4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1511: Record only

Time is flowing slowly...

And everything has changed nothing.

Most of the transpiration metal blocks are still on hold, and the rest are constantly searching for Lin.

Color mud continues to infuse the melting zone with information to fulfill its aspirations and is helping it to fulfill its aspirations.

Because the nerves in the meltdown zone were previously eroded by the transpiration, it does not now resist the color mud, and is still in a state similar to... 恍惚.

It seems that everything is peaceful.

However, Lin feels that it will not be peaceful soon. It is because...

During this time, Lynn has been studying the Perrin recorder, and the recorder will not communicate with Lin, but it will keep recording what is happening around it.

It understands what's going on around it, but doesn't communicate.

Therefore, Lin did not continue to communicate with it, but to study the creature in detail. The recorder can continuously detect the surrounding environment. When they think that one thing is beneficial to the rock mass, they will start to look at the surface. Generate a recorded amber.

The initial amber is small, but the recorder will slowly increase its volume.

Lin found that the physical structure of these recorders is very interesting. This amber generation seems to be...automatic and not controlled by their minds, but the recorders themselves are also intellectual, they will decide to do something according to the current situation.

As long as there is extra energy, they will record amber. The contents of the amber can be known by other recorders, and can also be known by ordinary Peryan. Now Lin finds that it can be known by the small protector.

However, it should be completely confidential for most creatures. Most of the creatures that Lynn knows do not have a way to investigate the contents of amber, nor do they have a meltdown zone.

This biological composition is more complicated, and Lin found a lot of substances in them, including substances that can transmit dream energy.

However, what's interesting is how they are detected. They have a detection method that Lin doesn't know well to detect the surrounding environment. They can know all the details in the surrounding environment in detail.

Just like Lin's worms are next to the recorder, it can detect detailed information such as secretions in the arms of the arms. Although it should not know the specific memory, it can also understand the brain structure.

Although Lin’s arms are not loaded in the brain.

It's a bit like Lin's feeling of detecting other creatures, but the reporter's has to... a lot of details.

They can use calculations to figure out what has happened here, and the recorder itself has a huge ‘knowledge base’ that combines these three points in order to accurately record history.

Lin feels that they are like a very fine... The tools that are responsible for recording are generally very complicated, but the only use of this ability is to make this Perrin population better.

Lin feels that by understanding them they can update the current detection capabilities, but there is still a problem, that is... this rock should wake up.

The floating rocks here are all in a state of sleep. If they wake up, they will definitely try to get out of here. In this case, they will be attacked.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, Lin’s thoughts were confirmed.

All the metal blocks gathered in an instant, accompanied by a simulated roar, and a piece of rock disappeared in the roar.

This is not the piece of rock that Lin is now in, but the next piece of rock is shattered, and the reason it is broken is... because it moved.

This is actually... determined by the recorder.

The recorder of this has recently created two pieces of amber, one that records what happened around the other, and another that records other things.

From this amber, Lin knows that there are several recorders in every floating rock around it.

These recorders are in contact with each other and they record their deeds in amber.

Although the conditions of each rock are different, they still have something in common, that is, they have to wake up recently.

In fact, I just woke up one more time. It just moved a little, and it was wiped out by the transpiration.

Lin, who is here, doesn't know when he will wake up, but when it wakes up, it will be attacked by the transpiration.

'boom! ! ! When Dang Lin thought so, another piece of rock was moved, and soon it became dust. This time it was another nearby...

It’s not clear when Lin’s piece is moving, and the recorder here doesn’t want to stop this situation.

Even if Lin tells it, it will be blown up immediately, and they will not respond to it. They just keep a record of the history here. They also describe in the record that 'this creature indicates that if it is active, it will blow up. '.

Lynn feels that they are really interesting, although they record this behavior for the Perrin population, but they don't actually do anything that would protect the rock.

No matter what happens, they are only responsible for recording history, and then let Peiyan discover the history himself and decide for himself... what to do.

Although the recorders will flee when they are in danger, they do not seem to have that much now, and may think that there is nowhere to escape.

In short, Lynn feels that it is necessary to protect them, because Lynn has not studied these creatures thoroughly. If they are eliminated, then I don't know where to find them.

The easiest way is to send them out, but there is no way to transmit them because the tranpers are flying here a lot and they interfere with the transmission.

Therefore, it takes a war... to save these rocks and recorders.

Although the evaluators interfered with the transmission of the area where the debris was floating everywhere, the area was about 30,000 kilometers in diameter.

But outside of this area... it can still be transmitted.

‘啪’ shines in the void.

All the transpirations in the debris area stopped at this moment and turned their attention to the bright light.

It was at the edge of 30,000 kilometers, and a lot of ... stones appeared there.

At the same time they appeared, they released countless ... flying objects to the tranfer.

These flying objects are various, some are light balls, some are missiles, and some are stones. Although they are very complicated, these flying objects are aimed at the tranfers.

The feeling of the transpiration to Lin was... stunned, and they immediately started... counterattack. (To be continued.)

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