4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 169: Ancient documentary

Lin stayed in this area for a while, mainly to excavate the shell fragments, but it did not find anything special as Lin thought, only the shell of only two kinds of creatures...

They apparently fought here, but their history is hard to know. After all, not every creature likes to make statues like the Inca insects.

But so far, Lin has found some useful things, such as some of the creatures in these creatures are relatively intact, Lin found a tubular structure in the shell near the tail, and some tubes actually Keep some rounded eggs.

Although there are only shells left, it can still be seen that this is exactly the same as the 'echo eggs' on the island above.

This is quite strange. It seems that there is a very special connection between them. Perhaps the species that have carried out this kind of war are still alive, and the 'Echo Eggs' are put down on those islands.

But at present, Lin has no way to find them. On land, I can look for it according to the smell, but it is not possible at sea...

Next, Lin continued to dig a series of these shells, they piled up to a depth of more than 30 meters, nearly three kilometers, but not every place has piled so deep, in addition to proving the tragic war It also does not explain anything else.

I dig through the entire area, and I can't see how this species happened. They didn't seem to run away. They just kept fighting here until they died. They couldn't find any other arms, such a huge body. But the information contained is quite incomplete. Finally, Lynn stopped digging. Continue to the westbound road.

During the journey, Lin may find more secrets, but it is also possible that nothing can be found. The ocean is such a place.

The next journey is indeed calm.

Within a few days and nights, Lin did not find any special underwater creatures, there were no islands on the sea, and even the wind and waves did not...

It is becoming more and more unbearable for the worm to stay on the back of Behemoth. When Lin found that the brain worm is not sleeping, its rich brain needs to constantly receive a lot of information, or think more, otherwise the brain cells inside will become paralyzed, and the various substances transmitted will happen because the brain is not active enough. Some phenomena such as clogging can cause various problems in its brain in severe cases.

The usual brain worm control unit can solve this problem very well, but now it has nothing to control, so it is still necessary to use the original method - look at the display.

Lin got the brainworm into Behemoth's body and showed it some interesting pictures with a display that was more than three meters wide. In fact, the contents of the picture. Lin is also very interested to know.

That is about the northern continent... some creatures.

Although the arms there are in a state of sleep, there are some things that Lin is more concerned about. So I awakened a few observations to observe some special things.

The ecology of the canyon.

The twisted jungle is no longer seeing the 'month'. The waters of the canyons that used to be underground worlds are slowly receding. There are only a lot of waterstones and pits that fall from the sky.

Because the stone is moving slowly in the air, not all the underground world's saplings fall back into the canyon. In fact, only a small part of it falls back to the canyon, and most of the others are in the nearby jungle.

Many creatures have returned to the sea with the receding waters, and some creatures have remained in the canyons. They are hiding in this world of slowly fading water, struggling to survive.

What Lynn observed was such a group of ancient shackles struggling in the canyon, which Lin called the ‘Ika tribe’.

The ‘Ika tribe’ is a small group of ten ancient scorpions. They are located in the middle of the gorge, a puddle with a diameter of about three meters and a depth of one meter, which is continuously observed by a waking flyer.

The main reason for choosing them is that they are more interesting, and many ancient cockroaches are trapped in puddles, but most of them will only wait for death. The ancient body can't be separated from water, even if there is no breathing problem, it is easy to be dried or blown. Dry, so there is hardly any ancient willingness to leave the water, even if they know that they will die if they stay, and the ancient Ike of the Ika tribe is more...special.

The leader among them is hatched from a very special egg that Lin had seen before. It is the egg left by the ancient cockroach that was killed by the brainworm. Lin actually has been tracking it. Although she had been disconnected for a while when she left, Lin could still recognize it.

Now, it has become a leader among a group.

The water in the pit has become scarcer under the wind and the sun, and the food inside is almost eaten. Under this night sky, the leader begins to move.

The leader of the ancient Shu is generally male and female, and this ancient monk is a leader alone, which means that it has defeated the former pair of ancient leaders by oneself, but Lin is not sure that it is female or Male, male and female are basically the same. If they are not broken down, it is difficult to recognize them. Of course, it is okay to see them. At present, this ancient 鱿 has no obvious gender action.

It is also obviously not the kind of old man who is willing to wait for death.

In the dark night, when there is no sun exposure and the wind is mild, I try to get close to the edge of the puddle and try to climb out of the puddle with my tentacles to find food outside the puddle...

It first moved after storing enough water in the mouth. In the first few times, it only climbed out a dozen centimeters and then returned. Lin found that this ancient cockroach would even calculate the time when the body was dry, to confirm that he could climb more. Far, after the tenth time, it climbed directly one meter away, and that position had exactly the body of a small shark.

It couldn't bring back the shark's body, so it quickly returned to the puddle before the body dried up. Next time, it found a sharp piece of stone in the mud at the bottom of the water and took it to cut the shark. The body.

Every time, it cuts back a small piece of meat, then eats it by itself, and also divides it into the same kind.

Other ancient scorpions in the population have also learned the practice of the leader, who together cut the shredded meat pieces and brought them back to eat.

These wise creatures are really interesting in the life of disasters. Although they don't seem to solve many problems such as the water drying up slowly, it is very interesting to observe them. It is on this 'boring' journey. Brain worms see how they live. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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