4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1588: monster?

"No way to contact... no way... go back."

It's in the void, it's cold, and there's no air, but they can talk here and live well.

That's because... they opened the first system of life.

"What should we do?"

A ball of fluff is floating with several machines, and not long ago, the train crashed into the stone and ruined.

When a thousand weights are tied with a hair, the pompoms start the tight ejection system on the train, so the pompons and these machines can survive.

But the only ones who survived were the driver-related people on the front of the car. The ordinary passengers did not seem to have a pop-up system, so... there are only train conductors and pompoms, and there are a few guys who should be considered co-pilots.

They popped up soon after they popped up, because the first system of life was started when Lin popped them up. This can be started with the operating system in the cab, so they don’t stun here. It is.

So what should I do next?

"It... hides there." Because the pompoms took a communicator, they could hear them talking.

At this time, the train conductor is looking at a piece of metal that should be the wreckage of the battleship floating in the distance. After the metal piece, you can see something creeping in...

It was the creature that had just dragged the train... It should be a creature. After it pulled the train off, it flew to the back of the piece of metal and hid there without knowing what to do.

In general, it looks like a creature called 'Nautilus', with a round 'shell' and a lot of ... tentacles, the whole body is biased towards dark blue, it is not clear that this creature and trunk There is no connection between this ruinous scenery.

But at least, it attacked the train.

This ‘Nautilus’ is about a few tens of meters in length and has considerable power. It can hold hundreds of meters of train... and it can also break the train.

Therefore, the train conductor said: "You fly back and fly in the direction of coming back. Although it takes a long time, it should be no danger. Sooner or later, you can fly back. Immediately after returning, report to the command post and let the commander-in-chief know the place. Happening."

"I want to stay here, it ruined my train..." The train conductor pointed to the ‘Nautilus’ hiding behind the metal sheet: “So I have to solve it.”

Lin felt that the train conductor... seemed to have become another character in an instant. She was still running away in horror. Now I am here to solve the creature.

"We know! You have to be careful!" And the co-pilot's machines didn't seem to care so much. They quickly flew in the direction of coming back, not even waiting for a second.

"Do you really want to solve it?"

There was only the pompom and the train conductor left here, so the pompom asked it.

"Of course, I used to be the captain of the ‘Pegasos’ cruise ship. I just did this because I retired.”

The train conductor said: "I originally thought that I could live a retired life safely, but I did not expect this to happen... it caused me to anger again, I have to solve these monsters that invaded us!"

At the moment of saying this, the train conductor started the propeller of the body, which flew forward at high speed, and the pompoms followed.

Lin would like to see how it would solve this creature. At the same time, Lin felt that the train conductor suddenly became like this... probably because of a malfunction in its own personality system.

These machines are quite similar to some other intelligent machines that Lynd has seen. They have a system of adjusted personality, but this personality system does not affect memory, so it should have been a captain before.

Of course, the character system does not affect intelligence. The train conductor obviously knows that he can't fight the monster. It doesn't fly directly to the metal piece where the 'nautilus' is located, but instead flies to another place.

Lynn noticed that the train conductor flew to a piece of debris that was almost one kilometer away from the nautilus.

This wreckage should also be on a warship, and it is kept intact, looks like a big gun.

"This is a new type of curved rock gun." When the train conductor saw the pompom flew over, he introduced to the pom-pom: "Even if the ship is destroyed, it can launch itself, the monster. I can't hold this blow!"

Lin noticed that the train conductor flew to the side of the cracked rock cannon and created a small image on it.

"Welcome back, Captain Sarah." Lin found that the image also sounded... the pompoms in the body can be received by the communicator.

"You have retired and do not have the authority to start heavy weapons, but given that the battleship is destroyed, everything is gone, leaving only this gun is your last hope, so you can start this weapon and use it well. Let's go."

"..." The train conductor did not say anything, but continued to adjust.

Lin feels that these systems seem to be very weird. It seems that it is not the system of the train. It may be...

"Okay! Aim at the target!"

After the train conductor was adjusted, the gun itself slowly turned in the void, and Lin found that its tail was fitted with a propeller.

The muzzle was aimed at the piece of metal hidden in the ‘Nautilus’ in the distance. You can see the tentacle creeping behind the piece of metal, which means it is still there.


When the train grew up, Lin also saw it in a flash... The violent explosion exploded in the metal sheet.

Because the distance is not very far, Lynn can see a lot of metal fragments, and some... dark blue, like a piece of meat spattered from the center of the explosion, flew over here.

"Great!" The train conductor cheered at this moment: "We have succeeded! Let it solve... Drop..."

The train conductor’s cheers quickly stopped, because after the explosion of smoke, Lin saw... Nautilus was floating behind the smashed piece of metal.

Some of the tentacles on the head were broken, and the structure of the body was cracked, but the body was not broken.

However, now it is motionless, maybe...

"Resolved?" The trainer’s cheer turned to question, and it was again on the operator panel.

"There is no ammunition anymore." The system said: "Did you waste the last chance? You really, really... too much disappointment, right?"

"..." If you often communicate with such a system, you should be very angry.

"Forget it, check it out in the past." And the train conductor did not control the system, it decided to fly to the nautilus to confirm the situation.

Lynn also just wants to do something like this. (~^~)

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