4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1357: hesitate

"You said to stop attacking the monster? Let it run in our city? We are not a race creature, so it is best not to say these... jokes, I will not try to understand."

This is the response given to scholars.

Scholars are now on the street, running with a group of soldiers and mechanical dust crocodile, who are chasing the front not far...the elite.

The scholar just contacted the commander and told it... those who want to speak, and then this result.

Stopping the attack on a living lava that is moving in the city, it is obviously... not very willing.

This is indeed a normal response, unless the commander is also a believer, otherwise it certainly does not want the lava monster to move around the city.

Moreover, when the scholars contacted the command, it saw several missiles flying through the sky. They flew toward the lava monster in the distance and hit it...


The explosion caused the entire 'head' to burst, and countless flashes of lava rain sprang up, and some even flew in this direction...

"Ah!" The scholar only heard a scream in front of him. A dust crocodile soldier was hit by a flying lava and his body was melted through a hole.

The lava that melted through it fell to the ground and disappeared without a trace.

The soldiers running beside them seemed to be scared, but they did not stop, and they kept chasing the elite traitor. The only thing that stopped was the mechanical dust crocodile.

It ran to the side of the soldier who was melted, then picked up its weapon and aimed at the sharpness in the distance...

‘砰’ a shot, and the elite suddenly fell to the ground.

It seems that it was hit in the leg, the scholar saw that his thighs poured out blood, but only fell to the ground for a second, it climbed again and continued to run wild.

Scholars feel that... mechanical dust crocodile shooting is quite accurate, and the elite physical strength is also very strong, its body should be strengthened or something happened, from the initial hit the door to the current shot can still climb up and run, its ability It is far stronger than the general crocodile.

The mechanical dust crocodile saw it and wanted to continue shooting, but the soldiers next to it also noticed that they immediately ran over and stopped: "Wait, under the command of the commander, I ordered to catch it!"

"Of course it is a live catch, so I only hit its legs!" The mechanical dust crocodile said: "My aiming system is not biased, let go, I..."

"Be careful!" I don't know who shouted, the sky suddenly lit up, and I saw countless lava blocks as a meteor.

"Oh, ah!"

Scholars are also avoiding these lava descending from the sky. Its mechanical body is very flexible and has not suffered any damage.

When the lava rain ended, there were soldiers who fell to the ground, and the ground that was melted and filled with potholes.

This seems to be an active attack.

The ‘God’ of the previous living lava sputtered many times of lava rain, but it was sputtered after being blown up. Now it is actively throwing lava here.

This seems to be protecting... elite?

It seems that it is not, scholars have seen that the ground running in the distance is also hit by a lot of lava blocks, but it is fine.

"The **** traitor actually called the **** to attack us!" The mechanical dust crocodile is fine. It raises the weapon again... aiming at the elite.

'boom! This time the attack hit, but it was not the elite, but the protection of the beginning.

"How are you..." The mechanical dust crocodile and the scholars were a little surprised to see the beginning of the sudden emergence on the street, it was blocked between...they and the elite.

"You..." The mechanical dust crocodile raised his weapon and said loudly: "Do you want to protect the traitor?"

"It is you who betrayed you, not me." The beginning said: "It is the key to knowing the 'reformer' for us, so I must guard it."

"Yes? Anyway, I know that you are not a good thing!" The mechanical dust crocodile slammed the switch, and the ammunition that was shot in large quantities caused the protection of the beginning to swell.

"You **** things... why are there so weird techniques!" The mechanical dust crocodile keeps shooting, but it can't do anything to the origin.

Because the attack was ineffective, the mechanical dust crocodile appeared more and more flustered. It looked around, but the soldiers just now have all become dead bodies and can't help it.

"Hey! You!" So the mechanical dust crocodile shouted to the scholar: "Come help me solve it! Which side are you standing on?"

The shouted scholar sneaked a bit, it really is not good to say where it is, whether it is the dust crocodile side, or God, or those aggressors ... scholars feel that it is not counted.

