4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1402: overall

Midgarth... is back.

This is what happened recently. In fact, the pipe of Midgart has never been in the present position.

It has only recently appeared.

The meltdown zone noticed this, but it was not noticed immediately. The reason it noticed was mainly because...the thing that was called the ‘God’ by the dust crocodile.

In fact, it was originally used for contact, and a meltdown was placed in a pipe.

This giant smelt is somewhat different from the giant lava on the meltdown. It is not so ‘wild’ and its intelligence is much higher.

The meltdown zone has been used to communicate with Midgart.

However, after Midgart suddenly disappeared, the meltdown zone could no longer contact the giant melting column. Until recently, it was accidentally received indirectly from the giant melting column.

That is, when they were waking up in the country of the dust crocodile.

At the moment of waking up, the giant smelt sent some signals to the meltdown zone and told it about Midgarth.

Therefore, the meltdown zone knows...Miedgart is currently in a state of slumber, it entered this state at some point, and has not woken up.

However, its physical function is still working, that is, the production of a group of ... troops, destroying the existing civilization, that is, the dust crocodile their civilization.

The invaders facing the dust crocodile are actually the 'cleaning system' in the body of Midgart. This system has been operating all the time, so that the civilization in its body will never develop and grow, they will always develop. To a certain extent, the whole was destroyed, and then the new civilization was re-developed from the primitive era.

But the situation of the dust crocodile is a little special. They found and used some of the solid air in the body of Midgart, so they dragged the battle for a long time.

Of course, the meltdown zone doesn't care about these things. It just wants to know if Midgart can continue to provide it with something from the solidification space.

Before it came, it had already let the giant smelt look for it, and the path to be searched had to go through the city of dust crocodile, so that would happen.

After the failure of the giant melting column, the meltdown zone also came to the front of Midgarth, and intended to communicate directly with Midgart.

However, Midgart is like a giant smelt, it is in a state of sleep and does not respond...

At this time, the scholars just took it... The truck flew out of the pipe of Midgart and landed on the meltdown zone outside.

The meltdown zone noticed them, so they were safe when they fell, but they didn't pay much attention to them after that.

Scholars began to explore in the meltdown zone, and after reaching the base of the demon, the meltdown zone was not in place.

Because, Midgart sent the meltdown to the belt, this is another kind of...Automatic system, Midgart will send some of the bigger things around, not let them stay too long .

The meltdown zone was sent back to its original position and it had no energy to be sent back.

Then, the meltdown zone decided... First solve the problem of the demon world, and wait until the next energy gathering is completed, then go back to Midgart.

When it hit the world of demons, Lynn came to the meltdown zone. At this time... the brave and the cultivating creatures found fire in a position in Midgarth.

Then, Lin's pompom told the news to the two ashes, and said that they could bring them with this kind of thing.

In exchange, the ashes made the brains on behalf of the meltdown zone and spoke out its history...but they also said that the demon world must be destroyed, and this must be done.

Therefore, the destruction of the demon world was not stopped at the end, and all things were like this... it came to an end.

For the whole story, Lin has almost made it clear. Although there are still many details, it can be handled slowly.

What I want to do now in the meltdown zone is to wait until there is enough energy before returning to the location of Midgart.

Although the past may not have any meaning, because it may be sent back, it must be seen.

Lin is thinking about something else.

Lin's arms will also be sent intermittently in Midgart, so Lin used other creatures to explore there. Before Lin thought it was a vagrant.

But now it turns out that this should be Midgart's 'automatic delivery system'.

This ability has also been mentioned in the creator's legend, which is often the reason why Midgart has nothing to do with him.

As long as it is big enough... it is said that it is big enough to reach half the diameter of its pipe and it will be transported away.

But it will also send Lin's arms away. Does it think Lin is 'big enough'?

And what is the relationship between Midgarth and the vagrant? The evacuee’s “deprecated project site” may mean another meaning.

It means that they gave up the place, but they gave up working at this place.

Perhaps the tranpers themselves want to transcribe Midgarth... but they find that they can't do this, so they give up.

And... What is the meltdown zone itself?

It behaves much like a stellar bus, and its abilities are similar.

However, its composition is not the same as the stellar bus. Lin feels that this is the credit of ‘fire dust’.

Fire dust is a strange substance. In fact, brain-making monsters will become like that, and the devil's ‘ashing’ is related to fire and dust.

They can transform a multicellular organism and turn it into a creature of ashes.

No, it is a transformation... It is better to replace it. The dust is actually similar to the fungus. It kills the original cells and replaces them. Ashened

Lin is currently doing research on fire dust. When the fire hits the cells, it instantly becomes extremely hot, killing the original cells and producing a subtle particle that looks like dust.

It’s not that all the cells have reacted. At least the cells that touched Lin didn’t respond. They met the jade dragon, the gnome or... the scholar did not respond.

And the replacement process is very long, how the dust is produced by the fire and dust has not yet been clarified...

The creatures being replaced, like the two brain-creating geniuses, have the same personality knowledge as before, and can also... communicate directly with the meltdown zone. (~^~)

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