The dust still surrounds Lin's vision, which is the specific scenery here.

The tranpers have evolved in the 19th place, but they don't seem to care much about this area right now, at least not with their troops.

There are only a variety of ‘wild animals’ here, and Lin’s pompoms and metal spiders have seen a lot here. The strange thing is... most of them are tubular.

Whether it was the 'wood' that was first seen, or the stone pipe that would be seen after the explosion, and some creatures that were seen in the dust powder.

They have a very similar appearance, that is, a cylindrical body, and a hollow interior. Their outer shells may resemble wood, or metal and stone, etc., and their living habits are similar, that is, floating here and absorbing debris. As food, fly in a jet.

Now, Lin's pompom floats beside such a group of creatures and observes their behavior.

They are small in size and only one meter long, like a stone tubular figure. These pipes with a stone shell are common creatures here.

They have a special self-explosive system that blew itself in case of certain stimuli.

But there is something more conspicuous than them, that is the amber that floats around them, and Lin actually studies these ambers mainly here.

These ambers were made by the Persian recorder and have a record and description of the surrounding environment and creatures.

The recorder lives here in a special form and continues to produce these ambers, but the recorder is not the original species here.

They are brought here by...

Before Lin found an amber, which recorded some of the process they were brought here, and the reason they came here was mainly because of the transpiration.

In fact, the recorder here is from the broken continent. The purpose of the seroders to cultivate the rock is to produce these recorders, and then bring them here...

Let the loggers investigate the things about Midgart, which is exactly what Midgart...the cub.

The transpiration thinks that Midgart has something like a cub. According to the record amber, the tranpers have been trying to find Midgart's pups.

They initially even communicated with the Perrin recorders, and wanted them to help with the search. Of course, the recorder did not help, but recorded the process of asking these transpires to ask them.

Then, the evaluators did not ask them any more, but directly threw the recorder here. Even if they did not ask, the recorders here would automatically record the environmental conditions here, thus completing... transpiration The task of the person.

But is there a baby of Midgarth here?

The pipe-like creatures here are quite like Midgart. They are more than just a look. Lin found that their composition and the surface composition of Midgart have something in common.

However, it is just like this. These creatures should all be unrelated to Midgart. They are just ordinary animals that live here.

The loggers here have lived here for a long time, and have never come to the conclusion that these pipes are pups, they just record the ecology of these pipes.

But the cubs are quite interesting. Will Midgart have cubs?

Thinking, Lin let the pompon begin to move forward slowly.

The small rock pipes in front of them also noticed the pompoms at this moment, and they immediately escaped into the surrounding dust powder at a very fast speed, and those ambers remained here.

After flying to test some of the amber, Lin found that... there is nothing special about it, just a record of the environment.

It seems that there is nothing here, to find other amber, this place has amber everywhere, Lynn feels enough to find some important information among them, mainly about the news of the transpiration, may be able to find ... transpiration Information on the location of the project.

Maybe... I should go there to find it.

Although dust powder is everywhere, it is actually divided into many areas. Different areas have different climates, and the composition of dust particles will be different.

There is a place called ‘desperate land.’ It’s a very interesting place. It is said that there are a group of creatures with wisdom... living there.

Lin is now letting the pompom fly there, but it is far from here, so it will take a while to fly.

Before arriving, Lin noticed... melted down the zone.

The meltdown zone is still instilling a lot of information in the mud. It is different from before. Now the meltdown zone seems to believe in the information of the color mud. It feels that the color mud can really help it realize its wish... to find Midgar special.

The color mud is also helping to achieve its hope, but I don't know how long it will take to achieve it, but the meltdown zone should not die like a normal creature before it is realized.

If there is no turbidity interference.

If possible, Lynn really wants the meltdown zone to fulfill this desire, so Lin may also go with it to find Midgart, and there may be ways to get the meltdown into the condensed void.

Lin also wants to find a way... follow them to go, of course, but also pay attention to the dynamics of the transpiration.

They don't have any dynamic appearance right now. It seems that they haven't planned to continue the attack, and they don't plan to do anything else... but obviously these vagrants won't give up so quickly.

Lynn wants to find the place before them...

When Lin thought about these things, the pompoms arrived where Lin wanted to go.

This place is called a lookout, and the specific meaning is that it is a place where you can look at the stars.

However, this place does not look at the real starry sky, because it is still surrounded by a lot of dust, which is a big...dust hollow.

The dust particles here are a bit special, they all emit sparkling light, they look like stars, and they are not simply flashing, but arranged into a specific shape.

It is said that this is the appearance of the nearby starry sky, a group of people living here...made by the indigenous people.

These creatures are very small... they are as big as the debris around them, usually a few millimeters in size, but according to the information in the records, they are very intelligent, so they can draw this 'star map' on the dust.

However, they draw not only a star map, but also some special... scenery. (~^~)

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