"They are quite a lot..."

Scholars are hiding in a cage full of dead bodies and looking out at the distant scenery.

In the distance, there was a specially cleared open space, and things like the wreckage of the wreckage were pushed aside. In the open space, stood a group of imaginary people wearing black robes.

This group of imaginary people is known as the 'Black Religion'. They are a group of lower-level prisoners in the movie.

They worship some kind of...the gods, but there is no clear explanation in the film. This group has caused a lot of obstacles to the protagonist in the early days of the film.

"It seems that we are really the lowest position. It is possible to go to the ghost pups... The 'palace' of the ruler of this prison world is still far away, and I don't remember these scenes. The scholar said: "If you don't hurry, the cub will have to escape."

Previous scholars have received new information. It is said in the information that the transpirations have been hiding this hidden place for a long time, but they are not completely ignored. They can at least receive some signals here.

Because the ghost pups frequently control the creator simulation device, under too much interference, the simulation device will send an abnormal signal to the evapoturizer, so that the tranfer will come over.

The pup must stop controlling the simulator and let its internal data slowly return to normal, but it takes a while.

During this time, the cub will remain motionless, but if time passes, it will immediately control the simulator again and escape from it.

If you let it run, it would be not easy to catch it.

"So let us rush over!" The robbers suddenly jumped off the shoulders of the scholars and snarled at the group of black robes. "Hey! You are a group of idiots that are as dark as excrement! How to go in the direction of the palace!"

"This is...what?" Several virtual people were smashed by the hearing system, and several people took out pistols from their robes...

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" This is not a gunshot, but a sound of a screaming worm. The strong voice is like an explosion. The will of these imaginary people is defeated in an instant. The white foam fell to the ground and was not civil.

"Well, let's ask them." The robbers leaped to a virtual side, and the scholars had to go out.

It came to the side of a fallen man. The scholar found that this virtual person was only... a shallow coma, and the scholar took a few shots on the face of the people. When he opened his eyes, he asked: "You Do you know how the ruler’s 'palace' is going?"

"Palace... Palace? What are you going to do?" As soon as he heard the word, the virtual people said as if they were scared: "Why do you want to go there? I don't want to die! Don't ask me!"

"What crazy are you doing!" said the robbers: "You are afraid of something so far away, not afraid of us who can easily twist your head here! It's too sad!"

"Right, I think of it..." The scholar said: "The 'palace' is quite horrible for most prisoners, but they should all know that the road is right."

"Say it." The scholar asked the imaginary people: "It’s just like saying that we are more dangerous to you than to the palace... at least for now."

"..." The imaginary man hesitated, and then pointed to a place and said: "...the road of the palace, go to the other side, go to the elevator that goes to the upper level, and then continue to the top floor to see it. ""

"Well, I told you, what do you have to do with me, can I leave?"

Although it was asking, but after it finished speaking, it turned and ran away, and even the comrades on the ground did not care.

"...well, at least know the way." The scholar looked at the direction of the virtual people.

"I think you are sympathizing with them." The roaring worm suddenly said: "You should pose a more threatening posture."

"It has already been said." The scholar said: "In short, let's go first."

Scholars quickly moved to the direction that the imaginary people had just pointed out, and the scenery it saw along the way was still the same.

Scholars look at the surrounding environment while thinking about the scenes in the movie. It is indeed very similar to the scenes in the movie. It is only a little different, that is, there are many virtual people in the movie.

But here it is extremely empty, so far only a few virtual people have been seen, probably because...

It seems that... more people are coming out.

The scholar thought about seeing many tents of different sizes...the tents looked like what the creature's skin did, but there were many virtual people sitting under the tent.

These are the lower prisoners. They all seem to be hungry and thin. These imaginary people can be said to be the lowest level. They can only eat and eat at the bottom of the prison world.

However, this also means that they are harmless. After seeing the scholars come, these virtual people are staring at it one by one, and seem to be paying attention to its waist.

This is probably to see if it has food or something.

Scholars are thinking, what role did these virtual people play in the city? Also playing a similar underlying role?

But in what kind of environment, there are these low-level roles, and there is nothing strange...

After walking for a while, the scholars saw a large group of armed and imaginary people in front of them. However, it is said that the armed forces are just some comparisons... hard objects are put together.

They held a stick full of nails in their hands, and when they saw the scholar coming over, they immediately looked at it with a very fierce look.

"Where did you come from?" A virtual person asked the scholar.

"I..." The scholar glanced at a tall tower-like building behind the group of people. The building is... an elevator that leads to the upper level of the prison.

"I want to use the elevator," the scholar said.

"What? No, no!" The imaginary immediately said: "Now the sect is holding an important ceremony, the elevator has been contracted for ... and will not be used by any people!"

"Which is there for contracting..." The scholar remembers that the elevator can be used by the public, but although it is said that it has a role like a bully, it is, but...etc., it just said that the Order is at the ceremony?

"You don't use it for us?" said the robbers: "If this is the case..."

“Right! Wait!” The scholar suddenly interrupted the roaring worm: “I know a place more likely to hide the cub than the ‘Palace’!”

“Is there a place?” asked the robber.

"Yes!" said the scholar: "In this movie, the palace is the place where the protagonist will arrive sooner or later... but there is a place, although it has been mentioned, but the protagonist has never been to it, that is..."

"The headquarters of the Order!" (To be continued.)

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