4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1354: It is coming

"You don't know anything..."

"Our enemy forces are not something that can be easily solved. They will not be eliminated so easily. They will appear again soon. Do you know? Then we will destroy us as before, and the solidification is only slightly extended. The time we are alive!"

"The only hope is to awaken God and let it guide us to victory. If you still want to live, hurry up! Shoot all the missiles at that position! Let it wake up!"

In a dark room, a dust crocodile is screaming, and it looks like a crocodile around, but actually has a lot of listeners.

Including the scholars, three of them, they are still in the luxurious room, and they can directly see the traitors who are locked up by arranging the **** for them.

After the arranger gave the ball to them, he said that there are still things to do before leaving, and the rest of the scholars are here to observe this elite situation.

"It seems that it knows more than we do." The scholar said: "I think... I should talk to it and learn more details."

"Don't talk to this traitor!" The mechanical dust crocodile said: "As long as we prepare the army, the enemy forces that suddenly recover from the solidification will be shot without any precaution! They are no better than us." How many!"

"But the discussion is still necessary..." The scholar said: "It should know more about the details of the enemy... What happened to it?"

The scholar suddenly saw that the sharpness in the picture suddenly seemed to be mad, and kept using his head against the wall.

"It's crazy!" The mechanical dust crocodile immediately said: "I knew it was a madman who believed in the madness! It has been there all the time, and it is still hitting the wall!"

"It's coming! It's coming!" Elite yelled at the wall and shouted: "It's already here! Let me go out! I can only communicate with it, only I can receive it!"

“Is it coming?” The mechanical dust crocodile questioned: “What is it?”

‘Boom’ suddenly, a dull sound echoed, and it sounded like it was coming far away, but it also made the furniture tremble.

"Elite!" The door was pushed away. The arranger hurried in from the outside. It said to the scholars very fluently: "Have you ever encountered that thing?"

"That thing?" Scholars have three questions.

"We were attacked!" said the arranger, who walked to the left side of the sofa and patted the armrest of the sofa. The wall opposite the sofa suddenly became transparent and showed the outside city view.

When scholars lamented that this wall actually had this function, it also saw a huge object in the distance of the city... No, it does not seem to be a solid object.

It looks more like a huge liquid... It is nearly a hundred meters in total and emits a bright, citrus glow that strongly conceals the light from the surrounding city.

It is like a huge...active lava, and is slowly advancing. If the scholar adjusts the line of sight closer, he can see the dust crocodile residents who scream and run on the streets below.

They looked at the lava behind them in horror and madly fled to the distance. Fortunately, the lava was moving very slowly and did not hurt any residents.

However, those buildings have been embarrassed.

Buildings cannot move, and as the 'lava' approaches, their surfaces appear to be attacked by intense heat and slowly soften and melt.

It seems that this is not ordinary... lava.

"Elite!" The arranger said at this time: "Have you seen it? What the **** is this? There was no such thing in the previous enemy... monster!"

"I...no...have not seen it!" The mechanical dust crocodile is also surprised: "Where did it come from? Why did it appear here to attack us?"

"I don't know, it seems to pop up suddenly..." The arranger said: "Now the troops are acting, do you really know nothing?"

"Maybe..." At the beginning of the day, he suddenly said: "This is the god."

"God?" The mechanical dust crocodile and the arranger were shocked: "Is this god?"

"It's very similar to the description..." The beginning said: "In the beginning of the legend about God, isn't it like this? At the moment when the expedition first met it, God was described as... ...shaped like a plant, but it is something made up of lava."

"But... this shape is not like a plant." The mechanical dust crocodile said.

“Yes.” The scholar said: “But since it is liquid, it may change shape.”

The lava, which is a distant activity, is shaped like a tall tower without any branch-like structure, which is quite different from the previous ‘tree’ shape.

Of course, I am not sure if it is the tree god, at least... very likely.

"Then, your refuge vehicle is ready!" The arranger said: "If the situation is critical, please go to the roof to take refuge! I still have a lot to deal with!"

As soon as the arranger said, he ran out quickly, leaving scholars and three of them here.

They didn't say anything, they looked carefully at the distant group * The lava continued to move forward.

As it moves, any object that is close to it will melt and dissipate. Although it does not harm the creature, it will cause huge damage to the rebuilt crocodile.

As a result, the dust crocodile quickly acted, and the scholars noticed that many aircraft were flying through the sky.

The shape of these aircraft is very similar to that of the imaginary fighters. They flew to a certain distance and turned away, and at the same time they turned to the lava to cast missiles.

'boom! ’

The sound of the explosion rang on the surface of the lava, and a large orange-red liquid splashed like a splash of water, sprinkled around it, and it was instantly melted into a hole by the building or the ground.

And * the lava itself does not seem to be hurting, it is slowly moving forward, so more explosions are also ringing on its body.

The ground forces of the dust crocodile also arrived, and the troops and infantry units fired on the ground against the lava, and numerous warheads flew in. The surface of the lava was like a puddle in the rain. Constantly splashing countless frits, they fell to the ground and smashed toward the dust crocodile army on the ground.

Although it did not actively attack, these things sputtered quite far, and the soldiers of the dust crocodile immediately retreated, and some of them retreated slowly, and they were melted into residue. (To be continued.)

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