4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1339: Follow-up and process

"We found it. [[<?["

"What is this? Is it something that can be bitten?"

"I think there is a bit of a bite to kill, but we are not coming to bite it, aren't we?"

"What are you talking about! We are here to bite it!"


Here is somewhere among the huge pipes.

In this place, there are two creatures, their shape is an ellipsoid of up to three meters, with a large number of limbs for movement, and the name of the brain.

They are located in a vast... wasteland, where the ground is covered with a large amount of gravel and sand, and has a weak gravitational pull and a fairly suitable air and temperature.

There is nothing too big on this piece of wasteland, except... the only one.

This thing...is very large, it has a height of a hundred meters, and its shape is somewhat like a burnt dead tree, covered with thick ashes on the outer skin, standing alone in this place, so It has also become the object of brain-watching.

"It's still not quite sure...we don't want to bite it. It doesn't look too good, maybe we should eat something else, like something delicious."

Even so, the two brain-creating geeks still stand here and do not move, there is no way to leave, so they stay here for a long time, until... it has been hundreds of seconds.

"Have you heard it? Yes, I heard it, it is the voice from there, it is calling us, it knows us. Where is the voice of the voice? Don't know."

After a little exchange, they stayed here for a long time until they passed for a long time...

‘Hey! There was a voice behind the two brain-creating monsters, and the two brain-creating monsters looked in that direction at the same time.

"Who is it? Is it something that can be bitten?"

The sounding ground suddenly raised a small sand dune under the gaze of the brain-hunting, and saw only one... the hand stretched out from the sand dunes, then the whole body.

“Here is...where?” What came out of the sand was a...machine, which first looked at the surroundings, and it quickly focused on the huge focal tree in front of it. There are also two brain-making monsters under the tree.

"How come you are here?"

"It is asking us! Ignorance is ignorant. Do we have to answer it? No comment. Are we going to bite it? Not so delicious. So what do we do? Calm... Observe."


Although the two brain-creating geeks use brainwaves to communicate, but... it also 'listens' to see.

Because the machine that is drilled is not something else, but... scholars, there are also system devices in their heads that can receive brain waves.

Obviously, these two brains do not intend to answer it, but they are not going to attack it, so scholars have some time to think.

It’s a little reminiscent of how it came here...


Not long ago, scholars and the beginnings and mechanical dust crocodile in the underground research institute, at that time, the beginning is fighting with the huge ... carrion bone.

The control of carrion bones is a cultivation creature. To be honest, the situation at that time was quite... weird.

In the end, the beginning defeated the huge carrion bones and seized the cultivation creature. Then, the beginnings and the scholars said something... historical events.

According to the beginning, the company that manufactures the skeletons of the bones and carrion bones is not a dust crocodile, but a creature called ‘cluster’.

The beginnings have also been pursuing these creatures called Congdu, because the origins think they are related to the transformers of the mirror world.

Most of the bushes were killed or caught by the origins, and the rest fled to the city of the dust crocodile, and they were hidden. Among these hidden bushes, there is a role that can be said to be a collar.

As long as you catch this collar, you will know more about the reformer... The beginning is to tell the scholar.

Moreover, it believes that the cultivation of the carrion of the carrion is...

Cong Du has a camouflage ability that can be disguised as another creature, but it does not become as direct as a variant creature, but rather an ability similar to ... illusion.

Scholars feel very strange when they hear this. Even though Chongdu can make the crocodile illusion disguise in their groups, it should not be able to create illusions about mechanical dust crocodile or machinery like himself.

Later, the doubts of the scholars were confirmed. Although I don’t know how Chongdu pretended to be a company in the dust crocodile group, at least I knew...

This cultivation creature is not a holiday, it is a ... real cultivation creature.

Under the pressure of scholars and the beginnings, the cultivating creatures told them... its encounter, it can control these carrion bones, mainly because it encountered a dwarf creature before.

The cultivation creature attacked this small target at the time, but it was surprised that the dwarf creature escaped all the attacks, but the cultivation creature did not give up. It first released its own 'strong gas field' and shocked the dwarf creature. The full blow was finally killing the dwarf creature.

