"A long time ago, I had this dream... be a top special effects artist."

"I have been working hard for this dream, but I don't know when it started... those ideas got into my head."

"Then, the works I made later, all became prophetic things..."

On a residential building, the scholar is in a corner of the rooftop of the building, sitting next to it with a skeleton, this skeleton has been talking... some seem to miss the words of the past.

"I never wanted to be a big prophet. I was like an ordinary citizen, but since I did it, I have to do the best..."

The skeleton kept talking, its voice was hoarse, as if it had suffered any damage to the throat.

Although scholars feel that it has no throat at all, it seems to have a brain, and its vocal organs are also in the brain, at least the robbers say so.

"There is still a part of its brain that is not completely eaten by fungi, so it has some memory, but it should be of no intelligence."

The scholar questioned: "No intelligence?"

"It's like this." The robbers turned to the skeleton on the side and said in a loud voice: "You are an idiot."

The skeleton didn't react, but it was still there to talk about its dreams.

"There is only a small part of its brain. This small part should contain things like memory." The roaring insect said: "There is still some simple reaction ability, but it is far from the normal virtual people. It It’s not a normal activity, it’s just a reaction to a few things.”

The scholar said: "Is it? This is really strange... But isn't the fungus controlling it? If the fungus is intellectual, then the skeleton should be able to move normally."

"This is not clear." The robbers said: "As far as the current observations are concerned, it is not just the skeleton of this 'big prophet', the skeleton of all the residents here is like this."

"Although the fungus made them move, but did not completely restore the normal behavior of the virtual people, just let them carry out mechanically, repeat some very simple ... action only."

The robbers said: "For example, the skeleton of a virtual person you saw before will dance, and some other skeletons are doing some simple things at home, and the skeleton of this big prophet is estimated to be repeated. Its 'dream' is to recall and explain."

"There are a variety of things they do...conditional triggering, just like dancing to hear the host of the show play music, the skeleton of the big prophet, it is estimated that only seeing the image data you open will trigger it to tell the words of the dream." The robbers said: "Before you see it, it will do other simple things."

"You know so much..." The scholar was a little surprised.

"Do you think that I have been in a daze? I know in my mind? Thinking!" The robber said: "I have been carefully observing the behavior of these bones. The fungus gave them a simple set...similar to the virtual people. The patterns of daily life behavior, but they do not give them more wisdom, so they will not do more complicated things."

"But this 'big prophet' is special because other bones don't sound at least, and it has a vocal organ in its head, so it can talk." The robber said: "But there is no way to ask it. The problem, no matter what you say to it, will not respond to you."

“Yes...” the scholar said: “But since it’s the ‘recall’ that triggered the information, it might be like this.”

Speaking, the scholar opened a picture in the material and moved to the front of the ‘big oracle.’

"Ah, I remember this, this picture is..."

After the big prophet saw the picture, he began to talk about the contents of the picture, and said that it was much more detailed than the introduction.

"Sure enough." Scholars have successively clicked on a lot of pictures, and the big prophet has said their origins...

According to these statements, scholars generally know that the main reason why the prophet made these pictures is because there is a kind of strong ‘premonition’.

This kind of hunch inspired the idea of ​​its creation, and finally produced these works, many of which are famous for their correct predictions.

But it did not predict any major events or disasters... except for the picture of the starry sky.

The scholar opened the starry lake, and the moment the prophet saw it, it was this... It was the strongest premonition in history, and under this strong hunch, it created the painting.

"At that time, I felt... they are approaching." The skeleton of the prophet said: "Our void... after that day, it will become totally different, it will collide with other voids, make up A new void."

"What the feeling is, I don't know... But, at the end of the day, it seems that this kind of thing hasn't happened. This may be a good thing. Since then, I have not made any prophetic works."

"...a few voids will collide?" Scholars are very surprised by this statement... strange.

Of course, if the general situation, scholars will certainly not pay attention to this statement, but this image is not ordinary.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no more detailed explanation.

Then the scholars opened up other information pictures, and the prophet introduced them almost the same. In general, it was this kind of 'predictive' ability when it was very young.

When I was in middle-aged and old, after I finally created some works, it didn't predict anything anymore... Starry sky is one of the last works.

"It seems that the investigation is almost the same." The robber said: "It doesn't know more."

"But in this case... the clue seems to be broken." The scholar said: "The next step is not to know where to investigate."

"That is of course the place!" The robber said: "Only that place can make things clear!"

“Where is that place?” The scholar said: “Where can I investigate the next clues? And it seems that this prophecy has not been realized at all.”

"Yes!" The robber seems to ignore the scholar's words and continues: "The place you want! Let's go there!"

"However, I still don't know where it is." The scholar said, suddenly thought of what it is like: "Is it..."

"Yes! Let's go!"

At the moment when the robbers finished, their figures disappeared on the roof of the building. (To be continued.)

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