4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 186: Chasing to the end


What is this sound? The unspoken voice was mixed in the little creature in front of Leviathan, and it sounded with it, but it was not from the same position.

The location is on... above!

Leviathan immediately lifted the glowing tentacles up, only in the light, suddenly plunged down a large creature, this creature fell on the back of Leviathan, constantly biting on it with his mouth and claws, But I can't open Leviathan's carapace.

Leviathan stretched out another tentacles and slammed it on the creature. He knocked it down from his back. The creature rolled over on the ground and stood up again. It quickly rushed to Leviathan. Blocked between Leviathan and the little creature before.

They seem to be a kind?

Leviathan will shine on this creature. It is almost exactly the same as the little creature. It has the forelimb attached to the wing membrane. It only stands on the thick hind legs. The head is round and the mouth is full of teeth. The tail is very similar to a lizard, but Lynn has not seen such a large lizard, including the tail is about six meters in length, although it is still very small compared to the ten-meter Leviathan.

The name 'flying lizard' has already been used, so what is the name? In Lin's thoughts, some of the larger reptiles like this don't seem to be called 'lizards', so it's called... 'Dragon' is good, yes, this creature is called 'Flying Dragon' and it feels good.

The dragon refers to some kind of large and wonderful powerful creature, just like a tornado and a dragon.

The ‘Flying Dragon’ in front of Leviathan kept screaming in front of the cub, as if it were to protect the cub.

Does it seem that the little dragon is produced? Are their nests in this dark canyon?

The dragon screamed back against Leviathan, and it didn't seem to want to play with the huge Leviathan. But I don't want to leave the cub. When it retreats to a distance close enough to the baby. Suddenly, it turned and used the mouth to pick up the cubs, and then suddenly flew to the sky.

Leviathan immediately caught up with the dragon. The dragon saw Leviathan keep up and immediately speeded up the flapping. Lin didn’t know if he wanted to fly to the nest. Some creatures would take the enemy away from themselves. The nest.

In the depths of the dark canyon, the dragon is unobstructed. Lynn heard a very small ‘哒哒’ sound, and the dragon seemed to use echo to explore the surrounding space.

Leviathan relies on the jet system to easily catch up with this flying creature. The dragon wingspan is much bigger than his own, but the speed of flying is slower than that of giant veins. This is related to many aspects. But the main reason is... the problem of the body structure.

The dragon kept turning during the flight, trying to get rid of Leviathan, while Leviathan chased the dragon and used echo detection to detect the surrounding environment, because it was not here. In the echo, Lynn can 'see' many white objects. White objects mean 'uncolored', meaning you have never seen before. These objects are very strange in shape, some are spiked egg-shaped objects, some are a column, and then they are covered with Branches like branches.

And Lynn found that the canyon is quite large. It is speculated that it may be an area that is several kilometers or even tens of kilometers wide. It is not smaller than the canyon formed by the underground world that twists the jungle, and may be even larger.

At this time, Leviathan discovered that there was a small rocky mountain area in front of him. The dragon immediately got into the rocky mountains, and it flew around in it, trying to avoid Leviathan's pursuit.

Leviathan is large and not suitable for shuttle between these rock mountains, so Lin let Leviathan open the main muzzle and fire a bomb in the air.

'boom! ’

At the time of the explosion, a strong ray of light illumined the entire canyon, and the dragon was scared by the sudden flash of light, rushing out of the rocky area and fleeing to the distance.

The flash lasted only a few seconds, and the darkness quickly recovered. Leviathan continued to catch up with the dragon and see where it was going.

And in these few seconds, Lin also saw a lot of wonderful things. The strange structure on the ground that I just saw seems to be a kind of plant. It seems that there are more creatures appearing here. The plague fungus does not seem to affect the look here. Maybe there is something special in the canyon that prevents them from falling in.

At this time, the dragon flew over a huge black area, and Leviathan followed closely. This black area was actually a swamp filled with mud. Lin found that the mud seemed to be flowing, inside. There are also a variety of air bubbles that continue to swell on the swamp, and then blast out with a bang, and the scent from the inside irritates Leviathan's sense of smell.

Lin has seen some mud, which usually contains dangerous gases such as poisonous gas. It seems to be related to the sediment in the mud, but this taste is not poisonous, but the smell of carrion...

