4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1551: Solidification close


Under the dark sky, a disc-shaped aircraft screamed at high speed and flew toward distant unknowns.

"Where are we going to fly?"

"do not know!"

“Where is the original city?”

"do not know!"

"Why don't you know anything?"

In the aircraft of the disc, the scholar is staring at the operation picture in front of him, and the picture can be seen in the endless...the darkness, and the land that is spread over the format building.

They have already flown out of that prison scene, but soon they have entered another scene, and underneath the aircraft are the wrecks of a large number of buildings.

These building wrecks are another film scene that tells the story of the protagonist smashing waste on the ruins and saving the world.

It seems that the imaginary scenes created by the vagrants are still quite a lot, but this also leads to a problem... The scholars don’t know where this is, and they don’t see the fungus jungle before. It’s completely unknown to the robbers. go back.

Fortunately, there is no stalker to catch up, but when will it fly, when will it fly?

"What is that?" Suddenly the scholar saw a huge black shadow appearing in front of the aircraft. It immediately flew up, but after avoiding this thing, the scholars discovered that it was not over yet.

This shadow... followed it and chased it.

"What is this!" The scholars operated the aircraft to fly forward at high speed, while carefully looking at the rear view, this thing looks like a large black whirlpool, like a swallowing of the aircraft. Follow closely.

"This thing is...!" The robber screamed at the picture: "I don't know what it is, hurry to escape!"

"How come so strange things!" Scholars quickly adjusted the speed of the aircraft, and opened a large distance with the vortex that the group caught up, and the vortex seemed to give up, the speed became slower and slower. .

"It doesn't seem to be chasing...and so on!" And when the scholars didn't feel relaxed, it saw another appearance... more dark shadows.

The number of these things is very large, they are like a large group of ... flying creatures, flying in the front not far.

This scene reminds scholars of the migratory pterosaurs, but these things are obviously not pterosaurs. They are a bunch of strange things that are hard to tell the shape. If they say something, they seem to be changing shapes. It’s like a cloud.

"What should we do? Are we going to fly over?" The aircraft stopped, because the flying things were all over the entire picture of the aircraft, and if they continued to fly forward, they would definitely hit them.

Scholars don't know if there will be any consequences if they hit them...

"With! The new information is coming!" said the robbers: "These things should be creatures that freeze the void."

“Coagulation of the void?” the scholar questioned: “Why am I... I have not received this information?”

"I told you before, you have a problem." The robbers said: "In short, because of the influence of the young cubs, this place is now more and more unstable. Simply put... it is getting closer and closer to the solidification You may see a lot of solidified creatures or objects."

"What do you want to do..." The scholar asked: "And what is wrong with me?"

"There is no big problem, just a guardian." The robbers said: "It doesn't matter if you fly directly now, because these solidified creatures don't have the ability to solidify. They are just ordinary wildlife."


Although he still cares about his own problems, the scholars feel that they should leave and say, and then the disc-shaped aircraft flew into the area where large creatures flew in front of the bang.

Then, there are countless ‘噼啪’ sounds, and the aircraft will make a similar current when it hits these creatures.

However, the performance of this creature is only being knocked out, and then continue to fly there like nothing.

"It’s a weird thing..." The scholars watched the creatures and the disc flew over without incident.

"See!" Flying over a large number of strange creatures, the scholar finally saw the familiar scene, the former medieval town appeared below, and the town went over, it was the black fungus jungle.

However, this jungle does not seem to be normal, can see, many ... black objects wandering in the jungle, these things are different, but what they have in common is that they are all pure black.

“Are these also solidified void creatures?” Scholars drove high-speed aircraft over the jungle, and it found that these creatures appeared to be numerous, but did not have any effect on the jungle.

"Yes, they are still not fully visible now." The robbers said: "These are just projections like the shape of the ..., if they are fully revealed, it will affect the environment... Fly to the city before you make an impact."

"I know!" When he spoke, the scholar also adjusted the disc to the highest speed. The disc flew high toward the target over the jungle...

Along the way, scholars have seen countless black shadows, some of which are huge and very small, but some scholars have found that the black of these shadows is becoming more and more impure, and they seem to become... more and more clear.

It’s like a robber, they seem to be getting more and more...


After flying for a while, the scholar finally saw the original city of the virtual people, but just when it was close to the city...

The scholar heard the sound of the bang, only a lot of ... the vehicle flew up from the ground, and then came over to it.

“What happened?” The scholars flew to the side in the midst of surprise, and escaped the vehicles that had come over. These cars flew into the jungle and pulled out a large amount of dust.

"It seems like something!" The robbers said: "Don't worry, keep flying!"

"But it seems not very safe..." Even so, but the scholars slowed down the speed of the aircraft, flew into the city, and when they flew over the street, it saw... the vehicles in the street were Shaking.

It seems that something is arching under the car, and as the frequency of the shaking becomes more and more powerful, they bounce off the ground and fly in the direction of the scholar.

"What the **** is this?" The scholar wanted to operate the aircraft to escape, but suddenly, it saw the screen of the operation panel disappeared and replaced with a pom-pom.

"Don't hide." Pompon said. (~^~)

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