4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 183: Infected place

I finally saw it again, this huge creature like an island - ‘changers.’

This creature carries a lot of creatures on its back, shaking in the waves of the storm, watching it go in the same direction, it seems to be the same as Lin, and if so, then keep up and see.

Lin's troops followed this swimmer. Its huge body appeared quite unstable at sea. The creatures on its back had to gather in the center to avoid falling into the water.

Lin's air force flew over these creatures and observed them carefully. They all seemed to be in a bad spirit. They were not affected by the storm. They were mainly lack of water and hunger. They should pass through many islands with food. So I didn't starve to death like the group I've seen before, but it's almost the same.

Now with the impact of the storm, the rain and airflow make them feel very cold, and then it may be...

Just when Lin thought so, the golden clouds of the sky suddenly sprinkled a golden light, the surrounding airflow began to calm, and the rain became smaller...

The storm on the ocean came quickly, and the dark clouds in the air quickly dispersed, and the sea surface returned to a calm state.

Was this called ‘changing impermanence’?

However, even if the storm stops, these creatures are still dangerous. Now they need food and energy supplements. Lin observes that there are only about 100 reptiles on the swimmers. They have many different kinds, but the number is very high. Less, the body size is not too big.

In this case, take them back.

Lynn asked some bombers to bring these weak reptiles back and feed them with enough energy before that. The plague has now been blocked. They go back without any problems at all.

Lin continues to follow this swimmer. It is also possible to see where it will arrive and travel to the mainland.

Although this creature is large, it moves very quickly. There are some magnet-like things in the brains of the swimmers. They are estimated to rely on this to identify the direction.

In this way, Lin followed the swimmers slowly, and the bombers sent the creatures back to the island, apparently escaping from the island. So I quickly found my original nest. Lin found that some of them had amazed emotions. Maybe they thought that the island would be destroyed by the plague, but now they find that there is nothing...

In short, although not many, these creatures should be able to slowly restore the entire island environment.

On this side, Lin also saw the real island destroyed by the plague...

During the time when the swimmer was moving at sea, Lin found that it was indeed close to some islands, usually some islands with creatures, regardless of size. It will probably stop at the shore for about 7600 seconds each time, although I don't know what it means. It may be at rest, but it also allows some terrestrial creatures to move between them by island.

The Changyou is like a 'sea bus'. After passing the island along the way, there are a lot of small creatures here, and now Lin sees an island... When the island appears on the sea level, the swimmers leave Far away, completely do not want to look close.

Lin let some troops fly close to discover the true face of the island.

The whole island is not very large, about 300 meters in diameter, but the whole island is full of ... fungi.

It seems that all kinds of fungi are gathered together, the ground is covered with a thick layer of hyphae, and various huge mushrooms such as trees stand on the island, the highest is about five meters, and the stems of the mushrooms are still long. Full of pompons, spikes and other strange structures, they cover the entire island, the island is estimated to have been full of plants, so they are so strong.

There was a lot of dust in the air, and Lin’s bombers couldn’t get close to the island, so Lin made a new type of 'bugper’, and Lin’s decomposing fungi knew their corrosive ability. A kind of carapace is created to protect against such corrosion, and the explorer is a spherical floating unit with a diameter of about two meters. The body has an oxygen balloon, which can use the fin-shaped limb to be in the air. Swimming, it slowly drifted into the fungal islands.

The explorer slowly moves in a deadly environment filled with dust. Lin feels like a jungle full of plants. Various fungi structures are covered with ground, and the explorer gently hits the front. The larger mushroom tree, the mushroom suddenly appeared a crack, while a large number of silk and debris fell from the top.

This structure feels really fragile. It is estimated that it is because it has exhausted the nutrients here. It is now dead.

The explorer sticks out some tentacles, collects some of the fungus's debris, and begins to break down the fungal components in the body.

Lin found that the fungus seems to be different from the mites' plague fungus, which grows more slowly, and the other is the same, with a strong aggressiveness.

Next, the explorers observed a circle on the island. Lin did not find any mites or anything special. These fungi were estimated to be infected by the dust.

After the exploration, Lin asked Bey Moss to point the muzzle at the island and fired several new explosive bombs. The bombs will scatter a large number of flames, and the flames will quickly contact the fungus. Spread and burn, because there are no aphids, these fungi will be burned by the flame before the reaction, and eventually the flame will burn the entire island.

These creatures are troubles... they will only devour and devour, if they eat anything, how do they live?

After ruining the island, Lin continued to move westward with the swimmers. Afterwards, in this sea area, Lin met some fungal islands. There is an island fungus that has not been eaten clean. There are many animals and plants on it. A residue wrapped in hyphae.

Some islands that run out of nutrients, the fungus on it will slowly begin to die, and Lin found that some fungi seem to be unwilling to die, they have a peculiar predation method, they emit a smell with mushrooms, attracting nearby Marine life, such as flying fish, jumps to the island, and any creature that enters the island will soon be surrounded by hyphae and then decomposed.

Changyou did not dare to approach any island, and Lin found that it would be tired after moving for a long time at sea.

And Lynn’s approach to these islands is... burned out.

After the last fungal-infected island was also smouldering under the fire, Changyou finally found a place to rest at sea...

This time, it is not an island. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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