It has always had such doubts.

How does it differ from ordinary mechanical dust crocodile?

Why is its emotion adjustable? Why is its personality configurable? Why can't other mechanical dust crocodile set the adjustment character? Is there a ‘will’ or is it just an ordinary machine?

With this in mind, the mini dust crocodile has the idea of ​​having to swap the system with a mechanical dust crocodile.

When it was discovered that scholars and mechanical dust crocodile came outside the institute, it opened the door of the institute and lured both of them into the institute.

Finally, the mini dust crocodile attracts scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles... where they solidify blooms and tries to swap systems with them.

The main conversion target of the mini dust crocodile is the mechanical dust crocodile, but it feels that scholars can also convert, so it attracts both of them.

The reason for the conversion system at the solidified bloom position is because... there is no defensive weapon like a cannon, which prevents the mechanical dust crocodile or scholar from immediately controlling the cannon to kill it after the conversion.

Because the body of the mini dust crocodile has the ability to control the cannon.

But this also leads to the problem that in this place without any defense, once the conversion failure is caught, the mini dust crocodile does not have any way to counterattack.

It’s like this now...

"So, you want to change the system with us just to confirm if you have... 'will?'"

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile are now in the room where they are solidified... They are still on the bridge that hangs in the room, and the scholar is holding a transparent jar in his hand, which is filled with a mini dust crocodile.

“The correct understanding.” The mini dust crocodile said to the scholar: “The mechanical dust crocodile... has been trying hard to prove that he has the will and will think, but I don’t even know if I have the will.”

"Must confirm... you must confirm this."

Although the sound of the mini dust crocodile has no emotion, scholars think it seems very exciting.

However, no matter how excited it is, there is no way to escape. Now the jar containing the mini dust crocodile is used by scholars to collect... the sample itself is very strong. The mini dust crocodile has no special ability. It can't escape. of.

However, scholars can't leave here now. Once the room is frozen, the other areas of the institute are all organic guns. They are likely to be shot immediately by the mini dust crocodile. The mini dust crocodile can control the research. All the cannons of the area.

Therefore, scholars intend to ask some questions here first, but scholars have just asked about it.

The mini dust crocodile said that all the historical materials it said before did not lie to them, all of which were input to it by the director... Only a little deceived scholars, it is about the control of this solid bloom.

In fact, the mini dust crocodile does not have the authority to control the solid bloom, and of course it cannot give authority to any other creature.

It does not know how the solidified bloom is initiated, because the director did not input relevant information to it.

The mini dust crocodile has been here for a long time, and it is thinking that if there is another waking up to come here, it will work with the elite to study the problem of solidification and bloom.

If it comes to mechanics, it is like changing the system with it now to see if it can occupy its 'will.'

In this way, the mini dust crocodile can confirm whether it has a 'free will'.

Scholars think it’s really interesting here... It’s hard to say whether this mini dust crocodile has a will or no will.

The virtual people are constantly studying the intelligence of migrant workers, but they have never born a true sense of intelligence.

The dust crocodile seems to have come out. They have a large group of mechanical dust crocodile eager to be an ordinary resident, and there are... like a mini dust crocodile, a product between intelligence and non-intelligence.

"Found it! There is a description of this product!" The mechanical dust crocodile behind the scholar suddenly said: "This will adjust it!"

"No, can't explain... don't adjust, can't adjust!" The mini dust crocodile that was locked in the jar suddenly showed a very horrifying look.

The mechanical dust crocodile found the specific instructions for the product of the mini dust crocodile, which is the ‘first thousand and three materials’ introduced by the mini dust crocodile. It is like the advertisement and the full version of the manual.

The mini dust crocodile is not the full version, the full version has a more detailed introduction, including how to use the mini dust crocodile and so on.

The mini dust crocodile didn't say it at the time. Apparently, they didn't want scholars to control it, but... At that time, the company made a lot of advertisements about mini dust crocodile, and the mini dust crocodile also had a lot of dust crocodile purchases.

The mechanical dust crocodile thinks that he should have included the manual of the mini dust crocodile before, as long as it retrieves the information in the body and finds it quickly.

"Then adjust its personality to the state of '0', so that it is a thing that does not think at all, only ... answer." Mechanical dust crocodile said while walking over, mini dust Crocodiles have become more and more frightened, and they are constantly saying that they are not asking for mercy.

