4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1563: Mars channel

"Ah, ah-!!!"

Along with the screams, a car galloping on the street continued to spin for a few laps, and then... continued to drive normally.

Although the driver in the car has fainted, the other driver replaced it and continued to operate the vehicle.

This driver is... pompom.

The situation here is quite interesting...

Now the pom-pom is using the fluff to operate the vehicle, driving at high speed on the streets covered with small creatures.

Below the pompoms is the Ershimin who used to drive the vehicle. It seems to have been fainted and is lying on the chair.

In the back position, there are two Ershi people in a state of horror, and the rock skin next to them.

This rock skin also fainted, but it was not dizzy, but Lin was dizzy, because the rock skin wanted to eat all the creatures in the car.

It was the first time it spoke before saying that... I was very hungry.

So, Lin fainted it, then used some micro-arms to detect its brain and let the pom-poms drive the vehicle, so that all problems could be solved at once.

It is now known how this rock skin and the large group of small creatures came here. In fact, they were all on... Mars.

Originally, Mars was a very ridiculous world, but now there are more diverse creatures, which seem to have been born from the rock.

The skin of the rock skin contains special cells that store the nuclear information of various organisms. The rock skin can push these cells out of the skin surface, and they will grow in some special pools on Mars. Growing into a variety of creatures.

The gray-black plush creatures that appear in large numbers here are grown from the cells of the rock skin, not the creatures on the head.

Lin did not find this function in the rock, which is a new kind of rock skin that seems to have the role of ... growing species.

But the most important thing is that there is a channel in Mars that is the same as here. The rock skin and these small creatures come through that passage, and can go back through that passage at any time.

How did this channel come about? Lin feels that it should be related to this ghost pup. It is the only creature that can control the transmission system of this hidden engineering site except the original transpire.

The rock skin and a lot of small creatures have only recently arrived here. I don't know what the purpose of the cubs to let them come. In short, I have to find the cubs first.

"We have arrived."

The wheels covered with blood and minced meat stopped rolling, and the vehicle parked under a building, the building where Lynn first entered.

There are no small creatures on the streets here, but Lynn thinks they will soon follow the blood marks left by the vehicles.

"..." The two Ershi people in the back seat of the car still looked horrified, and they reacted after Lin continued to say a few words.

"...is it... is it? Good, go!"

After the reaction, they were very fast. After getting out of the car, they picked up the companion who was fainting in the driver's seat and ran into the building at a very fast speed.

The pompoms did not follow them, but flew directly to the top of the building.

After flying to the top of the building, Lin saw that there was a big...stop platform with a helicopter parked on it. It seems that those who are trying to take this away.

However, it has been occupied by other... creatures.

Because, in the memory of the rock skin, Lin found that the passage to Mars was on the building.

And, right next to this helicopter.

Although it does not look like anything directly, when the channel is opened, the rock will climb out of the ground of the parking platform.

However, the channel is not open now, but Lynn has seen it here... six rock skins.

Two of them are looking down on the edge of the building, while others are continually fiddling with the cabin door around the helicopter, seemingly trying to get in.

This new rock skin has the same level of intelligence as...the young Ershi people, who think they will not fly a helicopter.

So, Lin let the pompom float, and landed directly on the side of the helicopter more than three meters, the passage is here...

It is like a 'hole' about 10 meters in diameter, it will open occasionally, and it will remain closed most of the time.

And this channel can only pass the Mars creature, which means that the helicopter will not fall into the channel when it is turned on.

When the pompoms flew over, these rock skins noticed the pompoms, but they were just doubts and there was no attack.

That's because pompons are not cell biology.

Just now, the rock skin attacked the Ershi people on the vehicle. The only purpose is to eat them.

As for the small creatures around, it is equivalent to the rock skin...the domesticated army, so they don't eat each other. The whole purpose of coming here is very simple, that is, looking for food here.

The question is, what is the purpose of the ghost pup that made them come here...

this is……

When Lin touched the position of the transmission channel, Lin felt it...

'call--! ’

Suddenly, a gust of wind rang, and the ground on which the passageway was lit with dazzling brilliance. I saw a group... Things floated from the ground and flew into the air.

It turned out that it has been hiding in this place?

The pompoms also flew up, catching up with this... the cubs that just emerged.

The baby was hiding very well. Before it reached a very close point, Lin did not detect its position until it touched the position of the passage.

However, Lynn feels that there is a possibility that the pup may be in... Mars.

Since it can open the channel, it may be able to go by itself, so it is not surprising to detect it.

In short, I have to catch it now.

It flies a little slower than the pompom, and it doesn't seem like the one on the virtual side can change the scene, so... very quickly, the pompom is close to it.

It seemed to know that he could not escape, so he flew to the roof of a building below.

This building is quite special, because Lin found two helicopters on it.

Unlike the previous helicopter, the two were armed with guns and missiles mounted on them, and ghost pups instantly plunged into the cracks of the helicopter.

Then, the helicopter made a bang and slowly flew up...

It seems that... these pups can control the look of the machine.

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