4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1337: Bone attack

"What is this?"

Scholars, mechanical dust crocodile, and ... the beginning.

They are now in the lobby of the institute, which has a lot of boxes filled with weapons, but the boxes are gone.

Instead, there are a lot of carrion bones.

The appearance of these carrion bones is similar to those that have been hit by the beginnings at the entrance. They are all... wreckage, scattered all over the ground.

Carrion bones do have the possibility to be here because scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles have dug tunnels before, so they may come to this place along the tunnel.

But who made them like this? And where are the boxes going?

There seems to be no answer here. Although there are many clues, the mechanical dust crocodile is not very eager to look for clues... It just said to the scholars casually: "Let's go to the main control room!"

"...well." The scholars did not plan to stay here for too long, and they quickly walked in the other direction.

Although there is no porous ball remote control this time, but with a mini dust crocodile, it can also be used to open the passage of the institute.

The road to the main control room of the institute is also going through a heavy door, which is now slowly rising under the command of the mini dust crocodile.

When the gate slowly rose to the highest point, the passage inside was also displayed in front of the scholars. At the same time, another voice rang.

"...coming, what?"

In the passage behind the gate, a ... creature suddenly jumped up, and the scholar saw it immediately and stepped forward. The weapon of this creature also squatted on the ground of the scholar’s ​​original station at the same moment, and made the metal surface. Directly pulled out a crack.

"You are..." This creature is familiar to scholars because it is the cultivating creature on the stellar bus.

Scholars know that some cultivation creatures have also been explored in this pipeline world, but they should be far away. Why is this happening here?

"It's you!" And the cultivation of the creature ignored the scholar, but turned to look at the beginning of the next, it immediately shouted: "You are a golden monster! Destroy my home, kill my compatriots, now dare to follow here?"

After that, it turned to a protection that was cut off at the beginning.

The radiance of protection continually swayed, but it did not affect the beginning of the world. The beginning of the situation was slightly retreated, and then the belly of the cultivating creature rang with a bang.

The cultivating creature flew out and rolled down on the ground for several laps before the big sword in the hand fell to the side.

But after a second, it immediately jumped up and pointed to the beginning of the yelling: "Revenge, ten years is not too late!" Then it quickly picked up the weapon and turned to run deep into the passage.

“Who is that?” The most confusing thing about the immediate situation is the mechanical dust crocodile, so it immediately asked the scholar: “Do you know?”

"..." The scholar did not know how to explain it for a while, so he simply did not explain it, but said: "Don't worry about it, go to the main control room first."

"How can I care? This strange thing... Right! We must go and see if there is a problem there!" The mechanical dust crocodile reacted suddenly, so it quickly ran towards the depths of the passage.

Scholars followed, and then the beginning of the story floated to the scholar and said to him: "It came from there."

“Where?” the scholar asked: “Where is there?”

"Another...the location of civilization." The beginning said: "It is far from here."

"How did you know?"

"We have also been to that place, where we have looked for the energy of the reformers... so I know something." The beginning said: "If you want to know, we can tell you."

"What are you talking about?" The mechanical dust crocodile also turned around and asked.

“Do you know ‘convenient skeleton production company’?” The beginning of the game said to the mechanical dust crocodile.

"Of course I know!" The mechanical dust crocodile said: "But why do you want to mention that company now?"

"Because it has something to do with the things that are happening now... we seem to have arrived." The beginnings stopped, as did the mechanical dust crocodile and scholars.

Because they are at the end of the passage, and there is another heavy door in front of them.

"Strange...does it?" The scholar looked around and it was very puzzled, because there was only one way in the passage, and the cultivation creatures ran to the side, but they did not see it now.

"In general, open the door first, open the door quickly!" The mechanical dust crocodile shouted at the mini dust crocodile that it had been carrying. At the moment when the voice fell, the door rang with a rumble and slowly rose.

What appeared behind the gate was a complicated scene. A large number of metal structures were put together and they looked like a huge mechanical interior, and there was no trace of the cultivation creature.

