4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1614: Arrivals

"Transporting devices, space doors, wormholes... We have a lot of names for this kind of device that can achieve over-distance movement, but they are not very accurate. Moreover, this device is not invented by us, but we...discovered of."

"To be correct, it is what we found. Now our understanding of transmission is still in the novice stage, but we have developed many corresponding technologies. For example, the distortion engine is an understanding of the transmission, and improved. An engine on a large ship that replaces the conventional transmission that is more difficult to replenish energy. It is often used for short-range movements. It can be said to be..."


Here is a place where the light is dim, it should be called 'classroom', the spy is sitting at the penultimate window in this classroom, watching the outside environment while listening to the 'teacher' Lecture.

Here is what it is...

Compared with the teacher, Lin pays more attention to the environment outside the window. The sky outside is blue, and there is no cloud... I have not seen any flying creatures until now, but occasionally there are some aircraft flying like fighters and helicopters. past.

Lin has always thought of it here, because Ershi seems to have a lot of interesting secrets, but at the moment it has not found these... interesting secrets.

I might have to look for it after a while, but now I have to listen to the class first... Lin originally thought that they sent the spies to Ershi, maybe they want to put the spies in the prison, because there is After all, the space station is a tourist destination... There are no prisons, only small rooms that temporarily shut the spies.

However, I did not expect to come to such a place. This place is a place called ‘mechanical living area.’ All of them live here...the machine people.

In this class, in addition to spies, all other seats are also machine people. Most of them are made in the same way as Ershimin. Some of them look exactly the same as Ershimin. Whether it is skin or face, some look very conspicuous metal assembled body.

Although they are all different, they are almost all four-legged, but the face of the spy is displayed in a stereoscopic picture... only one spy, which means they are all other models.

Lin had a general understanding of the situation in this place. These machines were all made by people. They were made by various reasons. Some of them were transformed into machines, and some were made intelligent systems. These machines were all Concentrated on living in this 'mechanical living area' and being banned from leaving the area.

At the same time, they need to listen to the class, like listening to it instead of directly inputting data, and also working for something. In short, it is to do life like normal Ershi.

This seems to be quite similar to the vine.

When Lin’s spy came here, he became one of the residents...they directly arranged for Lin’s identity as a resident to listen to it, and also told Lin how to live there, and tomorrow he would go to a Work location report.

They seem to be completely ignoring... It’s interesting to attack the Institute before, but it’s quite possible that Lynn found this...

Because the interrogation machine is useless, because the machine is not afraid of pain and is not afraid of death. If the internal system is forcibly acquired, the machine can urgently delete its own data.

This is a very playful phenomenon. The machine that has made the machine crazy pursues the best interests in everything, but Lin noticed that this is not just for their own interests, they sometimes focus on group interests.

They often think that the loss of death does not tell the secret loss. If a machine attacks a certain place, it will not say any information after it is caught, so it cannot threaten them.

Ershmin should know this.

So in the end, I still use a relatively 'soft' approach to deal with a machine, so I will send the spy here... let the spy live here, and maybe reveal what is going on during life.

Of course, they won't know anything, as long as Lin... don't say it.

Lin doesn't want to ‘station’ on which side, just want to observe the development of the whole thing, and explore interesting things here...

‘叮叮叮...’ When Lin thought about it, a burst of sound sounded, it seemed that the class was over.

Although the teacher on the podium...it was a living Ershimin, he continued to speak, but all the machines in the classroom stood up and went outside the classroom.

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished it yet, wait another two minutes!"

The teacher immediately said, but these machines are still going out. Only one machine stopped to say to the teacher: "You have violated the contract on the contract, the prescribed break time has arrived, and you have no right to take up this time."

After that, it also went out.

Lynn thinks that this machine seems to have made a machine crazy? After it was said by this, the teacher did not say anything. It stayed there and watched the machine go out together. It also included Lin.

Although the course it says is quite interesting, Lynn also wants to go out and have a look.

In fact, the spy was sent to the classroom, but I haven’t seen it outside. Now it’s just...

... went outside.

The spy has arrived... outside the garden, looking back at the building known as the college. The height of the building is about 70 meters. It is made of a mixed metal and stone structure. The floors are all classrooms, and there seems to be nothing special.

Then, the spy turned to look around, there were a lot of green plants under the spy's feet, and Lin found that these plants were actually... alive.

They are all cell creatures, and there are many small arthropods crawling around. Lin records these creatures and walks out of school.

"Now it is forbidden to leave."

But when I got to the door, Lin saw a big machine blocking her body and said: "There are three more classes."


In this case, the spy turned around and went back. Lin also wanted to continue listening to the content, because it is about the latest technology, and there may be interesting findings.

However, Lin also decided to explore more distant places soon, such as the location where other Ershi people live, and the place where... and the place where Ersh communicated, Lin felt that... although possible exchanges But it is better to go to the bottom of the ground. (To be continued.)

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