4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1556: location

"These are... what are these?"

"Is this the legendary, the saint prophecy star map? No, no, this is the great fairy of light!"


The brave and a large group of cultivation creatures are looking at the things in front of them with amazement.

In fact, only the cultivation creatures are surprised. For this kind of scenery, the brave man has seen a lot, just like a stereoscopic image.

When they touched the solidified void material... It was said that it was able to contact the baby's 'snail shell', and the screw shell suddenly disappeared at this moment, and a three-dimensional image was replaced.

When the cultivating creatures were making amazement, the brave watched the image carefully. The image was divided into many... small images.

It seems that every image shows a starry sky in different places, but scholars can't understand what it means, so it first records these images and then passes them to the ...

And the pompom demon... then passed the image to the creature that understands it, that is, the ghost cub.

"This is the position of each cub." The ghost cub is still in the city of the virtual people with a pompom of Lin, and it seems quite safe here, so for the time being... there is no plan to go out.

After the pompus sent it to the image, the cub responded quickly to Lin, which indicated that these were images of the position of the pup.

And to further explain, it means... There are more than one cub in this void, there are many, but it has never been contacted because they are far apart.

Moreover, they have no connection after Midgart has slept, until now... it only knows.

Then, the cub told Lin that the previous coagulation substance...activated the movement of the organ to show the position of the pup, but did not let the organ contact it. It thought that the 'recipe' of the coagulating substance was wrong.

It wants Lin to go looking for something to get the device functionally connected to it.

Because of curiosity, Lynn asked why these substances can connect the organs to it. The cubs said that they wanted to find the substance... Some of them were left before leaving the Midgarth, wandering in the void. .

These residues are part of the body and can stimulate the function of the organ to connect it... The previous substance may not be enough, so the organ has not been fully activated, and enough material is found to be piled up in the organ like a conch. Only then.

Therefore, the brave and the cultivating creatures had to run again to find the material.

At the same time, Lin also carefully paid attention to the image of the position of the cub, and soon, Lin found some things in this image.

Here, Lin saw three familiar stars, one that can be seen in the dusty world, and one that can be seen by the virtual people.

Therefore, Lin quickly came to two conclusions... The location of these cubs should be the location of the stalker's hidden engineering site.

Lin is only discovering two locations at the moment. Other locations don't know where they are, but now... Lin feels that they may be able to find them.

Lin asked the cub again, and the cub said that the location in this image was not 'instant'.

It may be the position of the pups before the pompon years, because the position of the pups is recorded every once in a while, not at all times.

Although I don't know why, it seems to be available to Lynn.

To put it simply, although these hidden engineering locations may not be in place now, the images still show their original location.

In this way, Lynn can go to their original location to find, even if the project site is not there, they can find the traces left by them and trace it.

Lin counts some units in each project site to allow them to fully detect the status of the tranfer.

Moreover, Lin now believes that ... may be able to create these hidden places, mainly using the Midgart pup, if Lin is thinking right now, then there must be a cub in each place.

In the starry sky of the place, Lin can use the stellar bus to search for them. In fact, using the nerve organs of the stellar bus, you can find many places in the starry sky.

However, there are three familiar places to see directly. In addition to the virtual world and the dusty world, Lin also saw a familiar starry sky, which is... the void near the 'ersh'.

Is there a hidden engineering site there? I have never noticed this kind of thing before, which also means that the vagrants are quite hidden in these aspects.

Accurately speaking, it is in the galaxies of Ershi, because Ershi is no longer in that position. Anyway, go to these locations and look for it.

There are a total of 9 stars in the image.

Lynn decided to look at every place. Just enter the star maps into the nervous system of the stellar bus, and it will... quickly know their exact location.

In fact, this is the same as the transmission coordinates... Lin also has a number of arms with hidden capabilities, and they are transmitted to these places at the same time.

When they reach the target location, they quickly look for the ‘trace’ left by the hidden location.

It may have been completely undetectable in the past, but it is now possible to detect these traces by detecting solidified voids and then directly into hidden locations.

Under the rapid movement of Lin, these hidden projects were quickly discovered one after another...

Moreover, Lynn also noticed that they all seem to be... destroyed by Midgart, and the rest of the things are almost all pieces.

Of course, the size of these pieces is also very large, and Lin feels that these should all be illusions.

Although some of the engineering sites are not clear, the one in Ershi is very easy to distinguish.

The construction site of Ershna also created the creations of the residents of Ershi, and those are very obvious fantasy buildings.

Lynn also confirmed these locations, they are all close to each other, they are like a big ... circle, is rapidly gathering in a position that can be said to be the center.

But not every project is gathering, because Lin did not find every project, there are two engineering locations...

Lin found that the nervous system with the stellar bus could not be found, which means that the two locations are not normal.

Because, Lin believes that the nervous system of the stellar bus inherits the void that the stellar bus has gone through. As long as there is a pattern, it can be transmitted anywhere.

It is almost impossible to have a place that cannot be transmitted, if any, that means...

Maybe who should I ask. (~^~)

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