Three creatures walked in. The mechanical dust crocodile was the quickest one. It quickly ran to a porous ball placed in the room, and the mini dust crocodile on the opponent asked: "This is the Lord. Control?"

"Yes, you can control most of the systems here." The mini dust crocodile said: "Do you want control?"

“Yes!” The mechanical dust crocodile said: “Give me control permission, so that I can confirm the specific situation of the institute!”

"Very good, please put your hand, or anything that connects your nerve device on the ball... Confirm that you have placed it, now you are transferring permissions, the transfer is complete... 10%...30%...31%..."

The mechanical dust crocodile is now resting on the porous ball, while the mini dust crocodile is constantly talking about the progress of the transfer process, but the progress seems to be very slow, although initially it will be 30% soon, but each later Only once increased by 1%.

Scholars do not have permission to get anything, but look around here. Although this place is very complicated, various mechanical structures are everywhere, but the interval between them is very small, and there is no way for cultivation creatures to hide here.

That is to say... the cultivation creature that ran in this direction has completely disappeared. Is it hidden in what way? Still ran into some dark passages.

To say the dark passage, the scholar thinks that there may be a lot, because I have seen it in the room where the solidification blooms, but it is not very easy to find.

"So let's talk about it." The scholar who decided to continue listening to the previous topic asked the beginning: "What happened to the company you just said?"

"The company..." said the beginning: "It was not created by the 'dust crocodile', although it was built here."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A voice suddenly rang, interrupting the exchange between the scholar and the beginning, and the scholar found that the open door was standing on the one just... cultivation biology.

And after the cultivation of the creature, there are a lot of ... carrion bone.

"How are you..." The scholars found that these carrion bones seemed to be... Listening to the command of the cultivation creature, the cultivation creature was doing various postures, and in its posture, the surrounding carrion bones slowly went to this. Come along.

"My skill has been advanced, and I have gained mysterious inheritance. I have now controlled an army!"

The cultivation creatures shouted at the scholars and the beginnings: "Just my army is not by my side, you are lucky, but now my army is back! I will let them crush you! Go!"

At the moment when its voice fell, all the carrion bones screamed at the scholars and the beginnings, and at the beginning, they floated to the front of the scholars.

"What? How is this possible!"

In the astounding eyes of the cultivation creatures, all the carrion bones that were thrown over were crushed one by one, and the scholars had seen it once before, so they were not surprised.

It didn't take long for all the carrion bones to fall apart, leaving only one of their own cultivation creatures to say in an incredible tone: "Why? Why can you destroy my army! In this case, I can only use that." !"

"Which is that?"

When the scholar’s ​​question just came out, the surrounding ground suddenly slammed, as if something was moving.

Scholars soon saw this moving thing, and it was slowly coming from behind the cultivation of creatures.

This thing, when the scholar first saw it, felt it... great, at least the largest carrion bone he had ever seen.

Although it is not particularly large, it also has a height of more than six meters. It crawls on the ground with six limbs, and it has a lot of red soft objects like meat.

"This is one of my most powerful subordinates!" said the cultivating creature: "It's power can defeat at least three super-class characters. How do you fight against it now? Go ahead! Solve them!"

The huge carrion bones of the "呜" gave a low groan, and it swooped toward the beginning, and lifted the forelimbs to the beginning.

‘Hey! ’

After a burst of sound, the forefoot of the carrion bones from the beginning broke open and fell heavily on the ground next to it.

"No! Why is this! Why is this monster so strong!" The cultivating creature began to scream: "Come on, hurry up and break it."

In its screams, the carrion bones began to attack again, and heavy blows slammed on the ground again and again. The beginning did not use protective resistance, but instead evaded all attacks of carrion bones and drifted toward the cultivation creatures.

"What? You don't come over!"

The cultivation creature was shocked, and it quickly retraced backwards, but the speed of the beginning drifted faster than it was. Soon the beginning, the cultivation creature was given to... on the ground, and then the origin said to it. A sentence... very strange words.

"I found you." (To be continued.)

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