Feilongfei is quite close to the surface of the mud, and it keeps slapping the mud with its tail, and also turns to look at Leviathan, as if to do what it wants.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, the mud surface under the dragon blasted openly, and in the mud rushed out of the big mouth like a long tongs, and the big mouth of the fangs bit the dragon's body.

The dragon screamed and struggled fiercely, but its movement lasted only about two seconds, and it was pulled into the mud by the big mouth, and the whole body slowly began to sink into the mud.

There are such large creatures in this mud, and it is no wonder that there is a smell of corpses inside.

The problem of flying came close to observing the dragon. It continually fanned its wings on the mud, but it did not use it at all. The mud drowned its tail, body, wings, neck...


After it made the last scream, the head sank into the mud, and it has now been dragged by the monsters in the mud into the abyss of the mire.

Lin estimates that the dragon knows that there are monsters here, so when they are flying, they constantly pat the mud to try to lure them out to attack Leviathan, but the monster eats it.

This is a matter of course. Generally, predators will choose the dragon that looks easier to deal with, rather than the more difficult and more difficult to deal with Leviathan. The dragon is estimated to be pursued and loses its basic judgment ability. This muddy creature is also quite big, and the body of the dragon is half long.

It’s strange to see that mouth. It’s a creature that Lynn hasn’t seen before, but if there is such a big predator here, it means there should be a lot of large creatures in the vicinity, and the plague fungus really didn’t affect this side.


There was a sudden young voice coming from nearby.

Lin found that the little dragon was still on the mud. It seemed that the big dragon was spit out when it was screaming. It was too light, so it could not sink.

Leviathan pulled the little dragon from the mud with his tentacles, and at about the same time, the big mouth that swallowed the dragon in the swamp suddenly rushed out and bit the body of Leviathan.

Then it loosened almost at the same moment and retracted into the mud swamp.

This creature seems to have a strong judgment ability. It is estimated that it can be judged that it can't eat Leviathan at the moment of biting, so it is released.

Many creatures have this kind of quick judgment, including some creatures with small brains that seem to have nothing to do with intelligence.

Leviathan carefully observed the baby with the tentacle rolling the dragon. Lin was considering whether to break it down. Only the baby could not find its ethnic group or lair, but it may also attract other adult dragons. Take it with you for the time being.

Next, Lin took the cub and watched it all over the canyon. This area is a large mud swamp. Occasionally, some plants and small arthropods are seen on the swamp. For example, flies are especially abundant in this place. They are all There are very small species of individuals, and Lynn sees large creatures.

It may be that occasionally large creatures fly down, just like the flying dragons, and in this dark space, these plants are not long, and Lin estimates that they completely absorb the swamp or underground nutrients from the roots and become A fungus-like creature.

As long as it is not a plague fungus, there is no problem.

Lin has been flying south, that is, flying to the opposite side of the canyon. After the marshland, it is still a rocky ground, but the creatures here are rich, there are many plants with spikes growing here, and Lin I also saw a wonderful reptile creature.

The creature is round and thick, with a length of only one meter and a height of about 30 centimeters. This small creature has a long slab-shaped skeleton behind it, making it completely different from the common reptiles.

Leviathan flew over the plains under the canyon and found many of the creatures in the canyon, but their eyes were intact, which means that they stayed here for a long time, and the eyes have not deteriorated.

They should come from a very bright place, but where is it?

Leviathan accelerated through the plains in the canyon, and the more he flew inside, the more creatures Lin saw, and even some reptiles like those seen in the twisted jungle, but most of them have never been seen.

The creatures here are like twisting the jungle, the arthropods are small, and the reptiles are bigger, but they give Lin a special feeling... It seems that these arthropods are not suddenly small, but they are already It’s been a long time, small enough to evolve a lot of special kinds, and let the larger crawling classes fill the environment.

Suddenly, Leviathan flew to the end.

In front of Leviathan, there was a huge rock wall. This is the opposite of the canyon. The entire valley is about ten kilometers wide, quite large, but what about it?

"Hey!" Xiaofeilong made a cry, it kept pounding and looked over the cliff.

Then... go and have a look! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Heaven's Son Wind ~ rewards ~

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