‘ booming’

The arsenal... was launched.

Along with the roar of the roar, a missile emerged from the open street and flew away from the sky.

"They will... aim at the three-legged columns that wander in the city and then fry them into powder, so that the waking elite will not be threatened by them..."

In the control room of the military building, the mechanical dust crocodile looks at the information displayed in the picture. It is like a hero who is about to die, but has completed the task. "I succeeded! Now you kill me." It doesn't matter! Our race... will recover sooner or later!"

Although it was so loud, the origin did not attack it, but said in a calm tone: "You should carefully... confirm the missile's direction of flight."

"What?" The mechanical dust crocodile was shocked. It immediately reached out and touched the picture. The picture shows the target of the missile flying.

The name of the destination... is exactly the same as the coordinates of the ‘tree god’.

"How could this be!" The mechanical dust crocodile said in horror: "Are you doing it? You have invaded the underground arsenal to adjust the coordinates of these missiles?"

The mechanical dust crocodile said as it was, and it was constantly adjusted on the screen. It seemed to want the missile that was launched to turn around, but the screen constantly showed... ‘Error, unable to reset the target. ’

"Ah! Why can't I modify it! I should have all the permissions!" The mechanical dust crocodile is now completely in a panic. It constantly adjusts the picture and finally finds that there is no way to change it. It turns around. Look at the beginning.

"You... I want to kill you!" It screamed and rushed to the beginning, slammed into the protection of the beginning, and flew out.

"Is this really what you guys got?" The scholar looked at the scene in front of him. He asked the starter very doubtfully: "You have long controlled the arsenal of the dust crocodile and set the coordinates?"

"Yes, the coordinates have been set." The upper cannon has stopped shooting. It seems that the ammunition is over, and the beginning slowly drifts to the side of the screen that the mechanical dust crocodile has just manipulated, and then gently touches it.

"The original position of God is only one of a large number of coordinates recorded in the missile, but now it has been changed to the main coordinates, so a launch will fly to that coordinate by default." The beginning said: "But this is not what we get, But... it."


The scholar came over and looked at the picture. It found that the picture shows a vast indoor space in which a large number of missiles are neatly placed.

There is a missile next to it, there is a ... dust crocodile there, it constantly adjusts what is on the missile.

"It is... that dust crocodile?"

Scholars know the dust crocodile in the picture, which is the elite that they encountered before for the cooperation of cans and legs. At that time... it was rescued by the three-legged column, and then there was no news.

Because the scholar's eyes have a 'details record function', it records the details of the things that the scholar has seen, and prompts them when the scholar sees the thing again.

In this case, even if the scholar forgets what the dust crocodile looks like, he will remember it immediately because of the prompt. It can confirm that this is the elite.

Is this elite still working with the three-legged column? Why are you adjusting the missile? and……

“Do you mean that the coordinates are set by it?” the scholar asked the beginning.

"Yes." The beginning of the situation said: "The missiles that have just been launched have all been aimed at the position of the "God", mainly because it has been set by it."

"We discovered the underground arsenal very early." The beginning said: "However, we were not sure at that time... Do you want to use these weapons to do anything, then we noticed it, it is always coming in and out. Underground arsenal and adjust those missiles."

"...It is setting targets for the missiles, and after we know the legends about God, we discovered that it was the coordinates that set the location of the 'God' for all missiles." The beginning said: "It has already set up several arsenals, including this one, and it seems to have quite a high degree of authority. If it is set, it cannot be changed from here. It can only control the launch or not."

"So, we conducted a further investigation on it, and we found that... it is a believer in the ‘God’, and this approach should be to get the guidance of God.” The beginning of the world said.

"Yes?" The scholars were a little surprised. They had been exposed to the elite before. They did not show that they were believers. Although they did not know how to contact them, they did not write them in the diary.

Perhaps this elite has been adjusting the missile with the three-legged column, or is this the three-legged column?

