4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1399: Ancient legend

"You have now achieved redemption! You have gained real power! Embrace the flames, destined to be immortal!"

"At the same time, you will also get the right to understand the legend. From ancient legends..."


This is what happened a long time ago.

No devil knows, and no dust crocodile knows that in the age when they were not yet born, the huge pipe floating in the void has the name 'Miedgart'.

This huge pipeline, its legends are circulated among many species, but the species that can really understand it are very few. Many creatures have even seen it, even destroyed by it, and they don't know that Midgart is a creature.

And there are a group of creatures who know the legend about the pipeline.

That is the creator.

It is said that these creators scattered throughout the void have recorded most of the life in the void.

At least... the creator who created the perfect world in a dream is like this... Its ancestors gave it memories and legends that were once circulated in the void.

In the creator's legend, Midgart usually has a simple name, 'trap,' which is very obvious. It is named for the behavior of Midgarth.

It likes to create traps to attract attackers and destroy attackers. It has always been the case. In the legend, Midgart has a powerful ability to parse the attacker's weapon through a method called 'time flow analysis'. To understand where this thing is, where and when it was created, and even analyze what has been destroyed.

Using this type of analysis, it finds where the attackers are, destroys them, and lets them regenerate in their own bodies...the original race.

In the creator's legend, they usually do not approach creatures like Midgart, and there is no intersection, but they collect information from each other in various ways.

Midgarth's ... ecology can not affect a lot of things, as long as you do not actively attack it, there is no problem.

Moreover, the behavior of most creatures is hard to be considered as an 'attack' by Midgart. To make it feel like an attack, enough power is necessary.

Therefore, for the understanding of Midgart's creatures, this huge pipeline is harmless, and there may be some profitable.

Some creatures are close to Midgart for the sake of profit.

In the legend, Midgart has many peculiar abilities, one of which can be called 'coagulation' is the most obvious, and the reason that Midgart has this ability is because... it is said that it is connected Another unknown void.

Its ducted body is used as a passage.

Like the ‘unpredictable land, the place that Midgart is connected to is also far from the current void...and there is no way to arrive through the usual transmission.

And, it is said that... in that void, everything is fixed.

It is said that the time there is always static, and everything is motionless. Except for Midgart, it is said that it can enter and exit the completely solid void.

This kind of legend is not only known to the creators, but also to other creatures.

They are all very large... very old creatures, like the Star Bus.

During the long years, occasionally some other giant creatures approached Midgart and communicated with Midgart.

And Midgart will also communicate with these visitors.

Although there are always many civilizations in Midgart, there is no lack of it as a **** worship, but only those giant creatures that can truly recognize Midgart can get its response.

The legend does not describe their communication in detail, but it also shows that this should be related to biology.

The stellar bus will occasionally appear near Midgart, and will leave after a brief exchange between the two sides... The same species as the Midgart pipeline will appear on the star bus.

Occasionally this happens several times, and later Midgart has another name in the legend: a civilized seller.

The purpose of the Stellar Bus is thought to be to trade with Midgart and to get some of the species in the pipeline to grow on themselves.

The communication between these giant creatures is usually unaware of the species in them, but the stellar bus...why would like the species in the Midgart pipeline is still a mystery.

There are also some creatures that don't want the species here, but have other purposes to communicate with Midgart.

Some of these phenomena are documented in the legend, and the purpose of some creatures is only what Middlegart acquired.

That is what is there in the ‘solidified void’.

It is said that there are many... magical substances that constitute special substances and the like. In fact, 'solidified mushrooms' are also one of the substances from the solidification of the void.

Most of them have magical effects, but these things are usually not taken away from the pipe of Midgart, but this does not prevent their location from being conveyed.

Some creatures come here for this, and they get close to Midgart in order to get these things from the solidified void.

But they... don't want to talk to Midgart.

Some want to take these things out secretly, or directly plunder, of course, this does not make sense...

Only creatures that normally communicate with Midgart are likely to get these things... There are many kinds of these things, and there are many kinds of things, they all come from the solidification of the void, and the legend does not give a detailed introduction to these things.

However, some of their effects can still be seen from another direction, that is, the legend of the ‘melt zone.’

The meltdown zone, its past is a cold world, like most tumbling people in the void, as long as it is far from the star, or there is no star at all, its surface will be cold.

And this cold world... has been expecting the arrival of warmth, it knows the legend of Midgart from somewhere, and is close to Midgart.

It communicated with Midgart and got something from Midgart, called ‘Fire Dust’

Because it looks like red dust, so there is such a name, the role of this 'fire dust' is to warm the whole world.

The fire dust that was originally obtained was sent deep into the center of the earth, and then slowly expanded until the surface until the whole world...

In the end, the whole world has become much warmer, and the high temperature has spread above the earth. The air and the creatures that fit this burning environment are all obtained from Midgarth.

Like the 'gird struts', there are other creatures that are actually somewhere in the pipe from Midgart.

They began to adapt to the world of high temperatures and thrive in this world.

It has acquired these things, and promises to give what Midgart wants, in simple terms, a deal.

But what exactly is this? Not mentioned here.

Then, the world that has become hot has left Midgart and wandered in the void... until something happened...

Its temperature is falling, and it finds that 'fire dust' seems to be a consumable and will be consumed slowly.

So, it went to contact Midgart again and asked it to give more fire, but it encountered some problems...

Midgart is no longer in its original position. Where did it go? It is completely unclear about this matter.

It began to look for any clues about ‘fire dust’.

Finally, it went to... a certain galaxy.

This galaxy is home to such a group of creatures, they are...


"That is us?"

Here is in a ... base.

Scholars and commanders are standing in front of two ashes, listening to them telling the story...

"Yes, it's you. You used to live in the pipeline. But then rolled out. But I know you."

"It also knows you."


"The will of this world! It represents the burning burning thing!"

"It is looking for something called 'dust dust', so it continually hits us?" The commander said: "Why?"

"Because you have that kind of thing! You are hiding!"

"We don't know this kind of thing at all!" the commander shouted: "And it shouldn't be done for this kind of thing... to push us to the road!"

"Do you dare to insult us? I want to kill you!"

“Wait a minute!” the scholar immediately said: “You should still want to know another... legend”

"What is that legend? Is there a legend about its head in our mouth? Then let's finish it and kill it."


Devil, a group of creatures from within the pipeline.

They are arguably the only species that have left from Midgart.

This is because there is a great ‘prophet’ among them. It is said that the prophet predicted one thing, that is, living in the pipeline will soon be destroyed.

In fact, it is not a prophecy, but based on the ruins of civilization in the past, the prophet speculates how these civilizations were destroyed.

At the same time, it was fortunate to communicate with the survivors of the previous generation of civilizations, and came to the conclusion that they cannot continue to stay here.

But the main reason is that this prophet is not itself...the devil.

It is another creature with a higher level of intelligence and knowledge.

Under its leadership, the ancestors of the devil left the pipeline and reached a rich world in the distant void and thrived there.

And they were discovered by the meltdown zone.

The creatures in the pipeline have many weird characteristics, such as they will produce the same species nearby.

There is...

They actually brought something out. (~^~)

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