4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 165: The center of the fog

"Island, appear, land, find something interesting, excited, happy."

The flying height of Behemoth allowed the brain worm to see the island a few kilometers away. Lin immediately accelerated the entire army and rushed to the strange island.

Because the army was sailing westward as a whole, Lynn had never been in this direction, so he had never seen the island.

When approaching the island, the bright starry sky suddenly became dim, surrounded by a thick fog, covering all the lines of sight. In this thick fog, the sound of the 'Qinda' still echoed. This sound is intermittent and more and more pronounced.

This may be that some creatures are communicating, but Lynn can't judge their position. It seems to be from many places. If there is an unknown world, there will be unknown creatures...

Lin let the Air Force stop all, but chose to let a small number of troops move forward. Lin did not know what would happen in front, so I was careful not to pay a good deal.

Lynn let Beth Moss and the pioneers in the sea rush into the fog, and Behemoth's head shines brightly and echoes, exploring the surroundings in the dark.

‘嗒...’ At the moment when the voice of Behemoth came out, countless images suddenly appeared in Lin’s thoughts. It seemed to be a small flying creature that was flying in this direction...

The next moment, along with the snoring of countless wings, in the fog, suddenly burst into a large piece of small creatures, they flew in the light of Behemoth, which seems to be an arthropod Class, more than ten centimeters in length. There are some similarities in the twisted jungle. But not that big. Its name is... ‘mega mosquito’, this is not a lyric, it is the name in the vocabulary.

These creatures... can be dangerous.

Giant mosquitoes flew from Behemoth's side, and some of them quickly disappeared into the dense fog, but a large part of them stopped on the cortex of Behemoth.

The mouths of these creatures are extremely long needles that insert the needle into the cortex of Behemoth, trying to absorb the cells inside.

Sure enough, it is a kind of blood-loving type, which is similar in the twisted jungle. I like to insert the straw into the weak point and **** the cells of other creatures. If the number is large, it can **** a huge creature.

After Behemoths, there were a large number of giant mosquitoes rushing out of the fog, and many of the large bombers who stayed behind were also attacked. The number of them was too high and they were flying everywhere. Lynn did not attack them because it was very It is easy to hurt yourself, but...

It’s easy for Lynn to deal with them.

Lin secretes a large amount of shell material from some cells in the blood vessels. Then give them absorption, after absorption. The shell material hardens in the straw of the giant mosquito and blocks their mouth.

Soon, this group of giant mosquitoes pulled out the straw and shook their heads in pain.

Giant mosquitoes also besiege brain worms, but the worms of the brain worms forced them to be crushed and killed.

Sure enough, but there are so many giant mosquitoes here, it should mean that there are many creatures here to let them suck? But there may be many plants.

Lin knows that some mosquitoes like to use plant cells. I don't know if this group of giant mosquitoes has this habit. In short, it is clear on the island.

'boom! ’

In the ocean below, the Blazers suddenly ran into a huge stone that was twisted into pieces under the pioneer's huge rotating body, but after the next second, the Blazers hit a boulder again. The boulder has the same fate as the previous one, and under the highly hardened shells, they are almost invulnerable.

Lin found that in the dense fog of the ocean, there are such huge stones everywhere. It seems to be called 'reef'. Lin makes the pioneers pause. These may be one of the structures of the island. Lin does not want to cause damage to the island. Excessive destruction, and the Air Force continued to move. In the thick fog, the light of Behemoth shined into a green earth.

The island is here.

This is a brand new world! Behemoth opened his mouth and the dozens of airborne cabins were placed on the island. A large number of predators rushed out of the cracked airborne cabin. They quickly dispersed and investigated the island environment. Simmons stopped moving here, and Lin let it stop above the edge of the island.

The ground of the island is green and covered with a fern-like plant, but this plant is much smaller than the fern. It is basically like a layer of skin sticking to the island. It may be foggy throughout the island. Covered, unable to accept too much light.

Under the thick fog, Lin can only know that the island seems to be a vast plain with nothing on it.

Maybe some creature is hidden in the dark...


It was the voice. This time it seemed very close. Lin immediately let the predators gather and rushed in that direction. After running a distance of about 300 meters, Lin saw a stone.


Lin asked the predator to surround the stone. I saw that the stone was one meter high and two meters high. It seems that there is nothing strange.


The sound suddenly sounded inside the stone, and at the same time the sound of the sound was heard, the surrounding island plains echoed the same sound at the same time...

Is this some kind of resonance? Is there any creature in it?


The next moment, Lin let all the predators swoop up, using the claws to draw a long trace on the rock, this rock does not seem to be very strong, can be opened with these predators.

The predator scrapes the surface of the rock with claws, and can easily scrape a large amount of debris. Under their constant attack, the rock stops making a squeak, but instead makes a sharp sound, and the frequency A lot faster.

At this time, the predator's attack frequency is also much faster, because Lynn can confirm that there are absolutely creatures inside, and while the countless debris is being shaved, the whole rock is getting smaller and smaller. Finally, the predators put The whole rock was dug like a mud, and Lin found that it was a spherical thing about ten centimeters in diameter.

Is this... eggs?

The predator grabbed an egg and looked at it. Lin had never seen the egg. It seemed to be an unknown creature and should be brought back to let it hatch.

After bringing some of the predators back, the rest went on, and the predators found many similar stones in other places. It seems to be the spawning ground of certain creatures.

But apart from them, it seems that nothing is gone.

If this is an empty island, Lin may be able to build it here... an environment. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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