It's just here to explore the secrets of this pipeline and the world of mirrors, no matter which side it doesn't want to join, or do things for them.

In fact, scholars used to be different. For example, when watching movies, it would naturally like some of the forces inside and hate another force. According to previous thinking, if you first contact the dust crocodile, you will also let the scholars Naturally, it is biased towards dust crocodile.

But now it is not the case. Scholars do not particularly favor dust crocodile and feel that they should help them.

Instead, they think that these races are similar. They should all have their own reasons. It is not good to intervene on either side, just to explore for the task.

The beginning of the continuous attack did not counterattack, but quickly flew in the direction of the scholar.

At the beginning of the flight, he said: "Your thing can control its emotions. I have already seen it. Its emotions can be manipulated... Why don't you keep it 'in nature'?"

"I..." The scholar did not finish it. It felt that the body was hit by a force. The golden square placed on the waist did not know how to fly out and landed on the beginning.

Then I took it at the beginning and adjusted the data slightly against the mechanical dust crocodile.

"You..." After adjusting all the value changes to 0, the mechanical dust crocodile suddenly stopped shooting, and it was once again in a confused state as before.

But this time, it didn't last as long as it used to, but soon said: "We...this would be like this... I already..."

Scholars look at the appearance of mechanical dust crocodile. Scholars don't actually keep it in a frenetic state. In fact, they just forget it, because mechanical dust crocodile has always been the kind of fanaticism and has no sense of violation.

However, turning it back seems to be... no use.

At least for the beginning, scholars believe that the reason why the beginning has not attacked the mechanical dust crocodile is that it believes that scholars may regard mechanical dust crocodile as a friend, or a similar role, which kills mechanical dust crocodile and leads scholars. dissatisfied.

So it has always used a relatively 'soft' approach to deal with mechanical dust crocodile, just like now, although the beginning of the situation has slightly 'attacked' a scholar, but the power used is very light, it obviously does not want to ... anger scholars Because it feels that the scholar is 'representing' on the side of the pompon.

It seems now that the beginning should be that God has a connection with their reformers, so they have to help ‘God’.

"I know it now..." The mechanical dust crocodile is still talking to himself: "Why am I... what is our machinery..."

It shouted a dislike that was like a mental breakdown. Modifying emotions should not change its memory, so everything was remembered before.

If you act as a normal and not fanatical machine, you may be very...disgusted with your previous behavior.

"You are surrounded!"

The mechanical dust crocodile hasn't finished yet. There are a lot of ... dust crocodile soldiers here. They should have come over here just after the lava rain.

These soldiers armed with weapons, surrounded by scholars and mechanical dust crocodile, and the beginning of the road: "This is the command of the command, please go back with us now."

"You... want to arrest us?" The mechanical dust crocodile asked these soldiers.

"No, because you are a monitor, you can't leave the designated building too far." A soldier said: "You must all go back. As for the traitor, there are already other troops to chase."

"The traitor... yes, it's the reason for the traitor..." The mechanical dust crocodile said without any emotion: "Go ahead... catch it, let's go back."

After that, it went in the direction of return.

"Of course, we will try our best to arrest them, and please go back to a safe place." The soldiers said that they were also standing on both sides, trying to go back with mechanical dust crocodile and scholars.

The mechanical dust crocodile walked to the scholar step by step and turned to the scholar and said: "I said... are you the same?"

The scholar questioned: "Is the same?"

"Yeah... Is the machine discriminated against in your race? What do they use to adjust your mood?" The voice of the mechanical dust crocodile still has no feelings.

"I...it's not really a machine," the scholar said.

"What are you talking about? What do you think is a machine..."

"Ah! What are you doing! Please come back with us!" The shouts in the distance interrupted the sound of the mechanical dust crocodile. I saw that a group of soldiers around the beginning flew out, and several others. Then hold the weapon at the beginning.

"Time is up." The beginning said: "We will know the truth, and then leave here, no matter who... Farewell."

After that, the beginning of the world floated to the sky, flying to the direction of the lava god. (~^~)

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