4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1570: break out?


A ... battle, started somewhere in the Midgart pipeline.

Large pieces of solidified void creatures, like crazy, continue to fly from the air, and then constantly cultivated creatures one by one...kill.

Because they are very fragile, they can cut these creatures into segments as long as they are free to pick up the knife. The flickering pieces of meat fall on the surface covered with swamp.

"This is really a lot..." The brave constantly waved its blade in a large solidified creature like a fish. This unilateral slaughter left a lot of meat around it.

But it also feels... very boring, maybe it doesn't feel like cutting it, maybe they won't scream, but... this can't be done.

Because these creatures will attack them without stopping, and they will interfere with the detection, which makes the brave feel very...

"What is that!" Suddenly, I don't know who called it.

‘Hey! The brave man felt that he was hit by something, and the whole body flew backwards. It quickly turned around without falling into the swamp. At the same time, he saw the thing that hit him.

This thing is a big... stone.

This stone did not fly from a distance, but suddenly appeared next to the brave, and it seemed to have some kind of impact when it appeared, and the brave flew out.

Moreover, these stones are more than just this one.

"Ah!" With a scream, the brave saw other cultivating creatures flying around and the same stones appeared around them.

If the stone appears to be flying around, it will be squashed in an instant if it appears above it.

And these stones are still appearing in large numbers, which makes the brave have to shout...


After hearing the order, the cultivating creatures quickly and quickly receded. When they left the area, the brave discovered that the stones were still appearing.

The size of the stones is about two meters. When they appear, they fall on the ground and accumulate in large quantities.

"These are..." Just as the brave looked at the stones with doubts, it suddenly heard the voice of the communicator: "The place where you are breaking out! Come out and hurry!"

“Explosion?” The brave questioned: “What does it mean to break out?”

"There is a lot of strange things that suddenly appear...solidified empty objects, and those stones are one of the objects that appear!" The voice in the communicator said: "In short, you will leave soon, or you will be implicated!"

"Immorality is..." When the brave had just issued such a question, it saw a cultivating creature screaming and flying around it. It seemed to be sucked in by something...

"Ah! I can't control myself!" Then, a few cultivating creatures flew up, and they screamed and flew into the sky, flying all the way to the invisible darkness.

"There is something on it... Come and leave!"

When the brave man said this sentence, it saw that he was pulled up by something and flew toward the sky.

But the brave soon opened his own propeller and moved forward while resisting the pull.

And it found that most of the other cultivation creatures were fine, they ran a long distance.

It seems that this kind of...the effect of attraction, only... acts randomly on different goals.

The brave did not have much interest in studying what its principles were. It just kept accelerating the flight until the influence of this force disappeared completely.

"It seems that it’s okay to be here..."

Along with a large group of cultivation creatures, the brave left the original swamp, and came to a sky still dark, but it seems... there is no place for suction.

The brave slowly landed from the air, and when it landed on the ground, it quickly received the sound of the communicator...

"Now you are not out of danger, hurry to dig holes!"

"Digging holes?" The brave asked: "Why do you want to... dig holes?"

"It's just dig down and bury yourself!" The voice in the communicator said: "You must be buried with Midgart... so that you won't be swallowed up by the condensed void!"

"What does this mean... forget it." The brave did not continue to ask, but ordered the dig hole for the cultivation creature.

Although it is strange to cultivate creatures, they are also very obedient and quickly excavated.

The ground here is not a swamp, but it is also made of very soft materials, so they easily dig underground and bury the body.

"Why do you want to dig this way?" In the face of these questions about practicing creatures, the brave can only answer the questions and bury themselves.

Although it has a lot of information, there are still many things that the brave people don't know, such as talking about the communicator... Who knows who it is.

The brave thinks that it may be a red pompom demon, but the speech is not very similar.

"Okay, this should be fine."

After digging a hole and completely burying himself underground, the brave left some... a small gap to peep outside.

It wants to know what will happen outside.

However, after a long period of time, the brave did not see anything happening outside, only saw something... it seemed to be flashing and flashing outside.

Is it really dangerous outside?

The brave had a little bit of want to go out and see, but it still didn't move, but stretched out a small section of his finger... from the top of the hole...

'Snapped! ’

The finger that stretched out seemed to be touched by something, and it disappeared in an instant.

"It's really dangerous outside."

After reaching this conclusion, the brave took the hand back, although it is not a pain in the mechanical body, but the phenomenon just made it feel a little... fear.

So, it is waiting here, waiting for the time to flow slowly, and the scenery outside is constantly changing.

It is a change, but only some light flashes and there is nothing special.

The brave has been watching these flashing lights all the time... waiting for the opportunity to go out.

However, it has been too long in the past... After half a day of pompoms, it is really intolerable.

"When can I go out?" The brave sent a question to the communicator, but there was no voice in the communicator.

It seems that... what went wrong. (~^~)

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