4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1541: Ghost cub


Although there is no detailed information yet, it is generally known.

In the world of dust and dust, Light Fire has destroyed all the transpirations, but this is not entirely done by the light, Lin also ... participated in this battle.

Coupled with the study of hidden places, Lin knows a lot of things.

It seems that tranpers have been looking for Midgarth's cubs in the dust world. They have not been found but have long been found.

By analyzing the pieces of the transpirations that remain in the dust world, Lynn discovered this about the cubs.

From a long time ago, the tranpers used the recorders of Per Rock to find the cubs, and they did find them, but did not catch the cubs.

In the final record, it was only said that the cub fled the world of dust and dust, but did not say where it went.

As for why Lynn thinks that the ‘ghost’ they discovered by scholars is a cub, mainly in the description of some cubs in these materials.

In general, Midgart's pups are only in the solidified void, but in some cases they will come to this...the void.

Midgarth's cubs were not originally 'physical' creatures. They are like dream creatures, like a group of transparent, looking like energy and air-like components, the constituents inside, and scholars' discoveries. 'Ghost' is similar.

It can be confirmed that the cub finally arrived at the hidden project site. There is a problem here. Is the vagrant put the cub here, or is the cub running in?

Lin feels that it should be the behavior of the cubs themselves, and the transpiration may not be clear about the cubs in this place.

In short, Lin feels that the youngsters should be arrested, at least some careful research, and they are expected to do so.


"It's getting faster and faster."

Here is a jungle of black forests.

The scholar's fighter plane is flying at high speed on this jungle, chasing the goal of the group that is also rapidly escaping.

The target has a diameter of more than ten meters and looks like a large group of transparent spheres. Scholars have always called this thing ‘ghost’.

And recently it got the news that the ghost of this group might be... the baby of Midgarth, and what the scholars have to do is to catch it.

At least part of it is taken for detailed research.

Although it looks like a ghost, it can be grasped because it can't penetrate anything, just use a tool like a vacuum cleaner to **** it up.

Scholars have this kind of tool, but the problem is... it has to catch up with this group of ghost pups.

Before the ghost pups formed an old metal-style city, it is said that it has the ability to form a variety of environments, mainly because it can tamper with the creator simulation device.

Using the simulator and some of the hidden places, it is free to create a variety of urban environments, although I don't know why.

The robbers say that this may be a means of disguising themselves... although scholars feel that this change has become more conspicuous.

Anyway, catch it first.

Previously, the scholar wanted to get close to the old metal-style island hidden by the ghost pups, but the baby seemed to realize what it was, and it escaped directly.

Scholars have to open a fighter to chase it.

It’s easy for scholars to catch up with it before, but now the speed of this ghost cub seems to be soaring.

It’s hard to catch up with the target...

Now it is about two kilometers away from the target. Scholars have adjusted the fighter to the fastest speed, but the goal is... it is constantly shining in far away places.

The ghost pup does not always fly forward at high speed. It occasionally becomes very slow, but when the scholar pulls it closer, its figure flashes and then goes far.

It feels like it's being transported, and according to the robbers, there must be a conveyor system for arranging the buildings, and it is possible for the pups to take advantage of these systems.

However, it only transmits a little distance at a time, and it is not too far away. Is this playing them? Still can't do it?

In this regard, scholars have some speculation that the ghost pups may not be too much to use the transmission system, or they will be discovered by the transpiration.

Although it is ok to send a virtual person, it is a problem to transfer yourself.

But no matter what, it is hard to catch up, so...

"The only way to do this!" Looking at the ghost pups in the distance, the scholar poked a red spot on the operation screen, and the fighter suddenly rushed forward at an explosive speed.

"The engine is overloaded! The engine is overloaded!"

The sound echoed on the operation panel, but the scholars completely ignored them. It operated the direction of the fighter plane and was getting closer and closer to the target at a very high speed...

"Very good, that's it!" The roaring worm yelled: "Run like a madman! Smash it and smash it!"

'boom! The plane crashed past the location of the ghost cub, and at this moment, this large group of transparent and faint light scatters.

It’s like being smashed.

The scholar immediately opened the catapult system and flew himself from the cockpit, then turned on the propeller and flew to the location where the ghost cub was smashed.

At the moment when there is any 'ghost component' in the air, the scholar immediately picks up a vacuum cleaner to inhale it.

Originally used to absorb air samples, it was shaped like a snail shell with a resizable mouthpiece and a sample vial attached to the back. After filling a bottle, it can be replaced with another bottle.

This thing is rarely used, and it can be used very well now.

The scholar put the ‘ghost component’ absorbed in the sample bottle and found that it was quickly changed after a full bottle, but the scholars found that...

There is no ghost ingredient around, just a bottle full.

A bottle is only ten centimeters in size, and scholars feel that the amount is too small...

"They are there!" Suddenly the scholar heard the scream of the roaring worm. He turned his head and saw that there was a large ray of light gathering next to it. It gathered into a huge whirlpool, just like before. .

This seems to be a good opportunity...

Thinking, the scholar immediately lifted the vacuum cleaner and flew over to the whirlpool.

"Stupid, don't go over!"

When the scholar flies, it hears the scream of the robbers... It also feels that the vortex has a strong attraction at this moment, it is being sucked into the interior by the vortex. (To be continued.)

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