4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1521: Convergence and recovery

'boom! ! ! ’

The dust-filled world is ringing in the roar of sound.

A pompom with a fluorescent body that is observing the roaring sound...

It was a dazzling explosion, and this explosion... was caused by a ‘building.’

Previously, Lin's pompoms found the pieces of the great works of the tranfers under the guidance of Guangying, and there are many on the island of this piece... like a building, but it actually seems to be a missile.

The pompom touched one, it fired out and caused an explosion here.

Now, the wave of the explosion pushes away all the dust particles around it, forming a huge dusty hollow.

However, this open space did not... how long it was empty. After the explosion, a strange phenomenon appeared, and the dust particles that had been pushed away by the air waves gathered again.

They all lived together, gathered to the center of the explosion point, and then glued together under Lin's gaze. It seemed that to form an object, the dust became more and more concentrated.

"What's going on?" Lin asked the pompom to send a small particle to her body to ask questions, but Guangying said it did not know.

They have never touched the things left by the tranfer project, so this scene is the first time I see it.

In this case, Lin went to check it out. The pompoms aimed a fluff at the center of the dust gathering... With the sound of ‘嘭’, the fluff flew out and flew into the dust.

The fluff stuck a lot of dust during the flying process. Lin examined the dust and found that...this is the case.

These dust powders are different from ordinary dust powders in that they have a very complex structure, some like micromachines.

They are mobile because they have a miniature propulsion system, and they now rely on propulsion to move to the center of the explosion point and then aggregate.

Lin almost knows what is going on... I thought, Lin let the pompom fly again in the direction of the island and touched another building missile.

'boom! ‘It flew out under the touch of the pompoms, accompanied by a fierce roar, the building’s missiles exploded in the vicinity of the island, blowing the dust around.

After a while, the dust particles that were blown away gathered in the past and began to assemble and polymerize as before.

Sure enough, the explosion of this building missile will release a ... signal that will activate those special dust particles, and when the dust powder receives this signal, they will begin to gather together.

The missiles on this island are not used to blow anything, but to polymerize dust.

But what kind of things do they make up? Now Lin sees that the dust has been gathered more than ten meters in size, but I don't know how big they will be.

I can only wait here to see, or...

"This is a great miracle!" Lin suddenly received information from the light fire, and the illuminating objects attached to the pompoms are now constantly giving the pompons a large number of tiny particles that are emotionally excited.

Lin had just told them about the explosions and gatherings. They suddenly showed great excitement. They thought it was the recovery action of the great vagrants.

This resurgence is a legend of them, which is said to have been passed down a long time ago when the work of the evaluators was destroyed.

The specific content is that the vagrants will recover at some point during the destruction. The situation of recovery is like this, many dust particles will gather together and constitute a new great project.

However, this recovery process requires some ... special factors to trigger.

Light Firefly does not know what this factor is, but they can now confirm that this factor... is Lin's pompom.

They believe that pompons are a key factor in triggering recovery, so they are very excited and say that they can let the pompons communicate with the creators of this 'recovery legend'.

It is said that this legend, and most of the history of the light-blooded population, are recorded by some special ‘inheritors’.

These inheritors are not as small and consistent as the general light, and the inheritors have always maintained a group.

The group of this group has not increased or reduced, it has recorded all the history and legends... It has been maintained for a long time.

Although Lin felt that the pompoms must be the key factor, because the pompoms touched the building missiles, they were full of light and fire.

However, since they are so excited to say to Lin to see the legend, then definitely have to look.

According to the direction indicated by the light firefly, the pompoms are flying fast, flying while the pompons are also detecting the surrounding dust powder. Lin found that most of the dust powder is ordinary dust powder, that is, without any special structure. It won't move, but there are a few... 'polymerized dust powder'.

It is just the dust powder that has a push structure inside and will be combined after the explosion.

It is possible that the transpirations have sprinkled these polymeric dust powders into the world very early, and when they receive the signal, they will aggregate to form something.

What will be formed? Is it a project that was originally destroyed? Still something else?

Lin left some fluff in the explosion site to see the combination process, while the pompoms under the guidance of the light fire, came to a place they called the 'inheritor's residence'.

Although this place looks like other places, it is also a place full of dust.

However, the dust powder here is very sparse, and Lin can see a big space, and in this space... there is a big ball of light floating.

It has a diameter of more than 30 meters. It can be seen from a closer look. It is also a light firefly. It is an individual composed of numerous tiny luminescent particles.

When light and fireflies are combined to form a group, they have a common mind. Usually, Light Firefly does not maintain a group for too long, but it is said that this individual, known as the 'inheritor', has been maintaining this group for a long time.

But in the end, there is no accurate time, there may be thousands of pompons or more, of course it is not eternal, but it can last for quite a while.

It can also be translated into vocabulary such as 'Elders', 'Kings', 'Emirates', but Lynn feels better to call it a successor.

Because it records the knowledge and history of the light firefly population.

According to the light squirt, the pompom slowly approached the inheritor like a giant ball of light, and then... touched it.

At the moment of touching it, the light ray that converges on the fluff spreads out, and the fluff touches the surface of the inheritor without any hindrance.

Then... Lynn felt a lot of virus-like tiny substances spilled over.

It turned out to be...

Lin seems to know that the reason why the evaluator works is destroyed. (To be continued.)

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