4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1622: procrastination?

"This... there is actually no computer room."

“Is it? But why do some places indicate the machine room?”

"that is because……"

In the long corridor covered with blue carpet, the spy and a brightly dressed Ershi are walking here.

It was quite a word when I first saw the spy, but now the speech becomes vomiting, probably because the spy’s behavior is a little unexpected.

Because it just took the spy to a place like a conference room, where there is a big video device, when Lin opened the device, it looked like she didn't want to see Lin... but Lynn got from its emotions. I learned that it was installed.

Although it is superficially intended to let Lin see the information in the image, its actual emotions have a component of 'getting ready to be'.

That actually seems to be a bunch of useless information, although Lin still doesn't know what the information is, but Ershimin wants to use this information to drag the time...

So Lynn didn't continue to look at the information, but followed it out and asked to see some... It was in its mood, and did not want Lin to see things, such as the computer room.

"There is no room, it is because...and I will pick up the phone." He said that he took out a mobile phone and said in a low voice: "Yes...Yes, is there no problem? Well, that can only This way..."

After speaking the phone, he sighed, then turned his head and smiled and said to the spy: "This is just an organic house. When the research station was just established, it can't be said now, but it just stopped working. ”

The spy asked: "Why?"

"Because the gravity here has remained constant." Ershimin said: "This is not the use of power devices to keep floating in the air, but the use of gravity-operated systems that make the entire station "constant" State, so it can float above the big hole."

“Is it?” the spy said: “Let me visit these gravitational systems.”

"This system..." Ershi said after a few seconds: "This... yes, you... you haven’t been eating anything all the time? You are also a cell, you need to add nutrients, let’s start with Go eat some... Where have you been?"

Suddenly, Ershi people found that the spies did not know when they were gone.

"...I can't fix it." So, Ershimin had to come up... The phone said: "I can't do anything to let it do anything else. It just does what it wants to do... ...yes? Is it irrelevant to see all the areas of the research station? Can you think of all possible ways to delay? Well, that's it."


It seems that these Ershi people are now in a very... fun state, and Lin found that they did not want Lin to have a big hole, and did not want Lin to know the things in this research station.

However, the two can't have both, because if you want to keep Lin Jin from being empty, you must use the things in the research station to attract Lin, but if you do this, you will let Lin know the situation.

So they are really difficult to do, so Lin is not difficult for it, just explore it here, then go to the computer room and have a look.

Soon, the spy went to the machine room. The color of the computer room was similar to that of other places. The door was pure sky blue, but it was written with the word room.

The door is of course locked, but you can try this. I’ve just arrived from the bright Ershimin... a thing called ‘recognition’, which says it can open rooms that are forbidden.

Poke it with the recognizer, and the door of the computer room popped up: ‘The permissions are not closer, it is forbidden to enter’.

It seems that during the time Lin came over, they upgraded the gates here.

Because when I took the recognizer, the Ershi people did not have any deceptive emotions, that is to say, this is the authority to change later, in this case...


Suddenly, Lin found that the door slowly opened in front of the spy, and the word on it became 'remote control open'.

They seem to suddenly decide to go to Lin, forget it, no matter how you go in and have a look...

...the original.

This machine room is somewhat different from the common computer room. Some of them are not machines, but many blue, egg-like objects.

These eggs are all more than a meter high. They are set in a circular trough on the ground. Lin examined the eggs and soon discovered that these are indeed... things that control gravity.

But it's not that they control gravity, but they are connected to the depths of the big hole, where there is something that controls gravity, which should be a huge device, or an organ.

Eggs are a kind of positioning thing. With these eggs placed here, you can keep the research station from being affected by the gravitational pull, so you can always float high.

But these eggs are not stellar bus creations. Lin thinks that it should be made by Ershimin himself. Although it is like an egg, it is a pure metal creation. It has a complicated structure and is used to guide 'gravitational invalidity' here. .

It is also not accurate to say that gravity is ineffective, because it can keep the research station placed correctly and does not flip. In short, it is no longer in the gravitational pull.

This is quite interesting. If you pull out the eggs and throw them away, they may fall down. They seem to be down... Great determination to let Lin see the things here.

For what? Is it to delay Lin for a long time, not let Lin go to the big hole?

It is true that these Ershi people seem to be planning to show Lin the whole research station, and they have to delay Lin’s appearance.

Then continue to go to other places to see it, then Lin has some other places of interest, such as a...

meeting room.

Although Lin has seen several conference rooms, there is nothing special about those conference rooms. That is because... the general conference rooms are the places where Ershimin discuss each other.

But there is such a special meeting room, which is the place where Ershimin and...

That place is also an area that is forbidden to enter, but now they may be willing to enter Lin.

The spy quickly walked out of the machine room and walked to the special meeting room, which is located in the middle of the research station and is a very special place.

When Lin's spy put the recognizer on the door, Lin suddenly heard a voice.

"That... Dear alien creature, please pay attention... One of the representatives of our world has come here, it is looking forward to talking with you, can you come to the living room on the uppermost floor of the research station?" (~^ ~)

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