4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1405: Secret discovery

"This place... is quite big."

Scholars... are moving forward in an underground passage.

This is the base of the city of dust crocodile. It can be seen that there are many shops and other places on both sides of the passage, but it has all been abandoned... the shops left are empty and there are scattered dust and ground. Various wastes.

The scholar originally intended to leave the city of dust crocodile and go out to explore, but recently scholars have received news that they are going to find the legendary drug.

It is the kind of medicine that has been used by elites and has become very powerful.

Where is the elite now, is it still alive? Scholars have not seen it for a long time... But scholars know where its drugs are made.

That is... the way the scholar is going.

"It seems to be here." The scholar stopped. In front of the scholar, there was a shop that wrote 'Miscellaneous Selling'. After pushing the door and going in, a shop that was indeed full of debris was displayed. Scholars.

These sundries look odd, with dry plants, animal skeletons and specimens, and some cans.

This place seems very suspicious, but the real suspicious point is not in these things, but in the institutions hidden in these things.

The scholar looked around and saw a jar placed beside the door. The scholar then took the jar away and saw a small hole under the jar. After a little poke...

‘ booming’

The scholar heard the sound of the whole room.

I saw that the floor in the center of the room slowly opened with the sound of the bang, showing a downward path, and scholars marched toward the depths of this passage.

"Yes, that's it, move them all..."

When the scholar walked to the bottom, it saw a door, and there was a sound coming from behind the door.

"It seems that anyone has opened the channel above. Do you want to check it out? No, we will move these things away quickly, so as not to cause any problems!"

There are windows on the door, so the scholar can see the inside. There are two dust crocodiles in the room behind the door, they are carrying a large box of things.

They carried the box to the center of the room, where there was a disc-shaped object, and when they put the box on the disc, the box disappeared.

"Very good, there are a few boxes..." Then they continue to start carrying other things.

It seems... they are transmitting what is being used.

Dust crocodile does not use the transfer, and the two are very skilled to use, they indicate that they... there must be something wrong.

Scholars know that there are things happening in the world of demons, where the demons use the drugs here, and the drugs are probably shipped from here.

I don't know who it is, and for what purpose... to do this kind of thing.

Scholars decided to go directly to see.

‘Hey! The scholar pushed the door open, and the two dust crocodiles in the room suddenly jumped: "Who are you?"

“What are you carrying?” the scholar asked: “Where are these things sent to?”

"Kill it!" The two dust crocodile screamed and took out the weapon, but the scholar raised his hand at a faster speed, and the two dust crocodiles fell to the ground.

"This is really effective." Scholars use a quick-acting ... anesthesia needle that can quickly put a dust crocodile into a coma.

After the two dust crocodile crouched down, the scholar took out a ... mini scholar and placed it on the transfer disc in the middle... but nothing happened.

“Is it necessary to use these boxes to trigger the transfer?” Thinking, the scholar pushed a box next to the disc, and the mini scholar was placed on the box.

‘啪’ was useful this time, the box and the mini-student disappeared together, and the scholar immediately tried to receive images from the mini-scholar.

"What the **** is this...?"

Scholars soon received an image, but what it saw was... it seemed to be an environment in the void.

If you look far away, you can see the scenes of the stars that are common in the sky, and if you look closer, you can see that there are floating objects everywhere.

Among these floats... are all things sold in the grocery store, like dried plants and bones, including several boxes, which seem to have been delivered by the two dust crocodile.

Why is this transfer point leading to such a void? Scholars feel that they may have to "ask" the two crocodile crocodiles to know...

Thinking, the scholars intend to tie up the two dust crocodile and wake up.

“Strange?” When the scholars prepared to bundle the dust crocodile, they found that they had some problems.


"We don't know anything!" a dust crocodile tied to the corner of the room said loudly: "We just listened to it and asked us to use this to quietly dispose of the goods here!"

"Yes, it says that after giving it, it will give us a lot of reward!" said another dust crocodile.

"Your country has been seriously threatened. What kind of reward do you still care about?" the scholar asked.

"It says the reward is..." The dust crocodile said: "It can make us very powerful and solve this invasion threat..."

"Who is the ‘it’ you said?” The scholar asked: “Also...dust crocodile?”

"I think so..." The second dust crocodile said: "But it is covered in black, and we can't see what it looks like, but it does show us that it can make us stronger... ”

The scholar asked: "Do you know what you are carrying?"

"I don't know, this store is not ours." The dust crocodile said: "We just listened to what it said to move things here. It seems that they are all very strange things."

"... Is this the case?" The scholar said: "I don't think so, because you... are always lying."

"We didn't lie to you!" said a dust crocodile: "We..."

"Your camouflage is not perfect." The scholar said: "When I tried to wake you up, I found that you didn't breathe."

"..." The two dust crocodiles are silent.

Then, the scholars found that their bodies were expanding rapidly, and the ropes that tied the scholars to them were stretched out, and the smashing moments were blown apart.

Among the cracked dust crocodile, two creatures appeared.

The appearance of these two creatures is very familiar to scholars. In fact, they are... three-legged columns, about one meter tall, cylindrical body and three legs for moving.

"The camouflage is really not perfect." This three-legged column seems to be different from the outside. It has a high ... intelligence and can communicate directly with scholars: "But it is no longer needed." (To be continued.)

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