4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 178: Plague against all things

The reaper is about to die.

Under the constant sprint of the locust swarm, Lin probably cut off hundreds of plague locusts, which are quite fragile and have no resistance, but they are like a name, a horrible plague.

At the moment the locusts are cut, their broken bodies will release countless fine powders. These powders are very similar to the 'bacteria' used for fungal reproduction because the reaper's eyes are farsighted and cannot be seen clearly. The microscopic scene at close range, so Lin did not notice the powder at first.

This kind of dust-like powder has the characteristics that fungi does not have. They have very strong adhesion. They stick a lot to the reaper's wings, block the reaper's jets, and then the 'bacteria' begins to grow. They directly Absorbing the viscera and blood of the mites sticking to the reaper's wings, it begins to grow in a variety of shapes, like the 'mushroom' form like a fungus, and the carpet-like form that spreads like the ground, and creates a solution. Trying to penetrate the reaper's hard shell and drill into the reaper's body.

This biological attack is similar to fungi, but it grows faster and absorbs nutrients much faster than fungi. They continually drill the reaper's hard shell and then puncture the reaper, piercing the inner cells and absorbing them quickly.

The reaper does not have any special resistance. In order to fly quickly, most of them are muscle cells. Only a small amount of gland cells can secrete shells, but they cannot stop the mushroom. The fungus grows and erodes quickly in the reaper. And blocking the jets, they grow a layer of hyphae on the reaper's body surface to wrap the reaper. An explosive worm that wraps around the reaper. The final reaper cannot continue to fly. Falling into the sea from the air.

Because the part of the reaper's eye is also corroded, Lin can't use it to see things clearly, because the fungus in the body is still exploding, and it will not die long before it will die.

As such, these mites seem to be only the carrier of this powerful fungus. They may have some special symbiotic organisms. The mites provide the ability to move the fungus, and the fungus erodes other organisms. Finally, after eating the whole island, leave with aphids.

At present, Lynn does not see any intelligence level, nor does it know whether it is a division of labor. They may only eat it all the time.

However, the fungus that grows so fast can indeed be called the 'plague', the new type of fungus, and now Lin has not fully understood them, and this is much stronger than twisting the jungle, they can even open The reaper's high-hardness casing, although said to have little resistance to corrosion in order to enhance hardness and sharpness.

In this case, it is necessary for the troops to make adjustments. But now there is no time.

The drifting plagues have already appeared above sea level. It will be close to the island where Lynn is located.

But in this case, then test the infection ability of this group of plagues.

The white sand beach is full of forts, which is the head of Lin’s brain worms. The purple scorpion group that covers the sky is close to the sky, and can be used at any time...


At this moment, all the turrets pour out the warheads in the body. They dissolve the shells and reconstitute them into a sharp shape. The warheads have a rotating air jet that directly smashes the target.

Lin let the brain worm see the situation on the entire battlefield. The brain worm seems to attack very punctually. The locust limbs that have been smashed by the turret are falling, and the dust in their bodies spreads out like a sandstorm.

The dust on the beach has no nutrients and cannot grow. Some fungi that just stick to the scattered mites limbs suddenly start to grow. They grow long silk threads or grow a pompom-like sphere, but they It stopped shortly before it could reach the fort, and the scattered limbs and debris were not enough to allow the fungus to grow.

So it seems that they do grow with locusts as nutrients, but only after the locusts die.

The locusts did not stop. They ignored the turret, but rushed to the green, mossy plain behind the beach. They slammed into the ground and then... died.

This group of locusts smashed their own body at the fastest speed and died on the mossy plain...

Is this suicide? Do they use suicide to make fungi grow?

Although the locusts are suicidal but they are very regular, their bodies will not pile up, each of them will smash into the vacancies without locusts, making the corpses dense and not stacked, and they will emerge on their bodies. White hyphae, which extend around and cover the moss on the ground, these mosses are quickly corroded by the fungus, and the fungus extends into the interior to extract the nutrients of the moss and produce more fungi.

These fungi grow at a rapid rate of abnormality, but Lin found a characteristic that when they devour moss, the length is not so fast, and the fungus that grows from the corpse of the locust is fast unlike ordinary creatures. Maybe there is something special in the body of the locust. Ingredients accelerate the fungus.

