4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1554: Way to go

The change is still going on...

Weird creatures are constantly emerging, and weird phenomena happen one after another.

This city of imaginary people has completely lost its gravity, and everything is floating in the sky.

This is an irreparable phenomenon.

The cub said this, it said that after it lost contact with Midgart, the emptiness of the void and the place's ... 'channel' did not close.

Therefore, solidified void creatures will continue to appear, and some things like there will also affect this place, and let the strange phenomenon appear here.

The ghost pups themselves did not transmit or control the ability to condense the void passages, which were previously achieved through the organs in Midgart.

After disconnecting, it is completely unable to recover the variability here. If this phenomenon continues, perhaps it will continue to be close to each other as before, and finally achieve the expectations of the tranfer.

Indeed, Lynn also found that the distances of several hidden places are approaching. They are not located in this void, but... Lin can perceive their mutual distance through other arms in the dust world.

The ghost pups don't care much about these things. It always thinks about one thing, that is... leave here.

Therefore, it now has a request for Lin, and it wants Lin to help it reconnect with Midgart, so that it can continue to adjust this solidified void passage and finally reach the goal of returning.

Although it said so, Lin didn't know how to contact it with Midgart, because Lynn... didn't know where the organ that contacted it was inside Midgart.

It doesn't know it. It just knows that there is such an organ responsible for contacting it, so this is a small problem, and this problem is first handed over to the brave to do it.

It and the group of cultivation creatures have been exploring the pipeline all the time.

At the same time, Lin also asked the cubs if they could enter the clotting void, and the pups said that ... the general creatures will enter the clotting void and will be solidified.

It is not clear why it is. In short, this emptied species can't move, and the species that condense the void can't live in this void. Some species will 'crack', and some will have other phenomena. Simply put, it's like a cell creature can't live in a star, and a star... if there is a creature inside, it can't live in the familiar temperature of the usual cell biology.

All in all, the two sides were originally inaccessible.

However, Midgart has given them some ... special abilities to allow the condensed Nether species to function normally.

It seems that Midgart is like an ambassador who connects the voids on both sides, but the purpose of doing so is not clear. In short, Midgart also did not want to condense the appearance of the void species here, only the tranpers successfully spread.

Compared to the mature, Midgarth, which is 100,000 kilometers long, the cub says that it is still in a position that does not understand anything, and does not know how long it will take to grow to that size.

It may take countless hours, but it feels that it has been going through the void for a long time now, and there is no way to grow here, it must go back.

It means that it knows some methods that allow normal null species to enter the solidified void. In fact, this method is a dream creature... Dream creatures, that is, energy creatures like brain spirits, will not be solidified when they enter the solidified void.

And the average creature can make itself into a solidified void like a dream creature.

Because it tells Lynn this method, so... Lin also intends to connect it to Midgart, and then go with it to the solidified void.

There is definitely a lot of interesting stuff there.

But where should I go to find it?

Now Lin confirms the location of many of the transport organs of Midgarth, but this contact organ...has no information at all.

Only a few more cultivation creatures have been found in the past, and Lin felt that it should be found before the merger of the transpirations.

Otherwise they don't know what to do after the merger, for example, it is possible to proceed to the next attack.

Now that the tranpers have completely stopped the attack, it seems that they are paying attention to the project merger. However, Lin feels that in addition to using the devices in the dust world and the ghost pups, there are other ways to merge.

Only now that the merging method of the pups appeared just after the destruction of the dust powder world device, they were directly used.

Otherwise they may adopt more methods... anyway, it is better to be faster than them.

At the same time, Lin paid attention to it... Scholars, it has now begun to explore everywhere, and, small guardians seem to...

There have been some changes.


"What... Are you coming again? No matter how many times you come, the beliefs I guard will not be shaken. You are like the waves that beat the beach, always rolling in, but there is always nothing, you are destined to not cross me. I can't cross this ditch."


Lin found that it seems to have learned some words. Lin once taught the scholars and the patriarchs some words. The little nucleus originally did not... but it is now used, which means it will read What is the thinking of scholars?

"Your appearance makes me bored. It's incredible that you have such an unprotectable thing in the world." The little nucleus said: "If you bother me, I will let you experience the unguardable power."

"What power is that?" Lin asked.

"That is a legendary force." The little nucleus said: "The power I have mastered can bring you... What? Dare to dare in? You can't guard things! Move me out! Can't Guarded! I want to destroy you!"

The pompoms flew directly from the small nucleus, and the small nucleus immediately chased them from behind and sweared at the pompoms.

But it didn't make anything.

Lin found that although it can intercept the information signal, it can't stop the pompon... It is Lin's ‘consciousness’ that goes straight.

But at least this little nucleus is not going to move like the previous ones. It can at least block some information. It is estimated that if you grow a little more, you will be able to intercept other biological wills and become true guardians.

Bypassing the small guardian, the pompom arrives... the brain space of the scholar, correctly speaking the brain inside the mechanical body.

This brain is also able to think, and Lin found some things here. (~^~)

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