Why is it going to kill dwarf creatures? There is no special reason to see that you want to fight, it is said.

Then, it got something special from the body of the dwarf creature, which now uses these things to control... the mechanics of those skeleton series.

Finally, it wandered around, somehow came to this dust crocodile city, and later it is now.

It wants to use the army of control to defeat the golden monster of the beginning, but did not expect the army to fail...

"If you want to kill, you will be with you! But my brothers... my friends and family will know my death, they will... will revenge for me!"

After finishing his own affairs, the cultivating creatures look at the beginnings and scholars with this attitude.

"It seems that it killed a ... Cui Du, and then used the things that Congdu took to control the carrion bone." The scholar said to the beginning of the body: "What are you going to do?"

"..." Didn't say anything at the beginning, and floated there to watch the cultivation of creatures.

“What do you use to control the skeleton series?” So the scholar asked the cultivation creature: “Let me show it.”

"You will show it to you first." The cultivating creature's hands and feet are now glued together by a layer of strong glue. This is the beginning of the glue, no matter how it struggles, it can't be opened.

“No,” the scholar said. “Just tell me where to put it on you, I will find out for myself.”

"What do you say..." The cultivation creature violently moved the body back a little back: "What do you want to do to me? I have a family! You can't just come!"

"...you..." The scholar felt a little...no words, after a few seconds, said: "We have different species!"

"It's hard to say." The cultivation creature said: "I feel that you are uneasy, I..."

"It doesn't make sense." And the beginning interrupted it: "Since it's not a bunch, don't care about it, you can do whatever you want."

After that, the beginnings drifted aside and left the scholars in place.

Scholars look at the appearance of cultivating creatures, ‘you don’t want to come,’ and feel a sense of anger...

However, the attention of scholars was quickly attracted to the past by other things, that is the mechanical dust crocodile.

Because the authorization progress is very slow, and the mechanical dust crocodile can't leave during the authorization period, scholars have not paid attention to it.

Until now, the mechanical dust crocodile seemed to be angry and shouted: "What the **** is going on? Is it broken?"

When the scholar looked over there, I heard that... the progress report of the mini dust crocodile seems to have a problem.

"Authorization completion progress... 99%... error, authorization progress, 98%...99%...error, 98%..."

Just like this, the progress of the mini dust crocodile has been between 99% and 98%, and it is always impossible to reach 1oo%.

Scholars therefore decided to leave this cultivating creature for the time being and plan to take care of the dust crocodile.

“Why is this happening?” The scholar walked to the dust crocodile and questioned it.

"I don't know, it was like this at the beginning, and it didn't respond to it..." The dust crocodile said with distress: "If this is the case, is there no way to authorize success?"

"..." The scholar looked at the porous remote control ball that had been put on the dust crocodile and said: "You take your hand and look at it."

“No!” The mechanical dust crocodile said: “If you pick it up, it will interrupt the progress.”

"Then move a little bit to see." The scholar said: "I think the problem should be here."

“Is it?” The mechanical dust crocodile moved a little bit as the scholar said. Suddenly, the mini dust crocodile said: “1oo%...has completed the authorization, and you can now control most of the systems in the institute.”

“Really completed?” The mechanical dust crocodile said in amazement: “How did you know?”

"There is a strange feeling..." the scholar said.

"Weird feeling? What do you mean?" The mechanical dust crocodile is clearly puzzled.

"I just feel... you can't do it because of poor contact, but I don't know why, why can I feel this."

It is true that the scholar suddenly felt very strange, as if there were some information in his brain. The information was telling it... The mechanical dust crocodile was unable to complete the authorization because of poor contact.

"Is it?" The mechanical dust crocodile said with a puzzled voice: "Forget it... In short, I will start the system first. Now I can control a lot of things here. I will investigate it first... not good!"

The scholar asked: "What happened?"

"A lot of enemy troops... they are close!" (To be continued.) 8

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