“This is our newest type of warship. They are equipped with a new weapon system sponsored by our company... including storm-type laser cannons, 'skinny' series of high-energy missiles, and one hundred and sixty hunters. The carrier-based aircraft, the shell is made up of new alloys, and the nano shield, plus the latest twisting engine, this is a perfect void fortress, under its guard, we don’t have to worry about anything...you Are you listening?"

"... Listening."

Here is a car driving in the void.

In fact, there is more than one. Many cars are flying in the void like a queue. There is a huge battleship on the side of these vehicles.

The warship is one kilometer long and looks like a shark. It can be seen from the head and sides of the battleship. It is equipped with a variety of weapons and many guys who look like soldiers. Fighting suits with propellers flew around the battleships, and some were still greeting the team.

For this huge battleship, the passengers in the car were also squeezing at the window with excitement and excitement. The only passenger who did not do so was the spy of Lin...

The spy is now sitting in the car, but instead of looking at the battleship outside, he looks at the information displayed in the watch on his hand.

This made the clown who was sitting in the front row responsible for some dissatisfaction. Although it didn't show up on the surface, Lynn could detect its dissatisfaction, which also indicated that the clown was... alive.

Lin found that other sponsor representatives, most of them, especially animal shapes, are all made by machines, and only a few are the clowns, which are played by real Ershi people.

However, Lin actually has to pay attention to the battleship, but also listen to what it says, but it can't be seen from the perspective of the clown.

Lin is mainly paying attention to the history of this area. It is written in great detail on the watch. This place started as a very serious military area.

At the time of the initial establishment of this monitoring station, all the people of Ershi were treated with extreme seriousness. They worked hard to build the most sophisticated military weapons and deployed them at these monitoring stations.

And always maintain a high level of alert in case of possible alien aggression at any time.

But... this did not happen.

Compared with the vines who always encounter various problems, the Ershi people have been very... peace, the original aggression in the imagination did not appear, the monitoring station can only see at any time. To the endless void of the surrounding.

Although it is said that occasionally some strange signals are detected, there has never been any aggression by alien creatures, so Ershimin... at the end, he put the warning down.

The soldiers who had been strictly guarded here also lived a sleepy and entertaining boring life all day long, which lasted for a long time.

Until some time... I don’t know who was the first to mention it, and to say that these test stations have become tourist attractions, there must be a lot of income.

This may be because a large number of military weapons require high maintenance costs, and there may be other reasons, in short... agree with this in the last Ershi.

Because the general people in Ershi usually live on the surface of the earth, and there is almost no chance of contact with the void, such tourist spots will have great appeal to them.

And this idea was later proved to be very effective. After these stations were used as tourist destinations, they had a huge number of tourists. The people on the Ershi spent their time here to visit, and they made these no "angry" in a flash. The monitoring station is very lively.

Later, a large number of entertainment facilities, hotels, shopping malls and other things were established here. Soon, because of the huge profits, the entertainment facilities here are even larger than military facilities.

However, they are also not negligent in the military aspect, because they have gained a lot of benefits, and many of them are used as research and upgrades for military weapons.

However, no matter how you get it, the military facilities here are much smaller than the entertainment facilities... Just like what Lin sees now, although the warships seem huge, they are much smaller than the space stations equipped with entertainment facilities.

The space station is in the shape of a disc with a diameter of more than 30 kilometers. After flying out of the vehicle, Lin sees the appearance of the space.

Previously, Lin’s edge was the ‘Stargazing Corridor’, where many of the early arrivals were here. When they arrived, they almost immediately wanted to visit and participate in the entertainment facilities built in the void.

And more are inside the space station, among them there are workers and tourists, so a large number of residents let Lin have an idea...

If there is danger here, they may not be able to evacuate all of them because of the transmission technology they use...

It should be similar to the machine people, although it is not detailed in this watch.

However, the military weapons here are much stronger than the machine people. There are higher and newer technologies here. It seems that they do...and have not completely shared this technology to the machine people.

"It’s almost finished now."

Lynn heard the clown's voice and then looked out the window. The sightseeing car had already driven to the last warship.

A total of ten warships were visited during the trip. Each one looks similar and has a length of about one kilometer. The clown said that there are more warships in the introduction, but it is not within the scope of this visit.

As the last battleship was also visited, the clown said to the spy: "The time is already late, I suggest that you can go to our hotel to register for accommodation and visit the night activities inside the space station."

"...good, but if you don't visit, just go to accommodation."

"Yes, I understand."

Then, the car quickly flew back to the space station. After the spies and the clown got off the bus, another group of people couldn’t wait to board the car. The clown took the spy to the interior of the space station and came to a station. ... it was mentioned in the hotel before.

This hotel looks like a very luxurious place, whether it is the hall that you just saw in the hall or the room inside, but... this is not free.

Although the previous lead service is free, there is a charge here, but it is a good currency for the organic people.

The currency used on both sides is different, but it can be exchanged in a peer-to-peer manner. Although it is almost entirely paid for using the ... identity certificate, the currency is still the same.

And this currency is very interesting, Lin found that the two sides are printed with ... the pattern of Ershi, the front and back are the two sides of Ershi. (To be continued.)

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