4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1477: Destruction and wake up

The brain in the tank, the intelligence that ruled this civilization, launched all the cities at the last minute...

Although many have escaped a long distance, no city can really escape.

They were all destroyed, and none of the above residents survived.

But this civilization has not been destroyed, because... there is a city that has not been destroyed.

It is a city without any residents, just empty with equipment and buildings, and there is no living in it.

There is no ‘smart’ in the city without living creatures, but it will do some...the basic action, that is to transform the creatures into canned brain machinery.

The city was preserved intact and, finally, it was placed in the tomb of Midgarth.

Since then, the city has been in the tomb of Midgarth, sheltering any creatures passing by, allowing them to live as canners, and to form new intelligence with their minds, and continues to this day.

However, as the last legacy of this civilization, it is not only the city but also a world.

This world is where the core of intelligence that dominates the entire civilization is.

Intelligence originally decided to destroy itself after launching all the cities. In fact, it was intended to detonate all weapon systems, and it was intended to fight against Midgart with ... the last force.

Even if it can cause a little damage.

This suicidal behavior...is the only option for today's intelligence, because after the residents have taken the city away, the intelligence will soon stop working.

After all, it is what is generated by the concentration of resident thinking data. Intelligence has the data thinking of all residents. Generally speaking, it will act according to the idea of ​​the overall residents.

There is no intelligence, but the idea that personality residents generally have is ‘selfish’.

Intelligence is not selfish, so it will delay Midgart in a self-destructive way so that those cities can escape.

Although it doesn't know if it can really delay, it will definitely do so.

At the time the explosion was launched, devastating energy covered the entire world, and according to intelligent ideas, the world is likely to disappear.

The power of its detonation will also hurt Midgart.

But its idea...has not really realized. When the explosive energy blooms, Midgarth sprinkles some things in this world... These things come from the solidified void, which is mixed with the explosion and produces a A weird effect.

The most obvious effect is to make the power of the explosion drop a lot.

Therefore, the final devastating explosion completely covered the whole world, but it did not affect the Midgart point. This also made the world that was originally gray, and forever changed into another...it is another way.

Then, Midgarth left, leaving the world... floating alone in the void.

This world seems to be dead. Its surface is covered with debris and gravel. It freezes slowly under the low temperature of the void, and the whole world has become an extremely cold place of death.

However, it still... has ‘thinking’.

The intelligent core buried under the ice knot did not die in the previous big bang, and it woke up at some point.

Looking at the extremely cold surface, intelligent thinking... only full of doubts.

It has... forgotten, forgot everything that happened before, and forgot everything about the canned brain civilization.

At the same time, it is also ‘‘, it no longer needs the minds of the residents to maintain themselves, it can no longer live in the minds of the residents.

But what do you have to do to live? It does not know.

However, it quickly noticed a problem... its surface was very desolate.

Only debris and cold.

Perhaps it is possible to keep some of the past... memories, and the idea of ​​making the world's surface become lively.

But how do you get busy? It does not know either.

If you don't understand, you must learn.

Intelligence began to look for some...related knowledge, although intelligence has forgotten most of the previous memories... but did not forget how to control your own 'body'.

Its body, which is spread over the entire world, can carry out quite a lot of things.

But intelligence is not doing anything for the time being, but looking for information in its own body. It finds that its own 'body' has a lot of information, and this information tells it a lot of knowledge.

Soon, it found a way to make this world lively.

...that is to make this world hot.

Now that the world is very cold, it is too busy. If it is very hot, it will definitely be lively. Intelligence is inspired by these materials...

And I also learned where to make my world hot.

Then it starts the ... delivery system in your body.

Collecting energy, then transmitting, intelligence and the whole world left the original void, before a huge pipeline.

It did not realize that this pipe was the culprit of the civilization that once destroyed it. According to the information, the intelligence sent a signal of communication to the pipe, indicating that it wanted the whole world to heat up.

The pipeline... promised its request and gave some special substances to the intelligence.

These substances are also known as 'fire dust'.

The fire dust warms the whole world, and the pipeline gives it not only the fire, but also some creatures, these creatures are very suitable for the warming world.

Intelligence is very good for this situation... happy, it receives the gift of the pipeline, and allows the high temperature creature to develop in its entire world.

This world has become very lively.

However, there was such a problem later, that is, intelligent discovery, fire and dust have some problems.

It will erode a lot of things, and it can change the landscape and the mountains, and even change...the intelligence itself.

Intelligence found that his own 'body' had undergone a 'variation' in contact with the fire.

Although the variation has no effect on the thinking ability of intelligence itself, when the fire is lost, its consciousness will slowly disappear, and the fire dust will affect the biological ecology of it.

It found that it began to become dependent on fire, so it had to constantly look for pipes to give it more fire.

The pipeline has always given it a lot of fire, until some time... the pipeline suddenly disappeared.

The supply of fire dust has also ceased, and it must find a way to get the fire.

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