However, the mechanical dust crocodile does not seem to want to let it go, because the mini dust crocodile forced it and it was very angry with the swap system.

"The sky is topped." The mechanical dust crocodile walked in front of the mini dust crocodile and said to it: "Empty empty, angry, adjusted to 0... According to the ninety-six, sad, adjusted to 0..."

These are adjustment codes. Each code represents an emotion. As long as the code name is spoken, the relevant emotions can be adjusted.

The method of mini dust crocodile control is like this. After you say the password, you can adjust everything. It seems very simple... But the password is an absolute difficulty. It is said that after the company created this product, there has not been any mini dust crocodile. A record that was bypassed and the data was stolen.

There are a lot of dust crocodile trying to disassemble and analyze them, but there is no way to get the information inside. Because of this high confidentiality, the mini dust crocodile is quite popular.

But as long as you know the password... then it is a machine that can be adjusted at will.

When the mechanical dust crocodile said that all emotions were adjusted to ‘0’, the scholar noticed the change of the mini dust crocodile.

"Now I have to ask you some questions." The scholar looked at the mini dust crocodile and said to it.

“Understand, any response within the scope of the data can be made.”

The mini dust crocodile, although it responds in the same way as before, does not contain any emotions at all, just like an ordinary machine.

Scholars feel that this is really amazing. Complex thinking only needs a few lines of code to eliminate it... but it is not completely eliminated, because it can be adjusted back.

In any case, the scholar and the mechanical dust crocodile then asked him some questions about the material.

The mini dust crocodile was completely unreservedly said at this time. The scholars found that the mini dust crocodile did not lie to them before, and the historical materials were true.

The thing that hides the mini dust crocodile before is that it can't control the solid bloom, and it has its own... instructions.

However, it is quite strange that the mini dust crocodile is willing to say so much with these two conversion objects, perhaps because they want to win their trust?

Now that its feelings have been adjusted to zero, it has completely said these things.

"So, now I have fully understood." After listening to the description of the mini dust crocodile, the scholar said to the mechanical dust crocodile: "What should I do now?"

“Of course it’s research here!” The mechanical dust crocodile said: “We must understand how the solidified blooms are used... by controlling it to guide the war to victory!”

"Yes, I think so too." The scholar said: "But the question is where to start researching... Do you know?"

The scholar turned to ask for a mini dust crocodile, while the mini dust crocodile said: "There is no information on the use of coagulation blooms."

"It seems that we need to find it ourselves." The scholar said to the mechanical dust crocodile: "In short, let's go to the control room of the institute. Now, those guns should not attack us."

"Yes." The mechanical dust crocodile said: "It is true that we should go there and see, we must first control the entire research system, and then..."

'boom! ! ! ’

Its words have not been finished yet, and a violent sound rang, and the whole space was also illuminated by the dazzling brilliance at this moment.

Scholars and mechanical dust crocodile immediately turned their heads in the direction of the explosion. They found a large hole in the roof above. At the big hole, a whole body of golden ant creatures flew in.

"That is... the beginning!"

The scholar saw a glimpse of it, and it almost forgot that the origin was also in this place.

But before the beginning, they searched on the ground. Why did they suddenly come to this place, and they didn't go to the main entrance, but they blew in from above.

"What is that?" The mechanical dust crocodile was also very surprised. It apparently did not know the beginning.

Scholars have not been free to introduce it to the beginning, because the beginning of the moment they noticed the scholars at the moment they came in, and then they quickly flew over here.

‘Hey! ’

The violent crash sounded, and the bridge where the scholar and the mechanical dust crocodile were located broke at the position of the initial impact. Although the bridge did not completely collapse, it also separated the scholar and the dust crocodile.

"Wait a minute!" The scholar immediately shouted in the beginning language, and after the beginning of the hearing, he was obviously stunned.

‘Hey! The mechanical dust crocodile picked up a weapon and fired continuously at the beginning. The flashing light shield swayed at the beginning with the frequency of the shooting, and the origin was completely harmless.

At the beginning, I turned to look at the dust crocodile. With the bang, the chest of the dust crocodile was completely trapped. It was like being hit by a huge... fist, and the body of the dust crocodile flew out. The ground fell on the bridge... (to be continued.)

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