4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1624: elevator

"Here is the gravitational elevator that can lead to the depths."

Lynn’s spy is slowly walking into a huge...square metal object.

This thing is called a gravitational elevator. It is said to be driven by a gravitational control of a similar research station and can reach the bottom of the cavity.

However, from the appearance, it is a metal block with a length, width and height of ten meters. There are large windows inside to see the outside situation. Lin is now in this box.

They seem to be going to let the spy go down, not intending to continue delaying, or can't continue to drag it? Lynn feels that there is something possible.

As for the leader who said that he wants to communicate with Lin, it has not appeared before Lin’s eyes. It seems that he has not appeared since the beginning, but other Ershi people said that there is such a guy who wants to see Lin. I don't mention it now.

There are a few well-armed Ershi people who walked with Lin, including the ones that were worn very brightly. Of course, it is not bright now, but it is replaced with a suit and a weapon.

Because they say that there may be some danger in the process of going down to the hole, so it is necessary to prepare the armed forces.

In addition to these accompanying soldiers, they also intend to dispatch three armed helicopters and two anti-gravity gunships.

"Okay, now everyone is ready to start!"

The originally brighter Ershimin seems to be responsible for the operation. After Lin saw that it took out a piece of flat sheet and poked it a few times... The elevator began to shake slightly, and then slowly descended.

From the window around the elevator, Lin can see the change of scenery outside. The elevator is now slowly coming out at the bottom of the research station and descending into the hollow.

Lin originally had a point that the elevator was not an elevator, but that they wanted to trick the spy into a sealed space. It seems that this is not the case. It is really the way the elevator looks, and they are willing to Send it down.

But on the way to sending it, I don’t know what will happen.

Lin is seeing those ... armed helicopters, flying in the distance of more than 100 meters from the elevator, accompanied by the elevator slowly descending slowly.

As for those anti-gravity gunships...they look like egg-shaped, about 30 meters in length, with various weapons around them. It is said to be a new weapon of new technology, but this is what Lin sees in the data. They didn't appear here, maybe they are still preparing for it.

In this way, Lin looked at the scenery while waiting for the elevator to slowly descend...

Suddenly, Lin found that this seems to be a... very boring thing, because the surrounding scenery is very dim, can only barely see the cliff far away, and the elevator descends very slowly, about one and a half meters or so, no Know how long it will take to get to the bottom.

Moreover, Lin did not find any description about the depth of the big hole before, which is quite strange.

“How deep is this?” the spy asked the brighter people at the corner of the elevator.

"Ah? This... It will take about three hours to get to the bottom." Brighter asked: "No... maybe it will be longer..."

Lin knows that it wants to be vaguely mixed. Obviously it doesn't want to answer this question accurately, so Lin continues to ask: "Speak the exact time."

"This... I don't know too well, because I haven't been there, but the approximate time is so much."

Although its emotions show that it knows exactly what the exact time is, it just wants to mix it. To be precise, it should be disguised as ignorant, letting Lin give up the information from it.

Maybe it’s just not wanting Lin to ask more questions, or maybe...

"Attention, here is going to speed up!" Suddenly a sound rang in the elevator, and the speed of the elevator suddenly increased from 0.6 meters per second to 0.6 meters per second.

...it doesn't seem to make any sense.

Then the elevator continued to move slowly down at a slow speed. Lin asked the bright Ershi people a lot of questions that he did not want to answer, while watching the scenery outside move slowly.

"Do you have a detailed process of communicating with Ershi? What is your attitude towards Ershi? What is there at the bottom of the empty hole? I know that you are trying to fool me, so don't be fooled to tell the truth."

Lynn asked a bunch of these questions not to know the answer, just to see its reaction, its reaction is very similar to that of Lin, who has been arrogant and does not know how to answer, the surrounding Ershimin They all cast a 'sympathy' emotion on it, but none wanted to help it.

"I... We may soon encounter some dangers, so we must improve our alert. Would you like to say it again?" When I didn't know how to answer, the brighter people said something like this.

When Lin was preparing to ask it ‘what’s the danger,’ it suddenly yelled: “Be careful! Prepare to shoot!”

'clang! At almost the same time, Lynn heard a crash, and saw a sharp, like... stone material hitting the glass.

It looked like a stone-made arrow, which did not cause a little damage to the elevator window, but soon more similar arrows were shot.

These stone arrows hit the local area around the elevator, and the soldiers in the elevator calmly took out a phone call and began to operate on it.

As the soldiers operated, Lin found that there were a lot of ... weapons around the elevator.

These weapons continued to fire in the direction of the arrow, and Lin quickly discovered that the location where they were shot...the place that was originally dark was suddenly exploded.

The explosion was filled with a lot of dark red liquid that looked like blood.

"What is that?" Lin asked the bright Ershimin.

“It’s just some local indigenous people, you don’t have to care.” It replied casually while using the phone to operate the weapons around the elevator.

“Indigenous? Do you have any information?” Lin continued.

"Of course, you can show it to you after you finish playing." It seems that this is not a spyware, it is very fast.

Lin also saw the three armed helicopters outside facing the darkness, shooting in a position that seemed to have nothing. About a second or so of shooting, there was something blasting at the location where the shot was fired. The blasted thing seemed to be Here is the thing that shoots the stone arrow.

After exploding ten positions, it seems that they all solved. The helicopter continued to return to its original position. The weapons around the elevators also shrank back. The brighter people gave Lin a copy of the information.

The name on this document is... ‘Indigenous people of Antarctica’. (To be continued.)

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