4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1579: contact

"Contact the Force! Remember that your mission is to try to communicate with it, and don't use attack attacks until critical moments!"

Under the flash of light with a sense of peace, a small aircraft slowly approached Lin's volcanic rock, and a fleet of ten machines appeared on the plane and landed on a 'volcano. 'under.

These machines... are really weird.

Lin has been paying attention to their actions, and Lin found them... although they are machines, they are wearing protective clothing.

Not only is the body wearing a thick protective suit, but even a three-dimensional image of the face specially prepared a helmet, looking at a ... very strange feeling.

They also have the characteristic that they are very rich in emotions. They appear quite nervous when they first landed on volcanic rocks, and after a while, they entered a state of confusion.

"Where is the entrance to this place?"

Because the volcanic rock as a whole looks like an island full of volcanoes, it is not like a normal warship, so it is difficult to find places like entrances.

However, the entrance is actually everywhere.

"The entrance has appeared!" Several machines made a surprised sound because the ground in front of them suddenly collapsed and a cave appeared in this position.

“Is this the entrance? It seems very suspicious... is it letting us in?”

They talked with doubtful words, and surrounded the caves that appeared. After several discussions, they were still...no decision.

"Like this, we are here to try to communicate with it." A machine suddenly decided: "Come on, take out those light sticks."

"Okay..." A few other machines agreed, and they took out some glowing sticks from the protective suit and swayed in place.

It seems to be another way of illuminating communication, looking at the very playful look, so Lin is here watching them shake for a long time... long time.

Lynn noticed that their movements were getting slower and slower, as if they were tired. After a problem with a machine saying, “Is this really useful?”, they stopped.

Lin found that these machines are really...very interesting, because Lynn noticed that they wore protective clothing, and the three-dimensional image expression in the helmet also made breathing action, and also wore an oxygen tank behind the protective suit, now It will even show such a tired look.

These machines seem to completely mimic real creatures, both emotionally and ‘physiologically, and don’t know what it means to set them up.

... While observing them, Lin also noticed the other side...

"It seems that there is a difficulty in communication. What kind of creature is that, do you know?"

Here is a room made of metal, but it is not entirely metal. The viscous liquid like resin is seeping out in the wall and slowly dripping on the ground. In addition, there are many large ones. Something like a tree vine stretches out of the wall and stretches out.

This makes it look like an abandoned facility that has been invaded by plants, but it is not abandoned here. In the center of the room, there is a...machine.

It was sitting on a sofa that looked soft and staring at a three-dimensional picture in front of it.

In the picture, a hundred warships are displayed surrounding the volcanic rock.

“It looks like it’s always hard to communicate.” The machine looked at the volcanic rock in the picture and said: “For safety reasons, we should destroy it.”

"It is not recommended to take an attack. More contact should be made."

In front of this machine are two creatures like cockroaches. These cockroaches are the two that were previously caught by Lynn and then sent away.

They are many in number, but only two remain in this transferred location, others go... many places.

This transferred location is a...fruit building on the huge plant across the meteorite vacant lot.

The space inside the fruit building is roughly the same. The corridors and rooms are almost entirely made of metal, but there are many walls and resin like vines on the walls, and things like plants grow out.

It is the feeling that metal and plants are mixed together. Among these buildings, there are many such machines and many people... and some other creatures.

However, in addition to these machines, other creatures are divisional species, and they seem to be responsible for the complexity of the equipment system.

As for the machine, it seems that it is mainly responsible for the opening of aircraft and warships, and generally does not work much.

Of course, they will also pay attention to the outside situation, like Lin sees this, it was originally sitting on the sofa to rest and eat and enjoy, and then pay attention to the situation outside.

Yes...they will eat cell food. Although it is a machine, there is a position in the chest that can be opened and put into food.

"Yeah, what you said makes sense..." Now, the machine grabbed a bag of food on the sofa next to it... the 'chips', and then poured all the chips into it. In the mouth of the feeding mouth.

After the food was poured in, its stereo head showed a lot of potato chips, and then its head took the pieces of the three-dimensional chips into their mouths.

Lin’s interest in why they set this up has risen a bit.

"But..." After the three-dimensional head ate the potato chips, the machine continued: "But it is too close to Zanke, which may be dangerous."

The machine says ‘Zanke’ refers to the giant plant, and Lin knows this from the two nerve reactions, but I don’t know what the name means.

"This decision is dangerous." The embarrassing attitude seems to be that you don't want to attack Lin's volcanic rocks, but they are also hesitant.

"It's still wrecking it. We have enough firepower here." The machine said: "Now I will give orders to let..."

"Notice." Suddenly there was a voice in the room: "No hostile action against outsiders is forbidden... and it is necessary to quickly prepare for its approach, and all members immediately start to start, this is the command of the Commander-in-Chief!"

"What?" The machine was shocked: "Why do you want this order?"

It seems that when it wants to attack, the commander-in-chief of this place has issued an order to welcome Lin?

This seems a bit... strange. (~^~)

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