4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1612: particular

"The type of microbes that have not been seen... does not belong to any microbial population recorded here, it should be brought by the machine, and no threat has been found so far."

"Are you sure? All external pollution must be strictly handled. This place is the least likely to happen!"

"Actually, there is a test program when it is transmitted. They will be put into the space station after passing this test, or they will be sent away at the farther 'purification station'. Being here has already shown that they are safe."

"Yes? Have you ever watched the surveillance video? There was a machine that directly turned itself into a cigarette. Do you think this kind of thing is safe? You must check it in more detail!"

"I know, just put it here for a while..."

Here is a place with white walls everywhere, it should be considered a room like a lab.

Some of Lynn’s mini-arms are in a transparent... square that is placed in the center of the room and is more than a meter high.

And there are a few miniature cameras in this box that move... It comes in from the top of the box, looks like it... like a needle, it can twist and shoot the microbes inside the box and shoot The picture is transferred to the corner of the room.

There was a big three-dimensional screen there, standing on both sides of the screen with two Ershi people, they were watching Lin's arms very carefully.

After Lin’s arms were brought here, they have been observing and researching. Lin found that the Ershi people have very precise detection equipment for microorganisms. They are the things that have been seen before...the flashlights, they use This type of equipment can quickly detect the number and type of microorganisms, and any species that are not recorded will attract their attention.

Emerging microbial species will be brought here to observe the study, and their attitude is also normal, after all, the harmful microorganisms in this space station are troublesome.

However, the person responsible for researching Lin did not seem to care very much about Lin. It just didn't care much after observing it.

The one next to it has been reminding it, but it seems that it is not mainly responsible for research... so I can only do things.

"I said that you are investigating whether these microbes are related to the conspiracy of those machines!" They continued to make trouble.

"Why do you say that... What can you see from a bunch of microbes?" The researcher is still a lazy look: "Don't you say that those machines still live in an oxygen environment? That must be a lot... Ah! What is this!"

The researcher suddenly screamed and bounced out of the seat, because Lin also saw it, and the screen in front of it suddenly turned... it turned blue.

"Is this broken? Is this also a blue screen..."

"That is the phenomenon that antiques will have!" The researcher said: "I have never seen this kind of thing! This..."

'Snapped! ‘It’s not finished, the picture disappears, but...the blue color has not disappeared... And the blue is still creeping like a soft mud.

"Wow! This is where it came from!" The two Ershi people quickly retreated to the center of the room, and the blue mud fell on the ground, slowly creeping to them. .

This is... solidified creature, Lin thought that the first solidified creature would appear in the previous passage, and did not expect to appear in this place.

Lin also has some micro-arms left in the passage of solidified machine-made cigarettes, where nothing happened, but here...

"Fast, grab it!" The researcher seemed to calm down, pushing the next Ershi people.

"What? You want me to catch?" That Ershimin was shocked: "You must catch it if you want to catch it! Are you not studying biology?"

"Are you not archaeological? You dig and dig all day. You are better at facing dangerous situations than I am! Come on, cover it with a cover! This is definitely a new creature! Grab it. , you can get the bonus!"

The researcher said that while moving in the direction of the exit, and the ... archaeological Ershi people seemed interested in the bonus, then it picked up a transparent square on the other side of the room, and slowly approached after opening The creeping blue creature on the ground...

"Caught... ah ah!!!"

At the moment when the archaeological screams, the ground in front of it suddenly collapsed suddenly, and a huge pothole made the Ershi people and the blue creatures fall together.

It seems that... the impact is getting bigger and bigger.

"Ah? What's going on!" The researcher had seen this situation scared. It kept trying to open the door, but the door seemed to have no problem at all.

"Damn! Open!" Because the door is not fully automatic, but the door is not responding, the researcher can only continually hit the door and look at the ground in horror. The hole on the top is getting bigger and bigger.

... Lin can also see the hole on the ground, because some of the micro-arms are not in the box, but in the air.

When brought into the lab, Lin let some of the arms escape from the vacuum cleaner and then observed everywhere.

Now you can see the situation of the lower room from the hole on the ground... just the archaeological and blue creatures just fell to the lower level.

The lower level is also a place like a research room... There are also several Ershi people who are looking at the expanding hole above.

This is caused by the expansion of the solidification channel. It pushes the ground out. Lin feels that it may be possible to continue this way...

'boom! ’

In a fierce roar, Lin has lost her perspective at the Institute.

"Not allowed to move!" And almost at the same time, Lin's spy was surrounded by several armed Arms.

The spies are now wandering around in a shopping mall in the space station. Lin found that they were very fast. The institute had just exploded and they rushed over.

"Don't resist, let us go!" Several Ershi people approached the spy with weapons, and then the spy went out of the mall despite the surprise of the surrounding people.

After a while, Lin found that the spies were taken to somewhere in the space station...something like a prison.

But it was actually a dark little room. They first locked the spy to a chair, and then... they saw that the captain had appeared in front of the spy.

"The attack on the institute was planned by you." The captain said to the spy: "What are you going to do?" (~^~)

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