4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1341: What are you talking about?

"Do you dare face me? Do you dare to challenge me? I will devour your head and your life! What? You really have to do this? It looks very difficult to eat!"


This is a vast gray sand.

An object like a withered tree stands on this piece of sand, and under this tree... there are two brain-creating monsters.

They looked at a machine on the ground, called a scholar.

"...here is the place where the channels are connected?"

Scholars are very strange about how they can get here. Before it and the beginning, there were mechanical dust crocodiles being besieged by large groups of three-legged columns. Finally, in desperation, scholars decided to use the 'channel' of cultivation biology.

This channel is hidden in a position in the control room of the institute. The channel is actually a transmission channel. The origin indicates that this is used by Congdu. The cultivation creature can also use the channel because it has obtained the props of the cluster.

Then, at the beginning, the cultivating creatures took out the props and let them enter the transmission channel together...

Finally, scholars came to this place.

Why are you coming to this place? It does not know, look around the beginning and mechanical dust crocodile is not, it means that only it has come here.

However, scholars do not feel very strange, because the transmission of unstable things seems to happen very easily.

Especially for those conveyors that have not been used for a long time, even if it can be started, there will be some weird effects, which is the conclusion of recent scholars' research on transmission.

The question is, how does it happen to have two brains here? But scholars don't need to be afraid of making brains now, because it is mechanical, there is nothing on the body for the other party... bite.

And the brainwave effects of making brains have no effect on it.

"What are you doing here? What is the next thing like a tree?" Although it is considered unlikely that a useful answer will be obtained, scholars are still trying to ask questions again.

"It is asking us again! This is a sign of low intelligence. Do we want to answer it? According to the legends of the past, communication with such low intelligence will become too low intelligence. Where is this legend? I am just I came up with it."

These two brain-creating monsters still have no plans to answer, so scholars no longer ask questions and begin to study on their own.

"The gravitation is very low...the air actually has normal oxygen? The temperature is also suitable for cell biology..." The scholars, while detecting the surrounding environment, walked toward the two brains.

"It's coming! Yeah, look at its dull pace and dull expression, don't touch it, or it will become as low as it is. Is it? It's terrible and terrible!"

The scholar ignored it and kept talking about its brain-building blame. Instead, he walked past the brain-building monster and stood under the huge tree.

It is as high as a hundred meters, and there are a lot of ... branches on it. It is like a dead tree without leaves. The scholar gently puts his hand on the surface of the 'trunk' and can touch a soft layer. ... thick dust.

Slightly shaving off dust that is close to ten centimeters thick, scholars have found that the internal 'trunk' is a very strong substance.

It looks like a layer of gray stone. Obviously this is not a tree, just a stone that resembles a tree.

It may also be a special kind of building here, and the dust on its surface is very strange...

"Hey! You have this low intelligence!"

When the scholar is testing, the brain-making stranger suddenly sends a brain wave message to it: "Don't touch it casually, or you will kill you!"

"Do you know what this is?" The scholar turned to ask the brain-crespy: "And, you don't want to bite me."

"You actually dare..." The brain-screaming horror suddenly said: "You dare to turn your head, hurry back and continue to stare at it! It is calling you!"

The scholar asked: "Don't you say don't touch it?"

"But you can stare."

"...well." The scholar said, according to the brain-building blame, turned back and stared at the trunk: "So now you can tell me what it is, what is it calling me?"

"Yes, it is calling you, it knows you!" The brain-stricken said: "Now I will guide its call, you can see... the true face of this thing, you will appreciate its horror and power, then I bite myself and kill myself."

"No, I can't kill myself," said another brain-devil.

"What? I can bite you, and I can bite myself... forget it! That kind of thing doesn't matter, now you can feel the power of it!"

At the moment when the words of the brains are falling, the scholar suddenly feels that a brainstorm has come from a special brainwave.

This brainwave doesn't mean anything. 'Listening' is like something screaming in a low voice. The constant feeling makes the scholars somewhat... dizzy.


