4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1347: prevent

"You said the source? What is the source? I don't know, it's probably fooling us. "It turns out that, then we have to respond with flickering?"

On a deserted sand, two ellipsoid creatures are standing together.

They seem to be whispering to themselves and seem to be talking to whom...

"Yes, it's trying to contact those things. The kind of thing that is called a crocodile, but it's not in contact, we can hear it, but it doesn't answer us, it's still trying to contact, I think it's stupid. Being bitten. Yes, it should be bitten and killed."


Lin is paying attention to the situation here, and has a little bit of communication with the two brains here...

Now, their situation is like this. This tree is like a tree... The source of the signal that interferes with Lin is also... the ‘God’ that has been communicating with the dust crocodile all the time.

When the brains came here, they also received the signal of the ‘God’, but they said that God did not pay attention to them, but they were always trying to contact the dust crocodile.

What is this god? Lin had a little investigation, and Lin thought it was not a creature on this pipeline.

Its actual distance is far from here... it has a purpose to contact this place.

Anyway, it seems interesting to continue to observe, because this pipeline is obviously not as simple as a waste project, there are a lot of...complex things.



This is a dim city, but it is now quite bright.

Mainly because of... the brilliance of an explosion.

"It’s very clear to see so far..."

Scholars at this time... are in a place that can be called a 'park', and like most places called parks, there are plant-like creatures everywhere.

It's just that the plants here are a bit special. They have colorful colors such as purple, blue or black, and many of them are faintly fluorescent.

The feeling of walking here is like walking in the stars, but no matter what the light here, you can't match the light of the explosion in the distance.

The reason for the explosion was the weapons piled up in the square. Not long ago, scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles and the origins left the institute. They found ways to sneak up the surface and then walked away from the three-legged column and went far away. .

That is the location of the park, and soon after they arrived, the roaring sounded... Apparently, the three-legged column detonated the pile of weapons on the square.

The power of the explosion spread to the surrounding buildings, but it could not affect the location of the park.

Scholars are climbing on a stout vine-shaped plant and watching the explosions in the distance... After the roar, the brilliance is slowly dimmed and finally disappears completely.

"The research institute seems to be gone." The scholar said to the two creatures on the ground below: "The institute should be spared directly below the explosion point."

"Those **** invaders!" Mechanical dust crocodile said angrily: "There are so many research institutes that are actually being taken by them... they must be stopped, otherwise they will destroy everything!"

"We have other missiles." The beginning said: "There are many ammunition depots in the city, and we can start them."

"Yes, just do it! We have to hurry in front of them, and hurry up now!" The mechanical dust crocodile ran and started, and it ran to the exit of the park.

But it quickly stopped, then turned to the scholar and the beginning: "How come you don't keep up?"

"There are some other problems to deal with." The beginning of the situation said: "The two missiles that you shot before... one was destroyed, it may have been intercepted by the three-legged column, but the other one successfully hit. aims."

“Is it true?” The mechanical dust crocodile immediately ran back and said: “So...”

"Then you know that just a missile can't wake up that...God." The beginning said: "But because of it, now we can know where God is."

"Where is it?" The mechanical dust crocodile said that he suddenly hesitated, and changed his mouth: "But it doesn't seem to matter. Only the missile...the explosion can wake it up. We still have to start the weapon."

"Yes, about this, we will help you." The beginning said: "Although our purpose is not the same, but the things we do are the same."


At the moment when I finished this sentence at the beginning, the sky swept through the shining crystal...

This is the army of the beginning, and there are more than one ship. They have a total of six ships, which are scattered in the sky and fly in all directions.

"They will fly to the arsenals everywhere and start the system there to shoot weapons together." The beginning said: "This should wake it up."

"You..." The mechanical dust crocodile looked at the crystallized spacecraft in the sky. Its emotions were not very good. "Do you know how to start our weapons?"

"Not fully known, but can learn." The beginning of the situation said: "Your control system is not difficult to learn."

"But you don't need to worry, we won't invade your country." The beginning continues: "We will leave after we find what we want."

"Is it... I hope so." The mechanical dust crocodile is not very trustworthy, and the performance of the beginning is very obvious, but now it has no way, only cooperation with the original.

Originally, it wanted to start the weapons everywhere, but did not expect that the beginning of the situation actually sent troops to take over the task.

Scholars have no special thoughts. Their task is to observe and explore. In fact, if possible, scholars want to not affect anything here, and do not join any ... forces to explore.

But now it's hard to say that you don't participate in this kind of thing, so it's better to follow them now.

The beginning of the situation said: "We went to the nearest arsenal, and then started with our troops, shooting out the weapons inside... no problem."

"...well, I know." The mechanical dust crocodile is still reluctant, but it also follows the floating start to the park exit.

The scholars also wanted to jump from the vines and walk with them, but at this moment, it suddenly became brighter like a white cockroach.

'boom! Looking around, I saw the distant sky bursting with dazzling brilliance, and countless crystal debris scattered around the explosion and spilled into the city.

"What's wrong?" The mechanical dust crocodile and the beginnings of the following also turned around. When I saw this scene... Surprise also appeared in their emotions.

"Is this an aircraft that has been blown up?" The mechanical dust crocodile first had a surprising question, but the surprise was mixed with some surprises.

Apparently the aircraft in the beginning was blown up to make it a little happy, but it soon saw the culprit causing the explosion and was not happy.

When the explosion of smoke dissipated, the city remained bright, because there was another light source in the sky, that is... the giant creatures they had seen before.

The radiance of the ‘Stars’.

The huge serpent-shaped body, which is nearly one kilometer long, swims in the air, and the whole body flashes like a starry sky, and it is slowly approaching the direction of the park.

Because it feels that it might bomb here, scholars, the beginning and the mechanical dust crocodile all fleeing out of the park subconsciously, trying to avoid the other party's route as quickly as possible.

But the stars are more quickly than they are, and when they haven't run or drifted out of the park, the glittering starry skin obscures them.

And the stars did not mean to bomb them, it aimed at...something else.

There is no sound, but it can be seen with the eyes, the skin on the side of the star becomes more shining than anywhere else, and a beam of light is shot from the skin and goes away.

These beams are aimed at the direction of the starter aircraft that have just flown away.

Then, the explosion sounded in the distance.

It seems that none of the remaining five other aircraft escaped, and all of them were crushed.

After the attack, the glory of the star-shaped body became dim... It swam and flew to the sky, and soon the huge figure disappeared into the dark sky.

"It seems that it is specifically for you, like the last time..." Looking at the direction of the stars, the scholar said to the beginning: "How many troops do you have?"

"Yes... it doesn't like us, but it's only recently attacked. We haven't seen it before." The beginning said: "We don't have much left."

"In this case, is it not wise for you to continue to act?" The scholar said: "You want to go to the reformer, but after you find it, you don't know what will happen... Why don't you first... think of ways to settle yourself? ”

"We want the answer." The beginning of the situation said: "Instead of continuing, in fact, we have already had a part that continues, that is the part that lives in you."

"you know?"

"Yes, so we are the followers of the answer." The beginning of the world said: "I want to know about it, no matter what happens..."

"It seems that you have already made up your mind... determination." The scholar said: "Then continue to act, I also want to know what the transformer of the mirror world is like. Do you think that 'God' is a reformer?"

"There is a possibility." The beginning of the situation said: "But more, we think it is related, we must wake it up, now act, although there is no aircraft, but our remaining members can still do it. Some things, our plans... will not change." (To be continued.) 8

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