4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1369: New discovery


What... the sound of cracking.


The scholar received the sound, but only for a short moment.

This did not attract much attention from scholars, because most of the scholars' attention is placed on the biota above more than ten meters ahead.

There is a group... ‘God’.

Their bodies, like lava, have a height of tens of meters, and a total of ten are slowly moving on the ground.

Scholars have been observing them for some time. At first, scholars also tried to communicate with them. It used dust crocodile language and various methods such as transmitting signal waves.

But these ‘God’ will not respond to it. They completely ignore scholars and continue their activities.

Scholars feel that they are more like wildlife living here, but scholars feel that the **** in the dust crocodile is the same creature.

However, the **** has been eaten by the dust group... In this way, there is no way to ask related questions.

This group of 'God' has been moving slowly on the ground, perhaps eating or doing something else, and there are other creatures around them.

These creatures, scholars think it can be called 'dust wind'. In fact, scholars have also studied the data of this creature. They are like a small tornado. They are collectively called cyclone-like creatures. Their centers have a special The core of 'Magnetic', and with this core, controls a lot of dust spinning, making them look like a wind.

When scholars knew this creature before, they thought it was incredible, but it is said that this creature is concentrated in a world far away from the brain.

It is completely unknown why it appears here, but scholars can confirm that these 'dusty winds' are also a type of cyclone.

Because it just grabbed one to study it.

The ‘dust wind’ is very small. It is a small storm of more than ten centimeters. They are swaying around the lava god. Occasionally, some of them will sway farther and be captured by scholars.

The principles of these weird creatures are still difficult to understand. Scholars have found that the 'magnetic' of the core of the dust wind only acts on the special dust around the spin, and does not act on any other substances found here.

Scholars feel that there are still many places to learn.

However, now my time should be unlimited, it can understand these strange things in the void infinitely... Every time I think so, scholars feel very excited...excited.

But now it is not going to stay here for research, because scholars are also looking for a missing mechanical dust crocodile... If you can't find it, you should go around instead of staying in one place.

Thinking, the scholar stood up, and his vision crossed the giant **** of lava and looked into the distance.

Under the hustle and bustle of the sky, scholars can vaguely see a mountain in the distance. Although it is not strange to say that the mountain is the first time, scholars have seen the mountain here.

So it is necessary to take a look.

‘Hey! ’

When the scholar was ready to start, it found that the sky suddenly lit up.

It was as if someone had lost a flash of fire in the sky, and the strong brilliance blew up over the group of lava gods, and white covered everything around him.

However, scholars can still barely see the situation there. Under the lava god, the small dusty wind seems to have a special fear of this light. They circulate and flee around, and they all run out.

And those lava gods themselves seem to be a little scared.

They swayed their bodies and began to move at speeds several times faster than usual.

Usually they are usually moved by half a meter in one second. Now it has increased to two meters a second. It can be said that it is much faster...

Scholars feel that something is going to happen, so they open their stealth mode.

When the light of the sky disappeared, scholars soon saw a giant behemoth on the horizon.

It looks like a ship...

It is more than 20 meters in length and looks very similar to the watercraft commonly used by the Emerald Dragon, but it is made of gray-black rock and is also sliding at high speed on the ground.

The arrival of this rocky ship made the gods of lava seem to be more... fear, they moved their bodies to spread around, which made scholars feel a little bit of them... collapsed.

In the impression of scholars, the **** of lava should be the army facing the whole city and shouting to bite each other's creatures, but these performances are completely different.

‘嘭’ accompanied by a sound, when the rock ship approached the nearest lava god, opened a mouth from under the bow and continuously injected a large amount of ... airflow from the mouth.

This seems to be a kind of ... very low temperature gas, where scholars can detect changes in temperature, and under the pressure of this airflow, the body of the lava **** begins to change slowly.

This made the scholar think of... Before the dust crocodile, the scene where the lava **** was bombed by the frozen missile was very similar to the present. The ship was shooting a lot of coldness against the lava god, which made the body of the lava **** slowly change. In gray, its movement has slowly stopped.

It seems to have entered the same state of solidification as the previous one.

Other lava gods did not save their companions, but quickly fled to the distance, and the ship stopped there to continue to emit cold until the lava **** was completely motionless and completely solidified...

The cold air launch probably lasted for about 1000 seconds, and the other lava gods have already reached a long distance, and the lava **** is completely unmoved.

The ship stopped shooting cold, and then it slowly retreated, then turned back in the direction of coming.

The scholars hesitated a little, and they began to chase the ship.

However, the speed of the ship is quite fast. Scholars can't catch up with running. It can only look at the ship farther and farther, and finally loses its presence in the hustle and bustle of the air.

However, even then, scholars can follow the traces left by the ship, and it believes that the ship should stop somewhere and find it sooner or later.

This ship is not like a creature. Scholars think it should be a creature of some kind, and perhaps there are residents in this world.

It’s just that their actions are very strange. They just solidified the **** and didn’t move or do anything. They just turned around and turned away.

Or, will there be another group of people going to carry out the work?

In any case, the scholar has left a position in the position of God just now... the mini-scientists used to monitor, so that it can continue to track the ship, and also see what happens to the solidified god.

Will it be eaten by the dust group? Or will it be carried away by the creature that solidified it? Or... what is that?

The scholar suddenly saw a special scene in front of it... a lot of rocks.

These rocks are very strange, they look like ... palms.

Some of them are in the shape of a fist, and some are in the shape of an open one. This quirky 'palm stone' is scattered in the field of vision in front of scholars.

Moreover, scholars have also seen things that were familiar before.

"Yes... that bubble."

The scholar quickly ran forward, and before he came to an open palm stone, there was a bubble in the palm stone, and the stone body looked like this bubble was caught by the hand. same.

This bubble... exactly the same as the scholars saw before, it can reach in and find that it is quite cool.

However, what the scholars care about is that this bubble has something that it is familiar with.

... dry corpse.

To be precise, it is an elite corpse.

Although it dried up, it looked like there was no external damage, so it was so quietly lying in the bubble.

Since it is here... it means who brought it here instead of being eaten.

Maybe the creature that made this bubble is not necessarily.


The scholar suddenly heard a voice.

The sound of the dry corpse split.

In the eyes of the scholar's surprise, the head of the corpse slowly splits, and the crack is covered with its body for a moment, and then a hand is extended from the crack.

Scholars are almost completely stunned.

The hand was small and tender, and soon the other one stretched out. The two hands forced open the body of the corpse, and a young figure was drilled out of the corpse.

"where am I?"

This is a young crocodile cub, and at the moment it appears, it raises such a question to scholars.

"you are……"

Scholars can't help but ask questions about it.

"You don't know me?" The dust crocodile cub said to the scholar: "I... Wait, where is it here?"

Saying, it crawled up and reached in the direction of the scholar.

"and many more!"

At the moment when the scholar's voice sounded, the dust crocodile cubs put out a little bubble on the hand, but it immediately received a hand to collect it.

I saw that there was a trace of burns in the stretched out part.

"Outside... so hot!" The dust crocodile cub said to the scholar: "What the **** is going on?"

"This... I want to know."


Then, the scholar and the cub talked a little, and it found that the dust crocodile cub was... elite.

At least its memory is exactly the same as the elite, of course, until their trucks fall to the ground, and then they find themselves in the elite.

After the scholar reminded him that he found himself smaller, it also surprised him.

However, they do not know what this is, so the scholars decided to continue chasing the ship before, they should have an answer.

However, there is a problem that... there is no way to leave the bubble, and if you put it here, you may... I don’t know when the bubble will blow up. (To be continued.)

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