"Devil! The devil has appeared again!"

The screams still echoed on the ruins.

Along with the devil's screams, they also used the fireball guns to shoot the demon kings that should have been solved.

Now, the devil has appeared again, and... it is even bigger than before, and its height has reached more than three meters, just like the big devil.

However, it is much stronger than the average big demon.

"You... know that there will be this day when you betray." It is the devil and the brave. It leaps high on the ground, and then falls heavily between the demonic groups. The giant sword, its body also swirled like a whirlwind, twisting all the demons around.

"That is the legendary god! Let's go!"

This time, the brave did not fight alone. When it turned a **** storm, a large number of armor wearing various colors and holding swords also joined the battle.

"Damn, kill this horrible thing!" The demons had to turn their firepower to these cultivating creatures. In the face of countless flying fireballs, the speed of practicing creatures was not reduced. They yelled and jumped to the devil. Then it was crushed by the fireball.

But some of them have successfully reached the devil's side, and in the close battle, they are still able to compete with the devil.

Under the continuation of the war, the devil's disadvantages are also growing, although most of the demons are still fighting, but many have escaped from the battlefield.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The brave looked at the broken meat around him, and suddenly he heard a sound, and the demons still fighting around suddenly left and fled to the distance.

"Want to escape?" The brave raised his sword and shouted: "Don't let go of any one, kill them all!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" The cultivators screamed excitedly, and they quickly caught up with the devil who was running away, madly killing all the demons one by one.

The brave also marched under the command of the army, and soon they came to a huge hemispherical building.

"This is their old nest!" The brave said: "Hurry up and destroy it!"

"Follow!" The cultivators yelled and jumped around the building, slashing against the walls and the door, but... there was no effect except leaving a few traces on it.

"You..." The brave suddenly discovered something. It said: "Why are you cutting with a sword? You won't use it... What other weapons will open the door?"

"What?" A cultivating creature turned his head and looked at the brave man with amazement: "Is there any other weapon besides the sword?"

"...forget it." The brave pushed a few cultivating creatures in front of it, and before he reached the gate, he slammed the door toward the door.

'boom! The door slammed into the ground, and the scene of the **** vines in the building was also displayed in front of the brave.

"Oh oh oh oh oh! Kill ah!" The cultivators immediately shouted to the door...

……After a period of time……

"Already solved!" The vines of the **** vines are scattered all over the floor, and there are also a lot of devil's flesh and wreckage. All the cultivating creatures are covered with blood, and their eyes are full of excitement.

"Very good." The brave raised the big kennel in his hand: "There are no devils here! Continue to attack other old nests! Destroy them all!"

"Oh oh!"

In this way, the brave commanded the cultivation of the biological army to continue to attack other demon gathering places, that is, hemispherical buildings.

Although the demons had counterattacks, they still lost to the brave and the huge cultivation of biological units. These strongholds were successively destroyed one by one, and the demons inside were all killed.

Although these demons once owed allegiance to themselves, the brave did not leave any ... feelings for them.

Soon, they solved the demons in almost all buildings, leaving only...

"This is the last one!" The brave looked at the hemispherical building in front of the road: "According to intelligence, they have no more strongholds!"

"Great!" A cultivation biology road: "Let's hurry in! The great **** warrior!"

"..." The brave are actually a bit strange why they are so obedient, but forget it, you can solve these traitors.

Thinking, before the brave came to the gate, it was preparing to pour the door as before...

'boom! ’

The door fell on its own.

Not only that, but even the entire building was slowly falling down in the bang.

"This is..." The brave and the cultivating creatures quickly retreated and escaped the gravel and smoke that had splashed as the building collapsed. They also saw...

A huge thing is rising from the shattered building.

"Is this... tremble?"

A huge, bright red monster is displayed in front of the brave. Its height is nearly 20 meters and its length is more than 50 meters. It seems that the hemispherical building is crushed because of its appearance.

This demon has the ability to tremble the earth in the legend of Moss, so it has a huge body shape and great power, and its actual shape is somewhat like a creature called... whale.

"Devil, you have come too late!" stood a large group of demons on the huge body of the trembling, among them, a big demon who looked like a leader said: "We have successfully summoned The ritual of the new devil, now it will...here from the distant world, destroying all of you!"

"Then I will destroy you first!"

The brave leaped on the ground and instantly flew to a place higher than the top of the trembling...

"Wait a minute!" Before the brave was ready to attack, the great demon suddenly cried: "The devil! We have magic here!"


The brave discovered that there is a scholar around the big devil... the whole body is bound by the **** vine.

It was caught by the great demon, and the great demon said to the brave scholar: "I know it is familiar to you! If... ah!"

When the words of the Great Devil had not finished, they made a burst of strange noises and rolled down from the back of the Trembling.

"The big devil?" The other demons suddenly screamed.

Scholars also quickly broke through the vines and flew to the brave. "You are coming a little late."

"It seems that you have no problem." The brave looked at the scholar and said: "What kind of ritual are they talking about?"

"Yes." The scholar said: "After you attack them, they are always preparing... Sending something, it seems to have been completed."

"That just happened..." The brave man said: "I also want to see what this new demon is, but before that... let the traitors kill the light!" (~^~)

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