4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1436: Entering the solidification?

"We found you. We remember you, we know you. So you can act quickly!"

It’s a coincidence that the brain-creating finds Lin’s pompom.

In the process of erosion of the meltdown zone, they ran wildly in the pipeline, and suddenly they found a...the star lying on the ground.

This star cluster seems to have been affected by the transpiration, but I don't know why the tranfer does not use it to do anything, but once used it to store the pollutants.

The brain-creating sensation felt that there were some special things in the body of the star, so they entered the body of the star and found the pompon.

Also, pompons are required to help them.

The method of help was mainly proposed by the meltdown zone. The solution proposed was not to destroy the evapoturizers there, but to find the location of the original 'will' of Midgarth.

It is a big hole in the wasteland, then... jump into the hole.

In this case, it is said that you can enter... condense the void, the meltdown zone is the idea of ​​Lin and the two brains to condense the void, find Midgart’s 'will', let it come back, let it re-...wake up .

The meltdown zone believes that the transpirations are not only... this one, maybe they still have a base camp, and if Midgart wakes up, it will certainly not tolerate the behavior of the evapoturizer, it will be like destroying the previous attacks. Like its species... the entire population of the tranfer is extinct.

Therefore, the meltdown zone is hoping that Midgart will wake up. As for itself, it thinks it can... resist for a while.

Lin is also very interested in this, but there are also doubts. If I jump in, can I really condense the void?

'Boom! 'When Lin thought so, the two sounds sounded, and the cave’s fall had reached the bottom. The distance from the top of the cave was about three kilometers. The bottom of the hole was not the ground, but... a liquid similar to water. .

So this sound will be made.

The two ash-making brain monsters fell directly into the water, and they all swelled at the moment of entering the water, but soon their body shape returned to its original state.

"What is going on here? We didn't go to that place! How are we going to end? Are we going to kill that thing?"

The two brain-creating screams while screaming in the water, and Lin tested it at this time. It is true... there is some strange ‘energy’ left.

The substances that solidify the void have similar 'energy', and by detection they know that they are from the solidified void.

According to the meltdown zone, it was originally part of the nerves of Midgart, and it can communicate with it.

But now it has disappeared, indicating that this part has gone to solidify the void, if you want to go, Lin certainly wants to see.

The question is how to get there? Obviously, this way you can’t jump...

"Maybe you should make this kind of action! This kind of action? That's the kind of action!" The two brain-creating monsters suddenly began to swing their limbs to the downstream. After swimming for about two seconds, a brain-creating monster floated up again. The pompom shouted: "What are you waiting for, move quickly and quickly!"

"..." Lin didn't say anything, but still let the pompoms go up.

Flying into the liquid like water but not water, Lin and the two ashes made brains to swim deep.

The temperature here is very low, but as a ash creature, they can completely ignore the low temperature here, and as they move deeper, they can find something like... creatures.

Some of these things are like glowing deep-sea fish, which emit green or blue fluorescence that flutters in the liquid.

"Don't look at them, they will lead your spirit to the way of death!" A brain-creating person seems to find that Lin is looking at them and immediately sends a brainwave message to it.

"...the way of death?" Lynn answered them with questions.

"In the ancient legend, there is a path of horror and fear, there is..." This brain-making monster seems to... began to tell the story of the emerald dragon scaring the dragon: "There is something there, it Look at you, you stare at them, then they will...wow, ah!"

The brain-building geek struggled, and while struggling, he cried: "They are glaring at me! Look at me!"

Then, it continually swings the limbs up the river.

"Do you care about it?" Lin looked at another brain-making monster, and it didn't react to the downstream.

"Who cares? Manage me?" The brain-creating squirm slowly swims among the glowing creatures. The brainwave message it sends indicates that it is still in a very calm state.

But there is something wrong with it.

Lin didn't say anything, it continued: "Do you think it's crazy? No, actually they are crazy... Wait, maybe it's me crazy, do you think I'm crazy?"

"........." Lin still didn't answer it.

"Do you think I am crazy? You think I am crazy!" The brain-screaming suddenly gave a strong brainwave signal, and suddenly opened his mouth and bite to the pompon.

The pompom moved to the side and escaped the attack of making brains. At the moment when the brain-building monster was throwing the air, it continued to carry a strong brain wave: "I am crazy! All are crazy! Help! Ah! I want to bite everything!"

And go upstream quickly.

Now, there is only one... Lin.

However, Lynn also saw the reason why they both went crazy. I saw a lot of things on the surrounding walls, which were very similar to... 松松茸.

Although it is like a fungus, it is actually a substance that solidifies the void, a kind of solidified mushroom like a dust crocodile.

But there is a difference, that is, the solidified mushroom of the dust crocodile... does not emit 'radiation', and this seems to be the way it looks.

The two brain-creating geniuses have been affected by their 'radiation', so it will be like that, and the radiation makes their abnormal thinking become more abnormal.

What is this kind of radiation? Lin is not very clear. Radiation is only a temporary...only known as the solidification of the void, which is released by the solidification of the void.

The transpirations combine them very well, which combines two substances that would otherwise not emit radiation into a substance that emits radiation.

These radiant energy can interfere with the spirit of the condensed void species, including the ash-making brains, transformed species.

Since there are so many such things here, maybe... there is something like this.

However, Lin feels that it is not so simple to condense the void, so I must first prepare the troops...

Let the transpiration solve it. (To be continued.)

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