4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1420: Chasing

"They should be just 30 kilometers ahead of us."

Here is a dark, huge...pipe.

It is also known as Midgart.

Among the huge pipes, there is a... the aircraft is moving at a high speed.

However, compared to calling it an aircraft, scholars feel that this thing should be called... octopus, its height is about 100 meters, and there are various rooms inside.

Scholars and brave people are in a room inside, looking at the outside situation through the huge image screen in front of them. As for the shape of the whole mech, it is exactly the same as the brave.

“Starting to slow down and landing!” The scholar gently poked the screen, and the huge octopus slowed down, slowly descending from the sky to the ground...or the wall of the pipe.

‘Boom’ was accompanied by a heavy sound, and the octopus’s tentacles slammed on the ground, and then it no longer moved by flight, but slowly crawled forward.

This...the octopus is actually a mini version made by Lin in accordance with his former armor 'Krakken', but this does not contain any cells, almost pure...mechanical creation.

So the driver needs to be in control.

"It feels like a movie...the sea monster." The scholar controlled the octopus to move forward slowly, because most of the functions of the octopus are automated, and it is very easy for scholars to operate.

Just let it move forward, it will automatically...cross all obstacles.

"They are there..."

As the octopus moves forward, the scenery in the distance becomes clearer and clearer. It is a place like...the forest. A lot of plant-like things are full of scholars' visions. Most of these things are purple or blue. Like a plant, it has a stem and a blade-like structure.

In this blue-violet jungle, you can see the head of the devil's ride... The creature called the star-studded is floating there.

It is about a dozen meters from the jungle, and the star-studded skin makes it look very conspicuous.

Now, the octopus has slowly climbed to the edge of the jungle. It can not be higher than the plants of the jungle when it is crawling down. It is said that the skin of this octopus has the function of anti-detection, so it seems that it has not been discovered. Look like.

However, if you want to move on, the octopus must be squeezed into the jungle, and it will definitely knock down the plants. It is almost impossible to find out.

"It's now possible to attack." And when the scholars were a little hesitant, the brave voice sounded: "Just attack here! You don't need to approach them."

“Is it?” the scholar said: “I still think...”

"It’s almost collected!" When the scholar thought about it, it suddenly heard the devil's voice, which was heard from the mini-scholar.

"Let's hurry to the next place!" When the devil's voice sounded, the scholars also noticed that the demons in the picture all flew into the body of the star.

The star cluster also slowly rose, as if to decide to leave the jungle.

"They have to run!" The brave said: "Hurry up!"

"...well!" The scholar and the brave poked at the screen at the same time, and the octopus quickly lifted the tail and aimed the end of the starry sky over the distant forest.

'boom! ! ! ’

A dazzling beam of light, while illuminating the entire forest, also hit the skin of the stars.

"Ah! We were attacked!" The picture from the mini-scholar trembled, and the demons inside screamed.

The star that was hit, the surface did not seem to be hurt, the only thing that changed was that the skin that glowed through the starlight was flashing there.

Then it jerked his body.

The starlight on the epidermis seemed to be instantaneously turned into a solid, and turned into a flashing light bomb that flew over to the position where the octopus was located.

"It's coming! Hurry and dodge!"

The tentacles of the octopus slammed on the ground, and the whole body leaped to the sky. In the next second, this position hit a large number of light bombs and turned into a area covered by smoke and dust.

"Hide away! Continue to attack!"

While flying to the sky, the scholar and the brave once again poked the screen, and the octopus's tip pointed to the target and fired the strong beam again.

'boom! ’

But this time, I didn’t hit the target, but I collided with the light bombs that came out from the stars, turning it into smoke in the sky.

"Use that to fight it!" The brave quickly poked a few times on the screen, and the screen showed a spherical object.

“Wait a minute!” said the scholar: “This distance is likely to affect us, now we... ah!”

The octopus slammed up in the air, avoiding a lot of flying flares.

"It's a good danger...but it seems like it will automatically evade." The scholar wiped the sweat that wasn't actually there, and looked at the screen.

"It seems... it has become a lot darker?" The scholars found that after a few rounds of light flares in the distant stars, the color of the whole body has become very dim, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

"It definitely has no energy!" The brave man said: "Just take this opportunity to solve it!"


Suddenly, a low voice echoed in the cab. When scholars and brave people couldn't help but pick up the parts that received the sound, they also saw the star gathering... they ran into it.

"It really has no energy!" The brave said: "Get away and attack!"

The octopus immediately flew to the side, but the star gathered immediately to reverse the head, keeping the head aiming at the octopus and slamming.

"It's fast!" The scholar immediately let the octopus go back at high speed, and the star cluster in front is still chasing after the moment, when the whole distance is getting closer, the brave said: "Sure enough Use that!"

"I said that this distance will affect us!" The scholar said: "It is better to use this!"

‘嘭’ At the moment when the scholar’s ​​voice fell, a lot of ... smog came out in front of the octopus.

This smog instantly obscured all the fields of view in front, but in the next second, the huge head of the star gathered out of the smoke.

'boom! At the same time, this smog is like a bomb. It shines like a brilliance. The head of the star gathers, and the whole body flies toward the ground...

"It works!" The brave man said: "I didn't think there was such a weapon!"

"Of course." The scholar said: "The weapon is still a lot..." (To be continued.)

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