4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1429: Melting lake

This is a vast, hot world.

Above this land, there are many lakes containing high-temperature liquids, which are always boiling and home to many kinds of high-temperature creatures.

Nowadays, a creature that doesn't look like ... high temperature enters the lake.

Stars gather, it twists the huge body, while avoiding the explosives that flew down in the sky, and moving forward quickly.

In front of it, it was a hot lake. It lifted a huge body and slammed into the lake...

'boom! With a violent bang, the lake set off a lava wave and the whole lake was tumbling.

The one-kilometer body of the star is moving at high speed towards the lake. Soon, the body that is one kilometer long disappears completely on the lake.

"It fled in!" The metal spider flying in the sky screamed: "Come on, blow it up!"

A large number of missiles descended again from the sky. They provoked another wave in the lava lake, but after the hot liquid sprinkled into the air, the lake quickly recovered calm, without any reaction to the star.

"It seems to use some kind of covert way, it can't detect it." The metal spider rang again: "Want to catch it, maybe you have to go."

"Let's go!" With a shout, the metal spider flew to the lava lake, and after another lava wave was picked up, the metal spider disappeared on the surface of the lava lake.


After entering the lava, the view of the metal spider has been completely obscured, and the viscous high temperature material makes it move very slowly.

It can only move forward as if it were swimming in the water.

"It doesn't seem to be able to track it here..." The detector inside the metal spider still didn't react, leaving the two creatures controlling the spider a little anxious.

"This is troublesome." There was a voice inside the metal spider: "It will roll, we can't roll, so it will definitely roll faster and roll where we can't find it!"

"In short, I have to use that..."

‘Hey! The voice did not fall, the metal spider felt something hit, and it stopped after a few laps in the lava.

"We rolled up! I saw it!" The metal spider immediately fired a missile in one direction at the moment he stopped his figure.

The missile shuttled at high speed among the lava, approaching the things that had just hit them at a very fast speed, and then...

'boom! The lava lake trembled because of the explosion, but the tremor did not stop because of the explosion. After the roar, the metal spider could still detect that something had been writhing at the location of the explosion.

The vibration caused by its activity is constantly transmitted to the detector of the metal spider, so the spider immediately accelerates and swims toward the target.

"It's here!"

After reaching the location of the explosion, the metal spider had not detected the previous...writting, but it encountered something.

They are familiar with such things, this is the tail of the ... star cluster.

At the moment the spider touched the target, the tail slammed and pushed the spider aside, but it failed to get rid of the spider.

Because the metal spider has gripped the tail tightly with its limbs, the sharp part of the end of the limb has even plunged in.

No matter how it twists, the metal spiders are tightly gripped.

Therefore, it can only move forward while constantly moving, while the metal spider has not loosened its legs, so it is pulled by the stars... moving forward.

"Where does it go? Do you want to kill it?" The voice inside the metal spider is communicating: "No, now we can do some testing to see what's wrong with it!"

It seems that they decided not to attack first, but to use the limbs that were plunged into the star-shaped meat for testing.

'boom! ’

At the beginning of the test, there was a violent vibration around, and at the same time, the surrounding high temperature was turbid, and the liquid like the lava suddenly became clear...

It's like suddenly coming from the lava into the crystal clear water... Metal spiders can completely see the front, dragging them to swim, is the complete body of the star.

"What is here... strange place?"

Around and below, it looks like a clear lake, but if you look up, you can still see the view of the lava lake. The large lava is like the orange-red clouds, which are covered with the view above the metal spider. But none of these lavas are mixed into the clear liquid here.

“It seems that there is a clear, transparent liquid in the lower part of the lake that replaces the lava, and the two are not mixed together.” The voice inside the metal spider said: “However, it is still very hot here, no, even more than above. hot."

"There was something out there!"

The star cluster suddenly accelerates forward, and within the clear liquid, the metal spider can clearly see the direction in which the star gathers, and...the things in that direction.

It is a large object, its surface is like a rusted metal, and its shape is like a stone... there is no rule.

"Is this..."

............ At the same time, on the other side............

"It turns out to be... a creature like this."

A ball of fluff, in a room, has a picture in front of its eyes. This picture has a starry sky as a background, and between the stars, there is a piece...like a big thing.

Its color is like a rusted metal, shaped like a coral skeleton, and its specific size may be several kilometers.

“Is this the true look of the transpiration?” At the moment the pompom finished speaking, the painting became more detailed, and there was a lot of...

The transpiration, originally the creature has not yet been given the name, in fact no creature gives them a name.

This is also a very large creature...but it is still much smaller than the 'empty giant creature'.

They don't have a fixed body shape, and the body shape changes at will, but the overall size does not change, almost always a few kilometers.

Lin recently found the material of this creature. If ‘swallowing’ is the most...the original form of the transpiration, then this form should be considered to be close to the 'complete' form.

The power of this form is very close to that of ‘swallowing’. It can break things down and reorganize things. (To be continued.)

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