However, their slowness on the moss is only relative. They are still much faster than the average fungus or any creature. It is quite suitable for the name plague.

There are also a large number of locusts that do not hit the mossy ground. Instead, they fly in the air. Some of them land on the corpses that are full of fungi. The locusts that are killed are probably only a few thousand, and only tens of thousands of rushing to the island. And most of them stayed in the sea like flying around, they are not going to launch a full-scale attack.

Lin observes the growth of fungi on the mossy ground by discolored flyers. They first diffuse hyphae and then grow more complex structures on the hyphae, such as mushrooms, pompons, and strange shapes and species like trees. It seems that different mushrooms will expand after a certain degree of growth, and then explode. After the explosion, a large amount of dust is released. The dust powder floats in the wind, infecting moss and other creatures farther away.

These dusts are exposed to the blasting ball, and the surface of the blasting ball is quickly rotted. The sap that flows out causes the fungus to grow. As the surface is corroded, the spikes of the thorn ball begin to fall off.

The aircraft observed in the air also came into contact with some dust, which adhered to the outer shell and began to corrode the outer shell of the pilot. Lin found that they had a strong corrosive effect, which could corrode the biological shell and let it bleed. They would lean against it. The blood grew rapidly. When the reaper did not find this effect, it was estimated that the shell was too hard. The fungus could only be drilled after the growth of the mites on the wings.

The flying body has a lot of dust, and the number of cells in the body is not enough to resist so much dust. It is quickly corroded, and the body of the flying person who has fallen on the ground has become a fungus seedbed. Spread the hyphae around.

Because Lin observed more than one flighter, this scene is very clear, but the other observations of the aircraft also stick a lot of dust...

Even if a small amount of fungus corrodes the outer shell, Lin can also let the cells re-block, but a large number of them will not work, and these few people can only retreat.

Lin changed to use a special eyeball, the Visionary, to observe the spread of fungi from the plains.

The growth rate of these fungi is quite fast. The coverage of thousands of locusts is only less than 5% of the mossy plains, but they have now grown to 15% of the plains. They also continuously release dust to infect them. A farther goal, or a day and night, this plain will become a jungle of fungi.

This is really a terrible lethality. It is no wonder that the creatures here want to run away. I remember that the ‘happi swimmer’ is covered with a lot of sand, which is estimated to be a way to avoid fungal infection.

They don't seem to have any intelligence. The fungus obviously doesn't grow out of the brain. The worm's brain shouldn't be too big. They just eat it all the time and convert all the nutrients into their own structure. It seems to be exactly the same as the original fungus. .

For this creature, Lynn really should ruin them.

But what should I do? For this, Lin has come up with many ways.

But let's take a look at it first.

As the white pheasant slowly passed, the fungus grew stronger and longer on the mossy forest. They seemed to grow a variety of wonderful structures, tall mushrooms and stout branches, and fluffy 'branches' like pompons. The general dust seeds, the surface covered by white blankets, not only continue to spread, but also began to grow out of these various strange structures, but still a little smaller than the plants, the largest mushroom is only two meters Right and left.

But the strange thing is that they seem to be a mixture of many kinds of fungi, not just a kind of look, or they can't grow into so many different structures.

Lin found that the locusts flying on the sea and in the sky flew over. They fell on the fungus and began to eat a variety of structures that grew out of these fungi, swelling with their stomachs as food.

So, is this relationship? The mites let the fungus spread, and the fungus then breaks down other creatures to give back the mites, achieving a special symbiosis.

These fungi are still spreading, but their spread and nutrients are equal. They swallowed the moss, swallowed a lot of spiky balls, and finally stopped until the night, facing a barren rocky rock.

There is no water in the rock, only a small amount of trees are scattered, and the fungus cannot reach the trees, and their spread can only be suspended.

Lin believes that the locusts should help the fungus to spread, or wait for the wind to blow the dust through the rock, but the locusts are still eating wildly on the fungus, and they don't care much, but now there is no wind, but Lynn finds the fungus in the rock. The edges began to grow some large mushroom structures. These mushrooms were not upright, but curved, and aligned with the scattered trees on the rock...

Then the mushrooms began to swell constantly, and finally... ‘Boom! ‘(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ three tongues ~ squadron captain ~ godmsl ~ played the monthly ticket ~

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