.

For example, the scholar's detection system, the detection system of the scholar is not completely running on it, and some detection functions will send the data back to ... here, and then analyze.

Just now, the part that was sent back encountered some interference, causing the scholar not to detect the hidden three-legged column near it.

Lynn has already produced the source of this interference, but the source of interference is far from the scholars, so other creatures need to go there... investigate.

As for scholars, it will continue its adventure...


"This is..."

Scholars are slowly advancing. At the foot of it is a rock-bound bridge that is more than three meters wide.

The bridge hangs in the air. If you look down, you can see that the ground under the bridge is also a white color. These white materials look very soft. Scholars think these are all composed of solidified mushrooms.

Here is the scene, a cave space with a width of more than 70 meters, and a height of more than 30 meters. The ground and walls of the entire cave are covered with white matter.

There are many bridges of rock hanging around the height of ten meters in the air. Scholars are now on a bridge and look at the white matter around them.

“Blood blooms, here is.” The mini dust crocodile, who walked in front of the scholars, turned back and said to the scholars: “They grow here, they are released here.”

“Here is the dust crocodile and other races made... the device that solidifies bloom?” The scholar looked around and said, “This is not the same as I thought...”

"This is the result of their efforts." The mini dust crocodile said: "This is... the hope of our race..."

The final solidification bloom device created by the dust crocodile and other races is not mechanical, but a rather large... solidified mushroom.

However, maybe it can't be called a mushroom now, but it's still a huge thing.

It occupies an underground environment that is hundreds of meters wide. Only a part of it can be seen. Researchers of dust crocodile and other species use some way to make a large number of coagulated mushrooms proliferate and finally form such a giant.

Then, using some method, they bloomed the ‘solidified position’ of this monster, thus suspending the entire war.

Although the name 'solidified bloom' usually refers to the solidified mushroom and the solidification position and all the related solidified things... a unified name.

But the name 'solidified bloom' also refers specifically to the huge object that the dust crocodile finally made.

Now, scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles are at the top of this 'solidified bloom', they come here because... there are quite important things to give to them.

The mini dust crocodile says so.

Scholars have already speculated, but it still asks: "What is it?"

"When you come here, it means that the opportunity to reverse will be born." The mini dust crocodile said: "You, judged and determined to be able to reverse the situation, the control of solidification bloom will be handed over to you."

“Give it to us?” The mechanical dust crocodile immediately cried before the scholar spoke: “Give us control...things important? Should be handed over to other elites or...”

"The hopeful has the right to control." The mini dust crocodile said as he walked a few steps forward, then it suddenly stopped and turned a few turns in place.

The '嗡' scholar suddenly heard a voice, and the scholar now has a ... ball in the distance. This ball is full of holes, just like the porous stone used to be the remote control before, the only point The difference is that this seems to be very light, because it floats in the air.

It seems that this is also a remote control? Will the remote control float?

“Give the target authorization.” The porous stone flew to the bridge and landed in front of the mini dust crocodile. The mini dust crocodile climbed the stone and stood on a hole saying to the scholar and the mechanical dust crocodile: “Contact the sphere and gain control. The authorization to freeze the bloom."

“Is it really good to control us directly?” The mechanical dust crocodile has come here with scholars, but at this time, it seems to be quite hesitant to say: “I still think that we should bring other elites... control This thing is more appropriate."

The scholars think it is a bit strange. Why did this mini dust crocodile decide to give them control? Is it really because of the critical moment, even if it is controlled by civilians, does it mean that there are other reasons?

"Essence is a more trustworthy controller, but you are not an unsuitable controller." The mini dust crocodile said: "You must have a controller, solidify and bloom, and you will be served until you find a more suitable one." ”

"Don't hesitate and delay, get in touch with it, get authorization." Under the words of the mini dust crocodile, the mechanical dust crocodile did not continue to doubt, but step by step toward the ... porous ball.

The scholar did not move. It wanted to look at the situation first, but the mini dust crocodile did not urge it.

The mechanical dust crocodile walked to the perforated ball, and as the mini dust crocodile said, it slowly raised its hand and placed it on the porous ball.

"So...is authorized?" After the ball was placed on the ball, the mechanical dust crocodile felt that nothing was born, so he asked doubtfully to the mini dust crocodile.

"Get all the rights, start alignment and contact, start the transfer control system..." The mini dust crocodile said a lot of things in succession. During its speech, the scholar saw that the mechanical dust crocodile seemed to be fixed in place... Not moving at all.

Is this what the scholar suddenly thought of, and it quickly went over and took a mechanical dust crocodile.

The mechanical dust crocodile did not react, and kept the hand on the porous ball, so the scholar grabbed the hand of the mechanical dust crocodile and pulled it away from the porous ball.

At the moment when the hand was opened, the mini dust crocodile said: "The target connection is invalid, the transfer process is interrupted... the process fails."

"You!" and the mechanical dust crocodile suddenly woke up at this moment, and pointed at the mini dust crocodile roaring: "You just... want to change my system and yours?"

Sure enough, when you hear the mechanical dust crocodile, the scholars have just guessed that the mini dust crocodile is not trying to give control of the solid bloom to them, but wants to transfer their system away.

In this way it may be able to control the mechanical dust crocodile, and the 'will' of the mechanical dust crocodile may enter the body of the mini dust crocodile.

Why is it doing this? Maybe I think the original body is too small?

“Why should I interrupt the program?” The mini dust crocodile said to the scholar: “The process of interrupting the authorization is quite dangerous.”

"You obviously want to change my system!" Mechanical dust crocodile anger said: "I still dare to say what authorization process."

“No mistakes.” The mini dust crocodile continued: “Your system needs to be swapped into my body to control the solidification bloom and get authorization.”

"Is it?" The mechanical dust crocodile suddenly stopped.

"Since this is the case..." The scholar said at this time: "Why don't you control the solidification bloom yourself?"

"Since it has to be controlled in your body, it means that your body can control the solidification bloom." The scholar said: "Why don't you control the solidification bloom yourself?"

"...this is ... illegal." The mini dust crocodile said: "Small storage machinery does not have the qualification to control, must..."

"But is it illegal to change it to you?" The scholar said: "It's still your body."

"Yes! That's right!" The mechanical dust crocodile seemed to react to it at this time: "In the end, you just want to change your body with me!"

The mini dust crocodile was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "...the plan failed, and the plan to get out started."

After that, it plunged into a hole in the porous stone, and the stone floated up and flew away.

"It wants to escape!" The mechanical dust crocodile shouted.

"Catch it back, it should... can't change my system." The scholar looked at the drifting stone, and it raised a hand and aimed at the target...

'boom! ’

After a burst of fire, the scholar's hand flew out and instantly caught the porous stone that was drifting farther and farther.

Then, the stone was pulled back by the scholar's hand...

Because there is a rope connected to the arm of scholars and scholars flying out, and the porous stone is quite powerful... weak, so it is pulled back bit by bit.

After grabbing the porous stone, the scholar put on his arm and carefully looked at the hole that the mini dust crocodile got into. Now... the mini dust crocodile is still curled up inside.

"You should explain it," the scholar said.

"...Description?" The sound of the mini dust crocodile sounded.

"Yeah, why do you want to change the system with it, why tell us so much information, and... what are you?" (To be continued.) 8

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