"This is really the source of interference..." On the stellar bus, Lin noticed the situation of the scholars. The scholar arrived at the source of the interference source because of a special transmission.

This source of interference is something that is like a dead tree. Of course it is not a tree. It always releases certain signals continuously.

Brain-minded people can receive these signals, and they can also transfer signals to scholars. After hearing these signals... There are some abnormalities in the brain of scholars' ontology, which is why scholars feel dizzy.

However, there is no specific harm. In short, we need to continue to look at the situation...


“What is this?” The scholar found that the dizziness felt in the head slowly disappeared, and asked two brain-creating geeks.

"You dare to ask this kind of question!" The brain-screaming screams suddenly, and it sends a strong brainwave to the scholars: "Do you know that this kind of problem will lead me... answer you."

"...that's great." The scholars found that these brains are really...not changed at all.

"It comes from afar, it comes from an ancient place, there is nothing to know, there is nothing to read... but it knows." The brains said: "Yes, only it knows, so it wants more Things know that if there is nothing to know, you must summon something that can obey it. Do you know? You are summoned! It is calling you!"

"..." Really, scholars can't understand what it is saying.

"Well, I know." The scholar said: "You will continue to investigate... Speaking, this is not the area I want to investigate. I will go back first."

As a result, the scholar went to the sand that he had just drilled out and wanted to see if he could return through the 'original road'.

Scholars also care about the mechanical dust crocodile and where the origins have arrived, and how the dust crocodile research institute is doing. It just happened to come here because of chance.

But in the end... scholars are not responsible for investigating this, and the two brains should be responsible for this, although scholars are also interested in the situation here, but let's talk about it later.

"Do you want to leave? You want to reject the call of it? You will pay for this kind of behavior!" The brains are 'screaming' beside the scholars, but the scholars leave them alone and quickly stand back to where they are. s position.

Then, the scholar started a special device in it.

In fact, it is not very special, just a controller of a mini scholar.

Before the scholars were sent here, some mini-scholars were placed in the institute there, and these mini-scientists were hidden. They should not be found by the three-legged column.

Now the scholars find that it doesn't make sense to stand back in place, so let's take a look at the situation through the mini-student.

Thinking, the scholar made a picture in front of him, the picture connected with the vision of the mini scholar, watching the situation of the institute.

Inside the institute... As the scholars think, there are three-legged columns everywhere.

The number of these three-legged columns is quite dense, and they destroy all the main control systems in the institute. The original system is now just a piece of land.

However, the mini-scholars were mainly on the roof, so they were not found.

In the entire control room, there was no mechanical dust crocodile and the origin or cultivation creatures. It seems that they have also been sent to other places, but I don’t know where...

"What are you looking at? Fun pictures? Interesting situation? Don't show us! We have to watch!"

Scholars suddenly found two brain-building monsters standing next to it and watching it.

"..." Scholars did not care very much, but continued to look at the picture.

The legs in the picture don't know what to do, they are moved there, but there is no special action, maybe go outside to see.

Thinking, the scholar operated the mini-study and moved quickly. The mini-study on the roof quickly crawled. It passed the entrance gate that was blown up by the three-legged column, and passed through the passage to the position where the hall was located.

“What are they doing?” The scholar suddenly discovered... these three-legged columns are doing weird things. There are large groups of three-legged columns in the hall, about five to seven three-legged columns, and each group’s three-legged columns are Attached to the body... ropes.

The other end of the rope is tied with something like a missile.

... It should be said that it is a missile. The shape of the missile made by the dust crocodile is similar to that of the virtual people. After all, this shape flies fast.

These missiles are of different types, ranging from a few meters to ten meters in length. The three-legged column is dragging this large number of missiles out of the institute.

In other words, are these missiles pulled out of the institute? Scholars have never heard of it, there are so many weapons hidden here.

But what do the three-legged columns drag the missile out? I want to... use it myself? (To be continued.)

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