4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1509: Floating zone

A long time ago, in the ethereal void.

There is such a piece...land.

Its shape is very irregular, its temperature is as cold as a void, it seems to be floating in the void alone... but, in fact, it is not alone.

There are many, many creatures on this land.

These creatures are also adapted to life in the void, looking for anything edible on this floating land in an extremely low temperature and airless environment.

Among the creatures, the most conspicuous creature is... Per Rock.

These huge creatures, like the mountains of Perse, are scattered all over the entire continent and almost completely encroach upon this floating little world.

However, they quickly ended this encroachment because the nutrients on land were about to be consumed, and a large number of rocks were ready for the last thing in their life stages.

That is the smash that flies into the void and blows itself up... The smashed pieces will leave here and go to the void to find the next target with nutrients.

However, Perrin suddenly stopped this behavior because they found that fresh nutrients appeared again on the continent where the nutrients were exhausted.

So they continue to collect nutrients in this place and continue to grow...

With the collection of nutrients, these perlites have grown larger and larger, but they have found that the nutrients on this continent have been abundant enough to absorb nutrients anyway.

Even so, they will not stay here forever. After a while, Perrin decided to fly, and regardless of whether there is nutrients here, they all plan to start splitting...breathing.

These perlite rocks finally burst in the void, but after the burst, only a few fragments flew elsewhere, and most of the debris... flew back to the original floating continent.

They continue to absorb nutrients from the continent and grow into a new group of rock rocks, and then continue to begin the cycle of life.

However, none of these fragments have grown into ordinary Perlite, and some of them have grown under unknown reasons... ‘Recorders’.

After these creators grow up, they begin to investigate and record the history of the floating continent, including various details such as the ecological environment, which are investigated and recorded.

But they don't record everything, they only record what is considered useful for the entire species of 'Per Rock'.

Even so, they recorded a considerable amount of information. The recorder first investigated the environment in this place and quickly discovered that there was a problem.

Here, the nutrients that can be absorbed by Perrin are always increasing, so that they can not be absorbed.

Because of the last burst of the rock, most of the debris will be 'automatically' flying to the next nutrient location... Under normal circumstances, the rock is absorbed by the absorption of local nutrients.

On this continent, because of the fact that there are too many nutrients in the mainland, they have split up when they are not absorbed. At the moment of the burst, the fragments flew back to the continent because they sensed the nutrients on the mainland and continued to start. Reincarnation of life cycle.

After discovering this situation, the recorder began investigating the reasons for the steady flow of nutrients in the continent. They were investigating... It was discovered that this was caused by a certain creature.

There is a kind of organism that constantly transports the nutrients needed for the rock in the continent, which makes the continent always full of nutrients, which keeps the group of rocks on the continent and circulates them. The ecology, therefore comes to 'captive' this rock.

After understanding this matter, the Perrin recorder decided to... do nothing.

It is as if this matter has nothing to do with itself. These recorders continue to record the history of this place as a 'bystander' and keep these records in a special record amber.

After a while, the recorder made a lot of recorded amber, which was discovered by the normally growing Perrin.

These ordinary growth rocks are different from the recorders. They found this thing very much after they felt that they were not trapped on such a continent.

However, where the debris flies after the burst, it is not something they can decide for themselves. These fragments are aimed at finding the target of flying according to some...has been customized.

Pop Rocks use this method to spread in the void, they don't want to keep circulating on this continent, so they... decided to adopt some 'extreme' methods.

As long as this continent disappears, it will do.

After making this decision, these rock-like rocks, like the mountains, began to drill down to the ground. They were all connected to each other. After they were deployed in a certain position... they began to breed. Things to do.

Blow yourself up.

This time, it was not only their own blows, but also the lonely continent floating in the void, which together with these rocks was turned into a gravel in the void.

However, it has not been completely broken into gravel.

Some of the rock in the rock survived, to be precise, a part of their body survived, and they floated together with the gravel of the mainland.

Among these Perrin rocks, the recorders of Perrin also survived.

These recorders, after knowing that ordinary rock is going to blow up the mainland, try to find ways to hide. Although they seem to be only creatures that know records, no matter what else, if they are in danger, the recorder will still Life is a priority.

After successfully hiding in other large rock bodies, the recorders began their recording process.

They recorded the situation after the explosion in this place. Most of the original rock was shattered during the explosion, and the rest were floating in the state of sleep.

Although they wanted to avoid being trapped by the land, they made this kind of blow up land, but at the end they did not seem to leave.

But at least, if there are other similar people coming from afar, they will not be trapped here.

However, although the land was blown up, the creatures that tried to keep transporting nutrients and trapped the rock were still squatting here.

Their situation has also been recorded by the recorder, these creatures are actually ... transpiration.

Land is a research site for Perrin, and they try to trap a group of rock rocks, study them continuously, and use them to do some things. (To be continued.)

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