Thinking, the scholar asked the beginning: "Have you found it in contact with the three-legged column?"

"Do you... know it?" The beginning said: "It does have contact with the three-legged column, but it does not matter if it adjusts the missile and the three-legged column because it..."

At this time, the upper right corner of the monitor screen shows "received a new message", and then the end of the scene reached out and clicked on the message, and the picture suddenly became blurred.

“What is this?” the scholar asked.

"This is an encrypted message." The beginning of the situation said: "Every time it adjusts the missile in the underground arsenal, it will send a message to the building that controls the arsenal...you come over."

At the beginning, the mechanical dust crocodile, which was still on the ground, was still moving. The mechanical dust crocodile had not been moved. After seeing the beginning, it immediately jumped up and said, "What do you want?"

Scholars feel that the mechanical dust crocodile has been pretending to be dead after being bombed. It may be that he wants to prepare something, and the beginning of the situation suddenly flutters and makes it have to get up.

"Of course, let's take a look at this encrypted message sent by Elite." The beginning is still calm and said: "Your authority can directly view the message, which will be a lot easier."

"It's a traitor!" The mechanical dust crocodile said: "It's working with the three-legged! You've always known the traitor! And I didn't tell me at all... You guys are a bunch with the invaders!"

"It is not a traitor." The beginning said: "You... come over and see the news now."

"..." The mechanical dust crocodile seems to hesitate. It glanced at the scholar and looked at the blurred screen. Then he said, "Okay... I will go see it."

It seems that the previous conflict did not happen. The mechanical dust crocodile and the origin came to the front of the screen. After the mechanical dust crocodile touched the screen slightly, the picture sounded: "If enough authority is detected, do you want to read it? Take this message?"


The mechanical dust crocodile gently responded, and the blurred picture suddenly became clear. The above showed a lot of text.

This is also... a thing like a diary, and it is not the same as the diary that scholars saw before, and it contains many things that scholars don't know.

This elite dust crocodile... It turned out to be secretly adjusting the missiles while performing the three-legged mission.

The main content of the diary is almost like this.


"Any creature who can see this news... I am a member of the awakening elite."

"After I woke up, the sight in front of me was totally different from what I thought..."

Next is a description of the general situation of the city of dust crocodile.

“As mentioned above, the city can't find any food, I have to work for them to get food.”

"But my purpose is more than that... What do they want? I always wanted to know this. What are the purposes of their aggression? In order to know this, there is... I will live, I... join them."

"They always let me do some weird handling work, and they don't want to say anything, only at certain times, they will say something."

"That is... when I kill my compatriots."

"I will plead guilty for this in the future, but now I have to follow their arrangements..."

"I think I should use other methods to understand them. I have an advantage now, that is, they will not pay attention to me."

"I occasionally see them on the street, those three-legged things, they won't attack me, they won't talk to me, so I can track them and see what they are doing."

"I also want to know how they wake up... There are all sorts of secrets, I have been investigating them all the time... So I secretly followed them to some places, and most of the time they gathered in the underground streets of the city. And live there, eat... rock shrimp."

"They don't do anything special, it makes me feel confused, except for the only thing, that is..."

“They will often leave part of the city and seem to have traveled far away, so they are getting fewer and fewer here.”

"However, when they are less than a certain degree, they will become more, because those who have left before are back, and they often carry something like a vehicle or a weapon."

"These things are foreign things, I know, so... they seem to have gone abroad before."

“On one occasion, I entered a place...airline, I found a newly developed remotely piloted aircraft inside, so I used this aircraft to go to a neighboring country to investigate.”

"I found out... what the three-legged pillars are doing there, they are dig a lot of weapons from the ground and pile up and blow up."

"Why do they do this? I don't know... maybe to destroy our resistance."

"And I know that their next goal is our country... the weapons of our country will be destroyed by them sooner or later."

"I have to act and protect these weapons, otherwise they will be launched into useful places, and they will not be allowed to blow up in vain!" (~^~)

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